Category Archives: “mind control”


“Earth started being used as a dumping ground and prison for IS-BEs who were judged “untouchable”, meaning criminal or non-conformists.  IS-BEs were captured, encapsulated in electronic traps and transported to Earth from various parts of the “Old Empire”.  Underground “amnesia stations” were set up on Mars and on Earth in the Rwenzori Mountains  in Africa, in the Pyrenees Mountains of Portugal, and in steppes of Mongolia. 

These electronic monitoring points create force screens designed to detect and capture IS-BEs, when the IS-BE departs the body at death.  IS-BEs are brainwashed using extreme electronic force in order to maintain Earth’s population in state of perpetual amnesia.  Further population controls are installed through the use of long range electronic thought control mechanisms. 

These stations are still in operation and they are extremely difficult to attack or destroy, even for The Domain, which will not maintain a significant military force in this area until a later date.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret military transcripts publilshed in the book, ALIEN INTERVIEW

Originally posted 2010-06-18 08:56:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




“If you’re not scared or angry at the thought of a human brain being controlled remotely, then it could be this prototype of mine is finally starting to work.”   — John Alejandro King

“The Domain Expeditionary Force has observed a resurgence in science and culture of the Western world since 1150 AD when the remaining remnants of the space fleet of the “Old Empire” in this solar system were destroyed.  The influence of the remote control hypnosis operation diminished slightly after that time, but still remains largely in force.  Apparently a small amount of damage was done to the “Old Empire” remote mind control  operation which resulted in a small decrease in the power of this mechanism.  As a result, some memory of technologies that IS-BEs already knew before they came to Earth started to be remembered.  Thereafter the oppression of knowledge that is called the “Dark Ages” in Europe began to diminish after that time. “

— Excerpted from the book, ALIEN INTERVIEW, page 66.

What better mechanism could one image to monitor and control the inmates of a prison planet than remote mind control?  In addition to the amnesia caused between the death of each body, a spiritual being seems to be subjected to continous manipulation of thought and action by the “guards” of the prison planet we call Earth.   The resolution of this factor, and this factor alone, is the single most important issue facing every person on Earth, and the future of humanity.



Originally posted 2009-07-11 14:38:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter





“The citizens of the planets forming the core of government for the “Old Empire” are a filthy, degraded, slave society of mindless, tax-paying workers, who practice cannibalism.  Only a demonic, self-serving government would employ a “logic” or “science” to conceive that an “ultimate solution” to any problem is to murder and permanently erase the memory of every artist, genius, skilled manager, and inventor, and cast them into a planetary prison together with political opponents, killers, thieves, perverts, and disabled beings of an entire galaxy!”

— from the transcripts published in the book, “Alien Interveiw”

The above excerpt from the transcripts in “Alien Interview” might give us a clue as to the origin of the bizarre practices we see on Earth.  Could they have been carried forward from the “Old Empire” culture?  We may think that life on a prision planet is very unpleasant.  But what is the alternative?  Even if would could go back to the “Old Empire” civilization, would you want to go?

Originally posted 2009-05-13 11:55:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
