Category Archives: Domain officer class


“Airl told me her reasons for coming to Earth and for being in the area of the 509th Bomber Squadron. [i] (Footnote) She was sent by her superior officers to investigate the explosions of nuclear weapons which have been tested in New Mexico. [ii] (Footnote) Her superiors ordered her to gather information from the atmosphere that could be used to determine the extent of radiation [iii] (Footnote) and potential harm this might cause to the environment. During her mission, the space craft was struck by a lighting  [iv] (Footnote),which caused her to lose control and crash. 

The space craft is operated by IS-BEs who use “doll bodies” in much the same way that an actor wears a mask and costume.  It is a like a mechanical tool through which to operate in the physical world.  She, as well as all of the other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these “doll bodies” when they are on duty in space.  When they are not on duty, they “leave” the body and operate, think, communicate, travel, and exist without the use of a body.”

The bodies are constructed of synthetic materials, including a very sensitive electrical nervous system, to which each IS-BE adjusts themselves or “tune in” to an electronic wavelength [v] (Footnote) that is matched uniquely to the wavelength or frequency emitted by each IS-BE.  Each IS-BE is capable of creating a unique wave frequency which identifies them, much like a radio signal frequency. This serves, in part, as identification like a finger print.  The doll body acts like a radio receiver for the IS-BE.  No two frequencies or doll bodies are exactly the same.

The bodies of each IS-BE crew member are likewise tuned into and connected to the “nervous system” built into the space craft.  The space craft is built in much the same way as the doll body.  It is adjusted specifically to the frequency of each IS-BE crew member.  Therefore, the craft can be operated by the “thoughts” or energy emitted by the IS-BE.  It is really a very simple, direct control system.  So, there are no complicated controls or navigation equipment on board the space craft.  They operate as an extension of the IS-BE.

When the lightning bolt struck the space craft this caused a short circuit and consequently “disconnected” them from the control of the ship momentarily which resulted in the crash.

— Excerpt from the Top Secret Transcripts from Roswell, 1947 — published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW


[i]  “…509th Bomber Squadron…”

“The 509th Composite Group was an air combat unit of the United States Army Air Forces during the Second World War and as the 509th Operations Group, is a current unit of the United States Air Force. It was tasked with developing and employing a combat delivery system for the Atomic bomb and conducted the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in August 1945.

The group later became a medium bombardment group of the Strategic Air Command, as the combat component of the 509th Bomb Wing, before being inactivated in 1952. Its lineage, honors, and history were also bestowed on the like-numbered wing in 1947.

The 509th Composite Group was constituted on December 9, 1944, and activated on December 17, 1944, at Wendover Army Air Field, Utah, commanded by Colonel Paul W. Tibbets.  Colonel Tibbets had been assigned to organize and command a combat group to develop the means of delivering an atomic weapon by airplane against targets in Germany and Japan. Because the flying squadrons of the group consisted of both bomber and transport aircraft, the group was designated as a “composite” rather than a “bombardment” unit.

The mission profile for both atomic missions called for weather scouts to precede the strike force by an hour, reporting weather conditions in code over each proposed target. The strike force consisted of a bombing aircraft, with the aircraft commander responsible for all decisions in reaching the target and the bomb commander (weaponeer) responsible for all decisions regarding dropping of the bomb; a blast instrumentation aircraft which would fly the wing of the strike aircraft and drop instruments by parachute into the target area; and a camera ship, which would also carry scientific observers. Each mission would have one “spare” aircraft accompanying it as far as Iwo Jima to take over carrying the bomb if the strike aircraft encountered mechanical problems.

The Hiroshima mission was flown as planned and executed without significant problems or diversion from plan. The Nagasaki mission, however, originally targeted Kokura and encountered numerous problems which resulted in the bombing of the secondary target, a delay in bombing of almost two hours, detonation of the bomb some distance from the designated aiming point, and a diversion of the strike force to emergency landings on Okinawa because of a lack of fuel. However the basic objectives of the mission were met despite the problems.

Lieutenant Jacob Beser flew on both attack aircraft (the only man to do so), although Maj. Charles W. Sweeney and crew observed Hiroshima from The Great Artiste and dropped the bomb on Nagasaki from Bockscar. Lawrence H. Johnston of Project Alberta observed all three nuclear explosions, including the Trinity test.

