Category Archives: out-of-body operation


I recently received the following e-mail from a reader of Alien Interview :
“I want to thank you for editing the book, “Alien Interview.” I know that what you have presented is the truth because I have had several personal experiences that directly confirm the facts in the book.
I want to share the fact that I have begun to remember my past existences as an Immortal Spiritual Being. Two specific sets of memories have resurfaced: I completely remember the between lives brainwashing amnesia process as well as how I was transported to Earth.
The other day I was reading your blog about the “Alien Interview” and I read an article that mentions how subjective experiences should be considered as evidence, but are rejected in the Western world. I hope that my own subjective experience helps to prove the truth you are trying to share with others.
These memories themselves resurfaced five years ago, before I had even heard of your book or your work. So what I experienced was in no way influenced by the book. At this time in my life, I was deeply contemplating who I truly was and what the purpose of my existence was. These memories resurfaced when I fell asleep one night. At first, I mistook them as dreams. But this experience was too real and too oddly specific to be a simple dream. I did not know how to make sense of this and filed it away in my mind. After I recently had a near death experience a few months ago, I discovered your book and began to read. As I read through the book everything seemed to make sense. I then remembered the experience I had five years ago and realized that everything I had experienced perfectly coincided with the information in the book. I then realized that what I had experienced was a repressed memory and not a dream.
The first experience I shall share with you was my memory of the between lives amnesia brainwashing process. When I fell asleep one night five years ago, this was what I remembered:
I was lying in a bed, dying. I was surrounded by my family at home. As my body began to fail, I feared that my consciousness would end because my body was dying. At this point I was still fully under the affects of amnesia and did not know the truth. My initial assumption was obviously false. When I died my spirit separated from my body. At first I was disoriented. I had not initially expected for my consciousness to continue after death. But then a bright white light appeared before me. It was like a rip that had formed in the room. This light was extremely beckoning and I felt compelled to travel towards it. But then I suddenly remembered that this light was bad, and I should not travel towards it. I felt the impulse to shield my thoughts from others and immediately did so. I moved away from the light and it dissipated into nothing. I was still in the room where I had died in, with my family mourning over me.
I would like to add that in the Alien Interview, Airl refers to heaven as a lie. That “heaven” was really the brainwashing amnesia stations controlled by the Old Empire. I remembered this fact and prevented myself from entering this station. In many near death experiences, many people mention a bright white light. They follow it and enter into “heaven.” Airl also mentioned that this brainwashing operation is designed to detect and capture IS-BEs after they depart the body after death. This bright white light is an IS-BE trap that serves as the entrance to the amnesia-brainwashing bases. In Alien Interview it is also mentioned that the Old Empire influences the thoughts of everyone on Earth through long range signals. I shielded my thoughts and limited my innate spiritual energy to prevent capture and detection by such devices as well as by the operatives of the Old Empire that operate this prison. I want everyone to know that it is possible to subvert these brainwashing stations and avoid capture.
Anyway to continue my experience, I had successfully avoided capture and did not enter the brainwashing station. I then turned around because another IS-BE had entered the room. She was a woman with brown hair, brown eyes and fair skin who said, “Don’t you remember me?” My memory was then triggered. This IS-BE was my soul mate, a person who I had formed a close relationship with before we were both imprisoned on Earth. I remembered that her name was Lindsay. We both hugged each other and were overjoyed. She then procured a black box from the robe she was wearing. “What is that?” I asked. She then told me how I had built this device, and although she did not know how it worked, I had told her how to operate it in case I was captured and my memory erased. This device was a black box the size of the palm of my hand. It had intricate patterns and complex electronics embedded into it.
Now, I mention having hands after I died, but the explanation for this is that IS-BEs are the creators of illusions. They can make themselves appear however they like. I wanted my spiritual form to mimic the human form, since that is what I was comfortable with at the time.
