Category Archives: electronic traps


“Earth started being used as a dumping ground and prison for IS-BEs who were judged “untouchable”, meaning criminal or non-conformists.  IS-BEs were captured, encapsulated in electronic traps and transported to Earth from various parts of the “Old Empire”.  Underground “amnesia stations” were set up on Mars and on Earth in the Rwenzori Mountains  in Africa, in the Pyrenees Mountains of Portugal, and in steppes of Mongolia. 

These electronic monitoring points create force screens designed to detect and capture IS-BEs, when the IS-BE departs the body at death.  IS-BEs are brainwashed using extreme electronic force in order to maintain Earth’s population in state of perpetual amnesia.  Further population controls are installed through the use of long range electronic thought control mechanisms. 

These stations are still in operation and they are extremely difficult to attack or destroy, even for The Domain, which will not maintain a significant military force in this area until a later date.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret military transcripts publilshed in the book, ALIEN INTERVIEW

Originally posted 2010-06-18 08:56:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



ESCAPE“Anyone who is not willing or able to submit to mindless  economic, political and religious servitude as a tax-paying worker in the class system of the “Old Empire” are “untouchable” and sentenced to receive memory wipe-out and permanent imprisonment on Earth.

The net result is that an IS-BE is unable to escape because they can’t remember who they are, where they came from, where they are.  They have been hypnotized to think they are someone, something, sometime, and somewhere other than where they really are.

The Domain has observed that since the “Old Empire” space forces were destroyed there is no one left to actively prevent other planetary systems from bringing their own “untouchable” IS-BEs to Earth from all over this galaxy, and from other galaxies nearby.  Therefore, Earth has become a universal dumping ground for this entire region of space. 

This, in part, explains the very unusual mix of races, cultures, languages, moral codes, religious and political influences among the IS-BE population on Earth.  The number and variety of heterogeneous societies on Earth are extremely unusual on a normal planet.  Most “Sun Type 12, Class 7” planets are inhabited by only one humanoid body type or race, if any.

In addition, most of the ancient civilizations of Earth, and many of the events of Earth have been heavily influenced by the hidden, hypnotic operation of the “Old Empire” base.  So far, no one has figured out exactly where and how this operation is run, or by whom because it is so heavily protected by screens and traps.

Furthermore, there has been no operation undertaken to seek out, discover and destroy the vast and ancient network of electronics machinery that create the IS-BE force screens at this end of the galaxy. Until this has been done, we are not able to prevent or interrupt the electric shock operation, hypnosis and remote thought control [i] (Footnote) of the “Old Empire” prison planet. 

Of course all of the crew members of The Domain Expeditionary Force now remain aware of this phenomena at all times while operating in this solar system space so as to prevent detection and the capture by “Old Empire” traps.

If humanity is to survive, it must cooperate to find effective solutions to the difficult conditions of your existence on Earth.  Humanity must rise above its human form and discover where they are, and that they are IS-BEs, and who they really are as IS-BEs in order to  transcend the notion that they are merely biological bodies.  Once these realizations have been made, it may be possible to escape your current imprisonment.  Otherwise, there will be no future for the IS-BEs on Earth.”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book Alien Interview

[i]  “… remote thought control…”

EDITOR’S NOTE:  If  “hypersonic sound” (see reference below) can already be used on Earth, which has been using electricity for only 150 years, imagine a technology that has been refined over millions of years, that could transmit thoughts that are precisely targeted to an individual person across millions of miles of space.

“The lunatic is in my head,” sang Pink Floyd on their landmark “Dark Side of the Moon” album released 35 years ago. “There’s someone in my head but it’s not me.”

In 2008, there is a chance that the voice inside your head may be trying to sell you something. Advertisers are using a new acoustic technology to project advertising slogans directly into your head. And not everyone is happy about the aural intrusion.

In fact, the space between your ears may be the newest battleground in the conflict between privacy and technology.  The technique is called hypersonic sound and it was created by inventor Woody Norris.  Hypersonic sound (HSS) projection enables sound to be directed precisely to one individual without any spillover.

In tandem with an ultrasonic emitter and a signal processor/amplifier, HSS projects a column of modulated ultrasonic frequencies into the air. The ultrasonic frequencies are inaudible by themselves, but the interaction of the frequencies with the air create sounds that can be heard by anyone inside the column. Hypersonic sound can direct sound as precisely as a laser beam can direct light.

One only needs to be standing in the path of an HSS beam in order to hear the sound. However, the sensation to those hearing is that the sound is being projected from inside their skull.
Pretty cool, thinks inventor Norris. Or pretty creepy if you don’t know what’s going on. It is already being done from a billboard on Prince Street in New York City.

Advertising for a television show called “Paranormal State,” which airs on the Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E), has been sent through HSS to unsuspecting pedestrians who trigger a sensor as they stroll by. The sound that is emitted can be heard only by them.

Science and technology writer Clive Thompson, has written about the Prince Street billboard for Wired magazine. He experienced HSS himself, writing that it felt “creepy” to hear a woman’s voice whisper, “Who’s there? Who’s there?”  It used to be that we could at least be guaranteed privacy in the space between our ears. That is no longer true, thanks to the invention of “in-head advertising.”

The freedom to think our own thoughts without artificial manipulation from outside sources may be our latest civil rights battle.”

April 2, 2008

— Reference:

Originally posted 2015-08-14 00:41:11. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


Orcus Patera crater = Former Old Empire Base

Mars - Orcus Patera crater
ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft obtained image data in the Orcus Patera region at approximately 14°N/177°E

“Fortunately, this Domain officer was able to escape from the underground base after 27 years in captivity.  When he escaped from the “Old Empire” base, he returned immediately to his own base in the asteroid belt.  His commanding officer ordered that a battle cruiser be dispatched to the coordinates of the base  provided by this officer and to destroy that base completely. This “Old Empire” base was located a few hundred miles north of the equator on Mars in the Cydonia region.   

Although the military base of the “Old Empire” was destroyed, unfortunately, much of the vast machinery of the IS-BE force screens, the electroshock / amnesia / hypnosis machinery continues to function in other undiscovered locations right up to the present moment.  The main base or control center for this “mind control prison” operation has never been found. So, the influences of this base, or bases, are still in effect.”

— Excerpted from the top secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

( Editors Note:  for more detailed information about the Orcus Patera crater on Mars, visit the following website:  )

Originally posted 2010-08-30 15:22:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
