Tag Archives: telepathy


Jiddu Krishnamurti (May 12, 1895 – February 17, 1986

Later that day, it was decided that several other people would attempt to ask questions of the alien.  However, in spite of several attempts by different “experts”, no one else was ever able to get any communication at all from the alien. Over the next several days a psychic research scientist from back East was flown to the base to interview the alien.  Her name was Gertrude something or other.  I don’t recall the last name.  On another occasion an Indian clairvoyant named Krishnamurti came to the base to try to communicate with the alien . Neither one was successful at getting the alien to communicate anything.  I was personally not able to communicate telepathically with either of these people either, although I did think that Mr. Krishnamurti was a very kind and intelligent gentleman. Finally, it was decided that I should be left with the alien by myself to see if I could get any answers.”

–  Excerpted from the transcripts in the book “Alien Interview”.

Originally posted 2009-05-26 12:10:56. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




According to the transcripts published in the book, “Alien Interview”, the extraterrestrial saucer pilot, engineer and officer of “The Domain” communicated telepathically with Matilda MacElroy.  Although the alien occupied a non-biological body, it was able to leave the body as a spiritual entity, or “IS-BE”  (Immortal Spiritual BEing) and return to the base of operations in the asteroid belt surrounding Earth.  According to the alien, all people on Earth, as well as throughout the universes, have one underlying common factor:  each one is an IS-BE.

The characteristics of an IS-BE are spiritual.  According to the transcripts the ability to travel and communicate without the use of a body are commonplace throughout The Domain.  Perhaps this phenomenon explains many of the “out-of-body” experiences reported by so many people.  It may also explain much of the “alien abduction” experiences so many people claim to have experienced.

Airl, the alien interviewed in the transcripts also says that people, as prisoners on Earth, were sent to Earth as IS-BEs.  That is, they are transported to Earth as an IS-BE, not in a body.  Subsequently, they are continually influenced, misguided, given amnesia and covertly manipulated by their captors to believe that “reality” is entirely different that what is in actuality.  Do we ever “see” any physical evidence of this activity?  Do we ever “see” aliens directing the actions of people on Earth in physical bodies?  There are reports of such things, but the vast majority of people on Earth are not aware of anything happening to them.

If aliens communicate and travel primarily as spiritual beings, perhaps our efforts to quantify alien contact with Earth should not be limited to pictures or videos of UFOs.  Perhaps the true evidence of alien contact is really the person, subjective, telepathic experiences that people on Earth experience.  Our search for “evidence” of alien contact may be misguided and misdirected to the degree that “proof” is defined in Western civilization only and solely in physical terms.

Einstein spent his life searching for a “unified field”, but never discovered it.  Essentially, he was looking for the most fundamental factors that underlay the creation and substance of a universe.  However, his search was limited to physical universe language and mathematical symbols, which are, by definition, not spiritual in nature.

If we ask the wrong questions, we don’t get the right answers….

Originally posted 2009-04-29 23:24:34. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“It has been almost exactly 40 years since the crash at Roswell.  Since then it has become obvious to me that I have been able to communicate telepathically with Airl for one reason: I am one of the 3,000 members of the Lost Battalion.  At this time, all of the members of the Lost Battalion have been located on Earth as a result of The Domain Annunaki Mission and their use of the “Tree of Life” detection device.

Through my communication with Airl, I have recovered some of my memory of lives I’ve spent on Earth over the past 8,000 years. Most of these memories are not especially important compared to the long backtrack of events, but it has been a necessary stepping stone to regaining my awareness and ability as an IS-BE.

I can also remember some dim patches of my life in The Domain Expeditionary Force.  I was a nurse there too.  For the most part I’ve been a nurse over and over and over again down through the ages. I stick with being a nurse because it is familiar to me. And, I enjoy the work of helping people, as well as members of the race of biological beings in The Domain whose bodies look more like insects than mammals, especially their hands. Even doll bodies need some repair once in awhile, too.

As I remember more about my past, I realize that the rest of my life is in the future.  Eternity is not just in the past.  Eternity is in the future.”

— Excerpted from the final letter written by Matilda MacElroy, published in the book, Alien Interview.

Originally posted 2010-06-25 17:01:05. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