Anyway, Lindsay handed me this black box and told me to push a button on the side. I did so and the most incredible thing occurred: all of my memories were restored, all at once. All of the experiences that I had accumulated from an eternity of past existence came flooding back to me. It was the most breathtaking experience. Countless images, sounds, emotions, and experiences flashed before my eyes. It is extremely hard to describe, but it was like eternity was compressed into a single moment. The restoration of my memories seemed to last for an eternity, and yet only a moment had passed when the process was complete. I then said, “Wow, I have lived millions of past lives!” My memories, knowledge of my spiritual abilities, and my eternal identity were returned to me through the aid of this advanced piece of technology I had constructed in the past. I then said to myself, “I am finally back.” I then took Lindsay’s hand and we left the room.
In the book Airl mentions how everything in the universe was created from “the nothingness of a thought.” We also know that every material object in the universe is comprised of energy. Since everything was formed by thought, it would be logical to assume that thoughts are energy. The way that an IS-BE creates energy is through their thoughts. It would also be logical to conclude that our memories and experiences are thoughts that are comprised of energy. The reason why electric shock erases memory is because the energy from the electricity changes how our memories are formatted. In the book it is mentioned that energy can be created but not destroyed. But energy can change form. The massive amounts of energy produced by the electricity changes the form of energy our memories are comprised of, and therefore makes it inaccessible for us to consciously retrieve those memories.The device that I had invented helped change the form of that energy so that my memories could be retrieved once more. The reason why our memories could never be permanently erased is because they are comprised of energy.
The next memory that occurred in this first set of memories was a few years into the future after my death. I was extremely upset. Although I had avoided capture from the amnesia brainwashing stations, I was still trapped on Earth. In knew that an electronic net embedded in the upper atmosphere surrounded the entire planet. I knew if I were to come into contact with this electronic net, I would be electrocuted and captured. The current strategy I had been employing was to find a hole in this electric grid. Even though I had all of my memories restored, I did not have knowledge of where the gaps in this electronic field were, and I had been unable to find these gaps. I would often travel to different monuments on Earth to collect my thoughts. I remember that I loved visiting the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. As a spiritual being, the way I would travel is I would imagine a location in my mind. I would will myself to move to that location, and the fabric of the universe would then warp around me and I would instantly arrive at my destination. Although I could roam the surface of Earth. I was unable to leave due to the electrical grid that surrounds the planet.
In the book, Airl mentions that space is the distance between an IS-BE and the object being perceived by that IS-BE. She also mentions that IS-BEs can span great distances instantly. I could travel as a spiritual being by perceiving objects and decreasing my distance from the perceived object. My experiences directly confirm the information in the book.
On this particular day, I traveled to the Eiffel Tower. I was there thinking when I remembered that IS-BEs are the source of energy. I thought foolishly that if I could amass enough energy as an IS-BE, I could possibly overpower this electric grid. I took out the black box I had invented and safeguarded my memories within the device once more in the event that I was captured. I then gave the device to Lindsay and informed her of my plan. Before she could protest, I immediately started traveling towards the upper atmosphere, towards the electric grid. I kept traveling upwards until I made contact with the electric field. I immediately stopped as though I had hit a brick wall. I was then immediately electrocuted with billions of volts of electricity. I cried out in pain.
As a side note, after I woke up, my body ached all over, as if remembering this electric shock.
After the shock was completed, I was dazed. My memories began to fade, and two IS-BEs came to retrieve me and they took me to a brainwashing base.