While the Nagasaki mission was in progress, two B-29’s of the 509th took off from Tinian to return to Wendover. Lt.Col. Classen, the deputy group commander, in the unnamed victor 94 and crew B-6 in Jabit III, together with their ground crews, were sent back to stage for the possibility of transporting further bomb assemblies to Tinian. However the plutonium cores were still at Site Y, and on August 13 Gen. Groves ordered that all shipments of material be stopped. His order reached Los Alamos in time to keep the third bomb from being shipped. The first Atomic War lasted 9 days, August 6 through August 15, 1945.

After the Nagasaki mission the group continued combat operations, making another series of pumpkin bomb attacks (12 dropped) on August 14. With the announcement of the Japanese surrender, however, the 509th CG flew three further training missions involving 31 sorties on August 18, 20, and 22, then stood down from operations.”

See Article at Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

— Reference:

[ii]  “… nuclear weapons which have been tested in New Mexico.”

“The first nuclear weapons test was conducted in Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, during the Manhattan Project, and given the codename “Trinity”. The test was originally to confirm that the implosion-type nuclear weapon design was feasible, and to give an idea of what the actual size and effects of a nuclear explosion would be before they were used in combat against Japan. While the test gave a good approximation of many of the explosion’s effects, it did not give an appreciable understanding of nuclear fallout, which was not well understood by the project scientists until well after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

 — Reference:

[iii]  “…radiation…”

The dangers of radioactivity and of radiation were not immediately recognized. Acute effects of radiation were first observed in the use of X-rays when the Serbo-Croatian-American electric engineer Nikola Tesla intentionally subjected his fingers to X-rays in 1896. He published his observations concerning the burns that developed, though he attributed them to ozone rather than to X-rays. His injuries healed later.

The genetic effects of radiation, including the effects on cancer risk, were recognized much later. In 1927 Hermann Joseph Muller published research showing genetic effects, and in 1946 was awarded the Nobel prize for his findings.

Before the biological effects of radiation were known, many physicians and corporations had begun marketing radioactive substances as patent medicine and radioactive quackery. Examples were radium enema treatments, and radium-containing waters to be drunk as tonics. Marie Curie spoke out against this sort of treatment, warning that the effects of radiation on the human body were not well understood (Curie later died from aplastic anemia assumed due to her work with radium, but later examination of her bones showed that she had been a careful laboratory worker and had a low burden of radium. A more likely cause was her exposure to unshielded X-ray tubes while a volunteer medical worker in WWI). By the 1930s, after a number of cases of bone necrosis and death in enthusiasts, radium-containing medical products had nearly vanished from the market.”

— Reference:

[iv]   …”the space craft was struck by a bolt of lighting”…

 “Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms. The leader of a bolt of lightning can travel at speeds of 60,000 m/s, and can reach temperatures approaching 30,000 °C (54,000 °F), hot enough to fuse soil or sand into glass channels. There are over 16 million lightning storms every year.”

— Reference:

[v] …”electronic wavelength”…

 “In physics, wavelength is the distance between repeating units of a propagating wave of a given frequency. It is commonly designated by the Greek letter lambda (λ). Examples of wave-like phenomena are light, water waves, and sound waves. In a wave, a property varies with the position. For example, this property can be the air pressure for a sound wave, or the magnitude of the electric or the magnetic field for light. The wavelengths of frequencies audible to the human ear (20 Hz–20 kHz) are between approximately 17 m and 17 mm, respectively. Visible light ranges from deep red, roughly 700 nm to violet, roughly 400 nm (430–750 THz). For other examples, see electromagnetic spectrum.”

 — Reference:

Originally posted 2012-11-20 12:47:50. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



TESLA 1898

“A few officers of The Domain Expeditionary Force have taken it upon themselves to provide technology to Earth during their off duty time.  These officers leave their “doll” at the space station and, as an IS-BE, assume or take over a biological body on Earth.  In some cases an officer can remain on duty while they inhabit and control other bodies at the same time.

This is a very dangerous and adventurous undertaking.  It requires a very able IS-BE to accomplish such a mission, and return to base successfully.  One officer who did this recently, while continuing to attend to his official duties, was known on Earth as the electronics inventor, Nicola Tesla. [i] (Footnote

It is my intention, although is not a part of my mission orders, to assist you in your efforts to advance scientific and humanitarian progress on Earth.  My intention is to help other IS-BEs to help themselves. In order to solve the amnesia problem on Earth you will need much more advanced technology, as well as social stability to allow enough time for research and development of techniques to free the IS-BE from the body, and to free the mind of the IS-BE from amnesia.

