Tag Archives: “The Domain”



“The lower classes are limited to “flesh bodies”. Of course, it is not possible for these to travel through space for obvious reasons. Fundamentally, flesh bodies are far too fragile to endure the stresses of gravity, temperature extremes, radiation exposure, atmospheric chemicals and the vacuum of space. There are also the obvious logistical inconveniences of food, defecation, sleep, atmospheric elements, and air pressure required by flesh bodies, that doll bodies do not require.

Most flesh bodies will suffocate in only a few minutes without a specific combination of atmospheric chemicals. After 2 or 3 days the bacteria which live internally and externally on the body cause severe odors to be emitted. Odors of any kind are not acceptable in a space vessel.

Flesh can tolerate only a very limited spectrum of temperatures, whereas in space the contrast of temperatures may vary hundreds of degrees within seconds. Of course flesh bodies are utterly useless for military duty. A single shot from a hand-held, electronic blast gun instantly turns a flesh body into a noxious vapor cloud.

IS-BEs who inhabit flesh bodies have lost much of their native ability and power. Although it is theoretically possible to regain or rehabilitate these abilities, no practical means has been discovered or authorized by The Domain.”

~ Airl, from the Top Secret military transcripts  –  Roswell Army Air Force Base, 1947

Originally posted 2015-12-30 00:46:03. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The space craft is operated by IS-BEs who use “doll bodies” in much the same way that an actor wears a mask and costume.  It is a like a mechanical tool through which to operate in the physical world.  She, as well as all of the other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these “doll bodies” when they are on duty in space.  When they are not on duty, they “leave” the body and operate, think, communicate, travel, and exist without the use of a body.

The bodies are constructed of synthetic materials, including a very sensitive electrical nervous system, to which each IS-BE adjusts themselves or “tune in” to an electronic wavelength that is matched uniquely to the wavelength or frequency emitted by each IS-BE.  Each IS-BE is capable of creating a unique wave frequency which identifies them, much like a radio signal frequency. This serves, in part, as identification like a finger print.  The doll body acts like a radio receiver for the IS-BE.  No two frequencies or doll bodies are exactly the same.

The bodies of each IS-BE crew member are likewise tuned into and connected to the “nervous system” built into the space craft.  The space craft is built in much the same way as the doll body.  It is adjusted specifically to the frequency of each IS-BE crew member.  Therefore, the craft can be operated by the “thoughts” or energy emitted by the IS-BE.  It is really a very simple, direct control system.  So, there are no complicated controls or navigation equipment on board the space craft.  They operate as an extension of the IS-BE.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret interview transcripts from Roswell, 1947,  pulished in the book, “Alien Interview”

Originally posted 2010-07-02 11:56:16. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