Now I want to mention that after this electric shock, your memories are not immediately erased. Instead, they slowly fade away, like water trickling through your fingers. I was taken to a brainwashing amnesia station and placed in a chair. The entire station was extremely white and brightly lit. The Old Empire uses a combination of technology and the influences of other IS-BEs to brainwash and hypnotize the inmates of Earth. I was placed in front of a mechanical arm with a pendulum attached at the end. This pendulum swung back and forth in front of my face. Another IS-BE was then at my side. He was one of the operatives of the Old Empire running the prison. He calmly told me what my name was (which is the name I currently have now), who my parents were, as well as where and when I was going to be born. He would slowly repeat these facts as the pendulum aided to hypnotize me. Initially, I resisted. I said, “No, that is not my name! My name is Carl! My name is Carl!” I grew desperate as I realized that I could not hold out forever. Apparently Carl is my true name. It is the name that I had chosen for myself, the name that is related to my eternal identity. After this had failed, they took me to another room to administer additional electric shocks to make me more compliant.
In the book it is mentioned that IS-BEs are not physical universe entities. They do not have a location in time or space. So the IS-BE who brainwashed me had to give me a location in space and a point in time so I could be coerced into inhabiting the correct physical body.
After I had been shocked several times, I was taken back to the hypnosis machinery. The IS-BE would then repeat my “real” name, as well as where, and when I was to be born, as well as to whom I was to be born to. He would then ask me, “Will you now go and inhabit this physical body?” The reason why he was asking my permission is because he could not force me into a physical body against my will. I needed to be coerced, or tricked into thinking I wanted to inhabit a physical body, in order to be imprisoned on Earth and not suspect anything. I kept telling him, “No.” The process of the electric shock and hypnosis then continued. Each time I lost memories as well as a sense of who I was. I was starting to crumble, to bend to their will. After one particular refusal to inhabit a physical body, the IS_BE switched tactics.
 He said, “Will you go inhabit this physical body now?”
 I said, “No, because Earth is a prison.”
“But you have a special purpose,” he replied. The operative knew he could not convince me Earth was my home. “Lindsay is down there trapped in the prison. You need to inhabit a physical body so you can save her.”
“Yes, you must save her. Will you now inhabit a physical body?”
“Yes,” I replied. At this point I was no longer myself. Most of my memory was gone, and they had managed to break me. As soon as I had agreed, I immediately left the base and quickly approached Earth. As I descended through the atmosphere, I remember seeing snowy mountains around me, and thought how beautiful they were. I was born in Utah in the fall, which means that nine months earlier, I was conceived in the winter. This fact confirms the snowy mountains I saw. I then approached a house, rapidly drawing closer to the physical body I would inhabit. It felt as though I was being pulled by a tractor beam, with no escape. I was trapped by the “aesthetic pain” wave emitted by physical bodies that Airl had mentioned in the book.
I then entered the body of an infant that was developing in the womb. With each passing moment, my memories began to fade. I knew that when I fully entered this body, I would lose the remainder of my memories and my identity. So I struggled against this body, trying not to enter it.
Airl mentions in the book how when physical bodies were first invented, IS-BEs would generate too much energy and would destroy the body. I was employing this same strategy in a desperate attempt to escape. When I noticed that I failed to escape the “aesthetic pain” wavelength trap, I stopped struggling. I knew if I damaged the body too much, my upcoming life on Earth would be miserable. I damaged the eyes and heart of the body in my struggle.
At the time when this memory resurfaced five years ago, I had bad eyesight, and I still do. But the fact that confirms my experiences the most is that I developed a heart condition nine months ago. The heart condition that I developed is extremely rare for my age, and the doctors could not explain why this had happened. It is a medical mystery. If these experiences were not real, how could I have known that I had a damaged heart five years before any problems manifested?
After I stopped struggling, I fully entered the body. When I did so, I completely forgot the rest of my experiences as well as who I truly was. After this, the memory ended and I woke up.
The next memory resurfaced a few days later after the first one. This memory resurfaced when I was asleep, and is about how I was transported to Earth.
I remember being in a cage. The top and bottom were made of metal, but the bars themselves were made of contained beams of pure electricity. In this memory I was not thinking in English, but when I remembered my experience, I was able to translate my own thoughts into English. I do not know what language I was speaking, but I know it definitely was not from Earth.  I was not inhabiting a physical body at the time. My thoughts went something like this:
