Category Archives: telepathy


“…The Domain Expeditionary Force first entered into the Milky Way galaxy very recently — only about 10,000 years ago.  Their first action was to conquer the home planets of the “Old Empire” (this is not the official name, but a nick-name given to the conquered civilization by The Domain Forces) that served as the seat of central government for this galaxy, and other adjoining regions of space.  These planets are  located in the star systems in the tail of the Big Dipper constellation. She did not mention which stars, exactly.

About 1,500 years later The Domain began the installation bases for their own forces along the path of invasion which leads toward the center of this galaxy and beyond.  About 8,200 years ago The Domain forces set up a base on Earth in the Himalaya Mountains near the border of modern Pakistan and Afghanistan.  This was a base for a battalion of The Domain Expeditionary Force, which included about 3,000 members. 

They set up a base under or inside the top of a mountain.  The mountain top was drilled into and made hollow to create an area large enough to house the ships and personnel of that force.  An electronic illusion of the mountain top was then created to hide the base by projecting a false image from inside the mountain against a “force screen”.  The ships could then enter and exit through the force screen, yet remain unseen by homo sapiens.

Shortly after they settled there the base was surprised by an attack from a remnant of the military forces of the “Old Empire”.  Unbeknownst to The Domain, a hidden, underground base on Mars, operated by the “Old Empire”, had existed for a very long time.  The Domain base was wiped out by a military attack from the Mars base and the IS-BEs of The Domain Expeditionary Force were captured.

You can imagine that The Domain was very upset about losing such a large force of officers and crew, so they sent other crews to Earth to look for them.  Those crews were also attacked(EMPHASIS ADDED BY THE EDITOR) The captured IS-BEs from The Domain Forces were handled in the same fashion as all other IS-BEs who have been sent to Earth. They were each given amnesia, had their memories replaced with false pictures and hypnotic commands and sent to Earth to inhabit biological bodies. They are still a part of the human population today.” (EMPHASIS ADDED BY THE EDITOR)


 “The Domain has, as yet, been unable to rescue the 3,000 IS-BEs of the Expeditionary Force Battalion either.  They are forced to inhabit biological bodies on Earth.  We have been able to recognize and track most of them for the past 8,000 years. However, our attempts to communicate with them are usually futile, as they are unable to remember their true identity.

The majority of lost members of The Domain force have followed the general progression of Western civilization from India, into the Middle East, then to Chaldea, and Babylon, into Egypt, through Achaia, Greece, Rome, into Europe, to the Western Hemisphere, and then all around the world.

The members of the lost Battalion and many other IS-BEs on Earth, could be valuable citizens of The Domain, not including those who are vicious criminals or perverts.  Unfortunately, there has been no workable method conceived to emancipate the IS-BEs from Earth. 

 Therefore, as a matter of common logic, as well as the official policy of The Domain, it is safer and more sensible to avoid contact with the IS-BE population of Earth until such time as the proper resources can be allocated to locate and destroy  the “Old Empire” force screen and amnesia machinery and develop a therapy to restore the memory of an IS-BE.”

— Excerpts from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

Originally posted 2012-11-12 00:10:34. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




According to the transcripts published in the book, “Alien Interview”, the extraterrestrial saucer pilot, engineer and officer of “The Domain” communicated telepathically with Matilda MacElroy.  Although the alien occupied a non-biological body, it was able to leave the body as a spiritual entity, or “IS-BE”  (Immortal Spiritual BEing) and return to the base of operations in the asteroid belt surrounding Earth.  According to the alien, all people on Earth, as well as throughout the universes, have one underlying common factor:  each one is an IS-BE.

The characteristics of an IS-BE are spiritual.  According to the transcripts the ability to travel and communicate without the use of a body are commonplace throughout The Domain.  Perhaps this phenomenon explains many of the “out-of-body” experiences reported by so many people.  It may also explain much of the “alien abduction” experiences so many people claim to have experienced.

Airl, the alien interviewed in the transcripts also says that people, as prisoners on Earth, were sent to Earth as IS-BEs.  That is, they are transported to Earth as an IS-BE, not in a body.  Subsequently, they are continually influenced, misguided, given amnesia and covertly manipulated by their captors to believe that “reality” is entirely different that what is in actuality.  Do we ever “see” any physical evidence of this activity?  Do we ever “see” aliens directing the actions of people on Earth in physical bodies?  There are reports of such things, but the vast majority of people on Earth are not aware of anything happening to them.

If aliens communicate and travel primarily as spiritual beings, perhaps our efforts to quantify alien contact with Earth should not be limited to pictures or videos of UFOs.  Perhaps the true evidence of alien contact is really the person, subjective, telepathic experiences that people on Earth experience.  Our search for “evidence” of alien contact may be misguided and misdirected to the degree that “proof” is defined in Western civilization only and solely in physical terms.

Einstein spent his life searching for a “unified field”, but never discovered it.  Essentially, he was looking for the most fundamental factors that underlay the creation and substance of a universe.  However, his search was limited to physical universe language and mathematical symbols, which are, by definition, not spiritual in nature.

If we ask the wrong questions, we don’t get the right answers….

Originally posted 2009-04-29 23:24:34. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The space craft is operated by IS-BEs who use “doll bodies” in much the same way that an actor wears a mask and costume.  It is a like a mechanical tool through which to operate in the physical world.  She, as well as all of the other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these “doll bodies” when they are on duty in space.  When they are not on duty, they “leave” the body and operate, think, communicate, travel, and exist without the use of a body.

The bodies are constructed of synthetic materials, including a very sensitive electrical nervous system, to which each IS-BE adjusts themselves or “tune in” to an electronic wavelength that is matched uniquely to the wavelength or frequency emitted by each IS-BE.  Each IS-BE is capable of creating a unique wave frequency which identifies them, much like a radio signal frequency. This serves, in part, as identification like a finger print.  The doll body acts like a radio receiver for the IS-BE.  No two frequencies or doll bodies are exactly the same.

The bodies of each IS-BE crew member are likewise tuned into and connected to the “nervous system” built into the space craft.  The space craft is built in much the same way as the doll body.  It is adjusted specifically to the frequency of each IS-BE crew member.  Therefore, the craft can be operated by the “thoughts” or energy emitted by the IS-BE.  It is really a very simple, direct control system.  So, there are no complicated controls or navigation equipment on board the space craft.  They operate as an extension of the IS-BE.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview

Originally posted 2010-12-27 15:42:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