Although The Domain has a long term interest in maintaining Earth as a useful planet, it has no particular interest in the human population of Earth, other than its own personnel here.  We are interested in preventing destruction, as well as accelerating the development of technologies that will sustain the infrastructures of the global biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

(Editor’s Notes: 
January, 9th 1943: After learning of Teslas’ death, the FBI ordered the U.S. Office of Alien Property to seize all of Teslas’ inventions.  The Top Secret experiments, personal papers and patents (including Tesla’s “Death Ray”) were taken to Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  This is the SAME base that the crashed remnants of the UFO of The Domain (piloted by Airl) were taken in July, 1947!  Teslas’ “Death Ray” invention later became the “Star Wars” device deployed in space under the “Strategic Defense Initiative” as the “X-ray laser”.  This device effectively prevents the use of nuclear war-head missiles and ends the threat of global nuclear warfare!Recommended books about Nikola Tesla:

Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla : Biography of a Genius

My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla by Nikola Tesla




[i]  “…Nicola Tesla…”

“Nikola Tesla  (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Born in Smiljan, Croatian Krajina, Military Frontier, he was an ethnic Serb subject of the Austrian Empire and later became an American citizen. Tesla is best known for his many revolutionary contributions to the discipline of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th century. Tesla’s patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor, with which he helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. Contemporary biographers of Tesla have deemed him “the man who invented the twentieth century” and “the patron saint of modern electricity.”

After his demonstration of wireless communication (radio) in 1893 and after being the victor in the “War of Currents”, he was widely respected as America’s greatest electrical engineer. Much of his early work pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance. During this period, in the United States, Tesla’s fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture but due to his eccentric personality and unbelievable and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological developments, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded as a “mad scientist”. Never having put much focus on his finances, Tesla died impoverished at the age of 86.

Aside from his work on electromagnetism and engineering, Tesla is said to have contributed in varying degrees to the establishment of robotics, remote control, radar and computer science, and to the expansion of ballistics, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics. In 1943, the Supreme Court of the United States credited him as being the inventor of the radio.”

He performed several experiments prior to Roentgen’s discovery (including photographing the bones of his hand; later, he sent these images to Roentgen) but didn’t make his findings widely known; much of his research was lost in the 5th Avenue lab fire of March 1895.

A “world system” for “the transmission of electrical energy without wires” that depends upon the electrical conductivity was proposed in which transmission in various natural mediums with current that passes between the two point are used to power devices. In a practical wireless energy transmission system using this principle, a high-power ultraviolet beam might be used to form a vertical ionized channel in the air directly above the transmitter-receiver stations. The same concept is used in virtual lightning rods, the electrolaser electroshock weapon, and has been proposed for disabling vehicles.

Tesla demonstrated “the transmission of electrical energy without wires” that depends upon electrical conductivity as early as 1891. The Tesla effect (named in honor of Tesla) is the archaic term for an application of this type of electrical conduction (that is, the movement of energy through space and matter; not just the production of voltage across a conductor)

Tesla also investigated harvesting energy that is present throughout space. He believed that it was just merely a question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature, stating: Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe.  —”Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency” (February 1892)

Tesla began to theorize about electricity and magnetism’s power to warp, or rather change, space and time and the procedure by which man could forcibly control this power. Near the end of his life, Tesla was fascinated with the idea of light as both a particle and a wave, a fundamental proposition already incorporated into quantum physics. This field of inquiry led to the idea of creating a “wall of light” by manipulating electromagnetic waves in a certain pattern. This mysterious wall of light would enable time, space, gravity and matter to be altered at will, and engendered an array of Tesla proposals that seem to leap straight out of science fiction, including anti-gravity airships, teleportation, and time travel.

The single strangest invention Tesla ever proposed was probably the “thought photography” machine. He reasoned that a thought formed in the mind created a corresponding image in the retina, and the electrical data of this neural transmission could be read and recorded in a machine. The stored information could then be processed through an artificial optic nerve and played back as visual patterns on a viewscreen.