“How could I be so stupid for rebelling against the Old Empire?” (I do not clearly remember the Old Empire’s true name. There obviously is no name for it in English. I knew what I was referring to when I remembered this experience, but I do not remember how to speak the language itself. I will continue to refer to this galactic government as the Old Empire for the sake of simplicity). I then thought, “How could I orchestrate a mutiny? I should have been smart enough to know it would have been doomed for failure. Now I am separated from Lindsay after the Old Empire tracked me down and destroyed the physical body I was inhabiting.”
The cage I was trapped in was moving through outer space, carrying me towards Earth. I was alone. I then turned and saw Earth come into view. I then thought, “Hey, I recognize this place. I have been here before when I was part of the team that restored life to this planet 70 million years ago.” I then reprimanded myself and thought, “That no longer matters. What matters now is that Earth is a prison.” As I approached the planet, I continued to ponder my fate. I referred to the planet as an “infernal zoo.” I then thought, “This is going to be the place where I am going to lose my mind.”
The more I struggled against the cage, the harder it became to move. As I was about to enter the planet the memory ended.
I woke up with a feeling of anger, loss and fear. The emotions I felt were so strong, stronger than any nightmare. So to summarize, I was transported to Earth as an IS-BE in an electronic trap. I had all of my memories when I was being transported. They were not erased until after I had arrived on Earth. I was able to remember that I was a scientist and engineer for the Old Empire, and was one of the many consultants that helped to re-engineer Earth and create new life for this planet 70 million years ago.
Before I end this email, I want to share one additional experience.
When I developed a heart condition nine months ago, I had to be immediately rushed to the hospital. There the doctors had to save my life by stopping and restarting my heart to get it to beat in a normal rhythm. So for a few seconds, I was dead. During this time, I had an out of body experience.
After the doctors had anesthetized me, my body had shut down but my mind was active. I tried to move, but couldn’t. It was like running into a brick wall. I felt a floating sensation and heard the doctor say, “McKay, are you still with us?” I tried to respond, but my lips wouldn’t move. I thought, “Of course I am still here!” As I tried to “sit up”, I began to see the room around me as my spirit was detaching from my body. I saw the doctors hands place paddles on my chest. I then finally sat up as my spirit separated from my body completely. This separation is spontaneous and painless. Now the method in which someone dies can be extremely painful, but the act of the spirit leaving the body is not. One does not have to will the spirit to leave the body at death. It just happens when the body is too damaged to inhabit. I could see clearly around the room, but no one would look at me. It was like I was invisible. No one could see me because the physical bodies that they inhabited prevented them from sensing or seeing spiritual beings easily.
I saw the heart monitor, and moved towards it. I then saw it flat line and I thought, “Oh no, I think this means I’m dead.” Now as an immortal spiritual being, I could see everything around me in full color. My vision was actually much better than when I was in my body. All of my physical senses were present. I could think and feel. I was myself. The only difference was that I did not feel the need to breathe or blink. I want people to know that conscious experience after death is exactly as it is in life, except that it is not confined to a physical body.
I then heard the doctors yell behind me, “Clear!” They shocked me and restarted my heart. The instant this happened, I was back in my body. I then woke up a few minutes later and was taken home. Although I did not tell my family what had occurred, my mother did tell me that the doctor said, “McKay, are you still with us?” when she was describing the event. So what I had heard the doctor say actually was said. This experience was as real as any other, and was not a drug induced hallucination, as some would like to believe.
In conclusion, I would like to let you know that all of these experience occurred before I had heard or even knew about the “Alien Interview” book. My experiences occurred independently of the information presented in the book. But after having these experiences, I could not continue in good conscience to say nothing. I would appreciate it greatly if you would respond to this letter. I would like to know what you think of my experiences. Feel free to publish this email on your blog about the book. I want others to benefit from my experiences, and your blog would be the only place where my letter would be accepted and understood.
Although my memory was fully restored by the device I invented, I do not remember everything now because my memory was erased before I was hypnotized and began this life on Earth.
May your eternity be as pleasant as possible,
— M.D.,  29 July, 2016

Originally posted 2016-08-01 10:00:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



CALVIN GETS AMNESIA“According to Airl, there was a running battle between the “Old Empire” forces and The Domain until about 1235 AD, when The Domain forces finally destroyed the last of the space craft of the “Old Empire” force in this area.  The Domain Expeditionary Force lost many of its own ships in this area during that time also.

About 1,000 years later the “Old Empire” base was discovered by accident in the spring of 1914 AD.  The discovery was made when the body of the Archduke of Austria, [i] (Footnote) was “taken over” by an officer of The Domain Expeditionary Force.  This officer, who was stationed in the asteroid belt, was sent to Earth on a routine mission to gather reconnaissance.

The purpose of this “take over” was to use the body as a “disguise” through which to infiltrate human society in order to gather information about current events on Earth.  The officer, as an IS-BE, having greater power than the being inhabiting the body of the Archduke, simply “pushed” the being out and took over control of the body.

However, this officer did not realize how much the Hapsburgs were hated by feuding factions in the country, so he was caught off guard when the body of the Archduke  was assassinated by a Bosnian student.  The officer, or IS-BE, was suddenly “knocked out” of the body when it was shot by the assassin.  Disoriented, the IS-BE inadvertently penetrated one of the “amnesia force screens” and was captured.
Eventually The Domain discovered that a wide area of space is monitored by an “electronic force field”   [ii]

The purpose of this “take over” was to use the body as a “disguise” through which to infiltrate human society in order to gather information about current events on Earth.  The officer, as an IS-BE, having greater power than the being inhabiting the body of the Archduke, simply “pushed” the being out and took over control of the body.

However, this officer did not realize how much the Hapsburgs were hated by feuding factions in the country, so he was caught off guard when the body of the Archduke  was assassinated by a Bosnian student.  The officer, or IS-BE, was suddenly “knocked out” of the body when it was shot by the assassin.  Disoriented, the IS-BE inadvertently penetrated one of the “amnesia force screens” and was captured.

Eventually The Domain discovered that a wide area of space is monitored by an “electronic force field”   [ii] (Footnote) which controls all of the IS-BEs in this end of the galaxy, including Earth.  The electronic force screen is designed to detect IS-BEs and prevent them from leaving the area.
If any IS-BE attempts to penetrate the force screen, it “captures” them in a kind of “electronic net”.  The result is that the captured IS-BE is subjected to a very severe “brainwashing” treatment which erases the memory of the IS-BE.  This process uses a tremendous electrical shock, just like Earth psychiatrists use “electric shock therapy” to erase the memory and personality of a “patient” and to make them more “cooperative”.

If any IS-BE attempts to penetrate the force screen, it “captures” them in a kind of “electronic net”.  The result is that the captured IS-BE is subjected to a very severe “brainwashing” treatment which erases the memory of the IS-BE.  This process uses a tremendous electrical shock, just like Earth psychiatrists use “electric shock therapy” to erase the memory and personality of a “patient” and to make them more “cooperative”. [iii] (Footnote)

On Earth this “therapy” uses only a few hundred volts of electricity.  However, the electrical voltage [iv] (Footnote) used by the “Old Empire” operation against IS-BEs is on the order of magnitude of billions of volts!  This tremendous shock completely wipes out all the memory of the IS-BE.  The memory erasure is not just for one life or one body.  It wipes out all of the accumulated experiences of a nearly infinite past, as well as the identity of the IS-BE!

The shock is intended to make it impossible for the IS-BE to remember who they are, where they came from, their knowledge or skills, their memory of the past, and ability to function as a spiritual entity.  They are overwhelmed into becoming a mindless, robotic non-entity.