Another of Tesla’s theorized inventions is commonly referred to as Tesla’s Flying Machine, which appears to resemble an ion-propelled aircraft. Tesla claimed that one of his life goals was to create a flying machine that would run without the use of an airplane engine, wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard fuel source. Initially, Tesla pondered about the idea of a flying craft that would fly using an electric motor powered by grounded base stations. As time progressed, Tesla suggested that perhaps such an aircraft could be run entirely electro-mechanically. The theorized appearance would typically take the form of a cigar or saucer.

In the Colorado Springs lab, Tesla observed unusual signals that he later thought may have been evidence of extraterrestrial radio communications coming from Venus or Mars. He noticed repetitive signals from his receiver which were substantially different from the signals he had noted from storms and earth noise. Specifically, he later recalled that the signals appeared in groups of one, two, three, and four clicks together. Tesla had mentioned before this event and many times after that he thought his inventions could be used to talk with other planets. There have even been claims that he invented a “Teslascope” for just such a purpose.

I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.” — New York Herald Tribune, September 11, 1932

Tesla was critical of Einstein’s relativity work, calling it :

“…[a] magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king…, its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists… ” — New York Times, July 11, 1935, p 23, c.8

“Nikola Tesla invented the 20th and 21st Century. A ‘discoverer of new principles,’ Tesla was the sole inventor of the alternating poly-phase current generators that light up every town in the world today. He was the original inventor of the radio, and placed his ideas in print and demonstrated them before the public 5 years before Marconi. By the turn of the century, he had discussed the feasibility of television; he created an atom smasher capable of evaporating rubies and diamonds; he built wireless neon lamps that gave off more light than today’s conventional bulbs provide; he built precursors to the electron microscope, the laser and X-ray photographs. He sent his shadowgraphs to the discoverer of X-rays in 1895 as soon a Roentgen published his famous pictures. Tesla also created Kirlian-like photographs 75 years before they became famous. All of this took place before 1900!’

Tesla, and not Edison, invented the poly-phase alternators that power our modern civilization; and it was Tesla who was eventually awarded Marconi’s wireless patents long after Tesla and Marconi were both dead. In all, Tesla contributed over 1200 patents, and we are currently using only some 200 of them. Near everyone remembers the Tesla Coil, but how many remember that he demonstrated wireless transmission of electric power prior to 1900?

Tesla is quoted as saying:

‘In the dark I had the sense of a bat, and could detect the presence of an object at a distance of 12 feet away by a peculiar creepy sensation on the forehead…

‘In Budapest, I could hear the ticking of a watch with 3 rooms between me and the timepiece. A fly alighting on a table in the room would cause a dull thud in my ear. A carriage passing at a distance of a few miles fairly shook my whole body. The whistle of a locomotive 20 or 30 miles away made the bench or chair on which I sat vibrate so strongly that the pain was unbearable. The ground under my feet trembled continuously…’

Tesla said in an 1892 lecture :

‘Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic – and this we know it is, for certain – then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.’

—  Reference:

Originally posted 2013-06-23 20:12:56. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The space craft is operated by IS-BEs who use “doll bodies” in much the same way that an actor wears a mask and costume.  It is a like a mechanical tool through which to operate in the physical world.  She, as well as all of the other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these “doll bodies” when they are on duty in space.  When they are not on duty, they “leave” the body and operate, think, communicate, travel, and exist without the use of a body.

The bodies are constructed of synthetic materials, including a very sensitive electrical nervous system, to which each IS-BE adjusts themselves or “tune in” to an electronic wavelength that is matched uniquely to the wavelength or frequency emitted by each IS-BE.  Each IS-BE is capable of creating a unique wave frequency which identifies them, much like a radio signal frequency. This serves, in part, as identification like a finger print.  The doll body acts like a radio receiver for the IS-BE.  No two frequencies or doll bodies are exactly the same.

The bodies of each IS-BE crew member are likewise tuned into and connected to the “nervous system” built into the space craft.  The space craft is built in much the same way as the doll body.  It is adjusted specifically to the frequency of each IS-BE crew member.  Therefore, the craft can be operated by the “thoughts” or energy emitted by the IS-BE.  It is really a very simple, direct control system.  So, there are no complicated controls or navigation equipment on board the space craft.  They operate as an extension of the IS-BE.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview

Originally posted 2010-12-27 15:42:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