[i] “… the body of the Archduke of Austria…”

Franz Ferdinand (December 18, 1863 – June 28, 1914) was an Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria and Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, and from 1896 until his death, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. His assassination in Sarajevo precipitated the Austrian declaration of war. This caused countries allied with Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers) and countries allied with Serbia (the Entente Powers) to declare war on each other, starting World War I.

In 1889, Franz Ferdinand’s life changed dramatically. His cousin Crown Prince Rudolf committed suicide at his hunting lodge in Mayerling, leaving Franz Ferdinand’s father, Archduke Karl Ludwig, as first in line to the throne. However his father renounced his succession rights a few days after the Crown Prince’s death. Henceforth, Franz Ferdinand was groomed to succeed.

On June 28, 1914, at approximately 11:15 am, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed in Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Gavrilo Princip, a member of Young Bosnia and one of several (a few) assassins organized by The Black Hand (Црна рука/Tsrna Ruka). The event, known as the Assassination in Sarajevo, triggered World War I.

Franz and Sophie had previously been attacked when a bomb was thrown at their car. It missed them, but many civilians were injured. Franz and Sophie both insisted on going to see all those injured at the hospital. As a result of this, Princip saw them and shot Sophie in the abdomen. Franz was shot in the jugular and was still alive when witnesses arrived to his aid, but it was too late; he died within minutes.

The assassinations, along with the arms race, nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and the alliance system all contributed to the beginning of World War I, which began less than two months after Franz Ferdinand’s death, with Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia.” — Reference:

[ii] …”force field”…

“Originally a term coined by Michael Faraday to provide an intuitive paradigm, but theoretical construct, for the behavior of electromagnetic fields, the term force field refers to the lines of force one object (the “source object”) exerts on another object or a collection of other objects. An object might be a mass particle or an electric or magnetic charge, for example. The lines do not have to be straight, in the Euclidean geometry case, but may be curved. Faraday called these theoretical connections between objects lines of force because the objects are most directly connected to the source object along this line.

Examples of force fields:

  • A local Newtonian gravitational field near Earth ground typically consists of a uniform array of vectors pointing in one direction—downwards, towards the ground; its force field is represented by the Cartesian vector , where points in a direction away from the ground, and m refers to the mass, and g refers to the acceleration due to gravity.
  • A global Gravitational field consists of a spherical array of vectors pointing towards the center of gravity. Its classical force field, in spherical coordinates, is represented by the vector, , which is just Newton’s Law of Gravity, with the radial unit vector pointing towards the origin of the sphere (center of the Earth).
  • A conservative Electric field has an electric charge (or a smeared plum pudding of electric charges) as its source object. In the case of the point charges, the force field is represented by , where is the position vector that represents the straightest line between the source charge and the other charge.
  • A static Magnetic field has a magnetic charge (a magnetic monopole or a charge distribution).
  • The electromagnetic force is given by the Lorentz force formula, which in SI units is, .”

— Reference:


“The story of electric shock began in 1938, when Italian psychiatrist Ugo Cerletti visited a Rome slaughterhouse to see what could be learned from the method that was employed to butcher hogs. In Cerletti’s own words, “As soon as the hogs were clamped by the [electric] tongs, they fell unconscious, stiffened, then after a few seconds they were shaken by convulsions…. During this period of unconsciousness (epileptic coma), the butcher stabbed and bled the animals without difficulty….

“At this point I felt we could venture to experiment on man, and I instructed my assistants to be on the alert for the selection of a suitable subject.”

Cerletti’s first victim was provided by the local police – a man described by Cerletti as “lucid and well-oriented.” After surviving the first blast without losing consciousness, the victim overheard Cerletti discussing a second application with a higher voltage. He begged Cerletti, “Non una seconda! Mortifierel” (“Not another one! It will kill me!”)

Ignoring the objections of his assistants, Cerletti increased the voltage and duration and fired again. With the “successful” electrically induced convulsion of his victim, Ugo Cerletti brought about the application of hog-slaughtering skills to humans, creating one of the most brutal techniques of psychiatry.

*Electric shock is also called electro-convulsive “therapy” or treatment (ECT), electroshock therapy or electric shock treatment (EST), electrostimulation, and electrolytic therapy (ELT). All are euphemistic terms for the same process: sending a searing blast of electricity through the brain in order to alter behavior.”  (Reference:

Today Electroshock therapy (ECT) is most often used as a treatment for severe major depression which has not responded to other treatment, and is also used in the treatment of mania, catatonia, schizophrenia and other disorders. It first gained widespread use as a form of treatment in the 1940s and 50s.  Today, an estimated 1 million people worldwide receive ECT every year, usually in a course of 6-12 treatments administered 2 or 3 times a week.

Electroconvulsive therapy has “side-effects” which include confusion and memory loss for events around the time period of treatment. ECT have been shown to cause persistent memory loss.  It is the effects of ECT on long-term memory that give rise to much of the concern surrounding its use. The acute effects of ECT include amnesia.

Registered nurse Barbara C. Cody reports in a letter to the Washington Post that her life “was forever changed by 13 outpatient ECTs I received in 1983. Shock ‘therapy’ totally and permanently disabled me. “EEGs [electroencephalograms] verify the extensive damage shock did to my brain. Fifteen to 20 years of my life were simply erased; only small bits and pieces have returned. I was also left with short-term memory impairment and serious cognitive deficits. “Shock ‘therapy’ took my past, my college education, my musical abilities, even the knowledge that my children were, in fact, my children.”

Ernest Hemingway, American author, committed suicide shortly after Electric Shock treatment at the Menninger Clinic in 1961. He is reported to have said to his biographer, “Well, what is the sense of ruining my head and erasing my memory, which is my capital, and putting me out of business? It was a brilliant cure but we lost the patient….”

— Reference:

[iv] “…electric voltage…”

“The general public may consider household mains circuits (100–250 V AC), which carry the highest voltages they normally encounter, to be high voltage. For example, an installer of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment may be licensed to install 24 Volt control circuits, but may not be permitted to connect the 240 volt power circuits of the equipment.

Voltages over approximately 50 volts can usually cause dangerous amounts of current to flow through a human being touching two points of a circuit.

Voltages of greater than 50 V are capable of producing heart fibrillation if they produce electric currents in body tissues which happen to pass through the chest area. The electrocution danger is mostly determined by the low conductivity of dry human skin. If skin is wet, or if there are wounds, or if the voltage is applied to electrodes which penetrate the skin, then even voltage sources below 40 V can be lethal if contacted.”

— Reference:

Originally posted 2011-02-17 13:22:20. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The space craft is operated by IS-BEs who use “doll bodies” in much the same way that an actor wears a mask and costume.  It is a like a mechanical tool through which to operate in the physical world.  She, as well as all of the other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these “doll bodies” when they are on duty in space.  When they are not on duty, they “leave” the body and operate, think, communicate, travel, and exist without the use of a body.

The bodies are constructed of synthetic materials, including a very sensitive electrical nervous system, to which each IS-BE adjusts themselves or “tune in” to an electronic wavelength that is matched uniquely to the wavelength or frequency emitted by each IS-BE.  Each IS-BE is capable of creating a unique wave frequency which identifies them, much like a radio signal frequency. This serves, in part, as identification like a finger print.  The doll body acts like a radio receiver for the IS-BE.  No two frequencies or doll bodies are exactly the same.

The bodies of each IS-BE crew member are likewise tuned into and connected to the “nervous system” built into the space craft.  The space craft is built in much the same way as the doll body.  It is adjusted specifically to the frequency of each IS-BE crew member.  Therefore, the craft can be operated by the “thoughts” or energy emitted by the IS-BE.  It is really a very simple, direct control system.  So, there are no complicated controls or navigation equipment on board the space craft.  They operate as an extension of the IS-BE.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview

Originally posted 2010-12-27 15:42:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
