Category Archives: “Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy”



“It makes me very, very happy to know that we may not have to stay on Earth forever!  There is hope of escape, not just for the Lost Battalion, but for many other IS-BEs on Earth.

However, all IS-BEs could be helped to become more aware of the actual situation on Earth through the information in this envelope.  This is why I sent these letters and transcripts to you. I want you to get these documents published.  I want IS-BEs on Earth to have a chance to find out what is really happening on Earth.  

Most people will not believe any of it, I’m sure. It seems too incredible.  No “reasonable” person would ever believe a word of it. However, it only seems “incredible” to an IS-BE whose memory has been erased and replaced with false information inside the electronically controlled illusion of a prison planet.  We must not allow the apparent incredibility of our situation prevent us from confronting the reality of it.

Frankly, “reasons” have nothing to do with reality.  There are no reasons.  Things are what they are.  If we don’t face the facts of our situation, we’re going to stay under the thumb of the “Old Empire” forever! The biggest weapon the “Old Empire” has left now is our ignorance of what they are doing to all the IS-BEs on Earth.  Disbelief and secrecy are the most effective weapons they have!

The government agencies that classified the enclosed  transcripts as “TOP SECRET” are run by IS-BEs who are nothing more than mindless automatons covertly ordered about through hypnotic commands given by the “Old Empire” prison operators.  They are the unknowing slaves of unseen slave masters — and all the more enslaved by their willingness to be slaves.

Most of the IS-BEs on Earth are good, honest, able beings: artists, managers, geniuses, free thinkers  and revolutionaries who have harmed no one, really.  They are no threat to anyone except the criminals who have imprisoned them. 

They must find out about the “Old Empire” amnesia and hypnosis operation. They must remember their own past lives.  The only way this will ever happen is to communicate, coordinate and fight back.  We have to tell other people and they have to discuss it openly with each other.  Communication is the only effective weapon against secrecy and oppression.

This is why I am asking you to tell this story. Please share these transcripts with as many people as you can.  If the people of Earth are told what is really going on here, perhaps they will begin to remember who they are, and where they came from.

For now, we can begin our own release and rescue with words.  We can be free again.  We can be ourselves again.  Perhaps I will meet you in person, with or without a body, somewhere in our Eternal Future. 

Good Luck To All Of Us,

Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy”


— Excerpt from the final letter received from Nurse Matilda MacElroy, published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

Originally posted 2013-02-11 23:50:31. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


Female Empathy and Nurturing Attitude Toward Life

“I have always felt that the alien being was not really trying to hide anything from me.  I just never got that feeling.  Her communication always seemed honest and sincere to me.  But, I suppose you can never know for sure.  I definitely feel that I shared a unique “bond” with the alien.  It was a kind of “trust” or empathy that you have with a patient, or a child.  I think this is because the alien could understand that I was really interested in “her” and had no harmful intention, nor would I allow any harm to come to her, if I could prevent it.  This was true too.

I refer to the alien as “her”.  Actually, the being was not sexual in any way, either physiologically or psychologically.  “She” did have a rather strong, feminine presence and demeanor.  However, in terms of physiology, the being was “asexual” and had no internal or external reproductive organs.  Her body was more like the body of a “doll” or “robot”.  There were no internal “organs”, as the body was not constructed of biological cells. It did have a kind of “circuit” system or electrical nervous system that ran throughout the body, but I could not understand how it worked.

“Since her body was not biological it didn’t need any food, air or heat, and apparently, she didn’t sleep either.  There were no eyelids, or eyebrows above her eyes, so the eyes didn’t close. I don’t think anyone could tell whether she was sleeping or awake as long as she was sitting upright in the chair.  Unless she moved her body or gestured with her hand, it would be hard to tell whether she was even alive or not, unless you could perceive her thoughts.

Eventually I learned that the alien was not identified by her body, but by her “personality”, so to speak.  She was known by her fellow aliens as “Airl”.  This is the closest word I can use to describe the name using the English alphabet.  I sensed that she preferred the feminine gender.  I think we shared a natural, female empathy and nurturing attitude toward life and each other.  I am sure she did not feel comfortable with the combative, aggressive, domineering attitude of the male officers and agents, each of whom was more concerned with their own personal self-importance and power than with discovering the secrets of the universe!”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret military transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2011-05-05 10:42:28. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“As you know in July, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) issued a press release stating that personnel from the field’s 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed “flying disc” from a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, sparking intense media interest.

Later the same day, the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force stated that Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved with the original recovery of the debris, had recovered only the tattered remnants of a weather balloon. The true facts of the incident have been suppressed by the United States government since then.You may not know that I was enlisted in the U.S. Women’s Army Air Force (WAC) Medical Corp which was a part of the US Army back then. I was assigned to the 509th Bomb Group as a Flight Nurse at the time of the incident. When the news that there had been a crash was received at the base, I was asked to accompany Mr. Cavitt, the Counter Intelligence Officer, to the crash site as the driver of his vehicle, and to render any needed emergency medical assistance to any survivors, if necessary. Therefore, I briefly witnessed the wreckage of an alien space craft, as well as the remains of the several alien personnel aboard the craft who were already dead.When we arrived I learned that one of the personnel on board the craft had survived the crash, and was conscious, and apparently uninjured. The conscious alien was similar in appearance, but not the same as, the others. Although I was never left entirely alone with the alien, as there were always military personnel, intelligence agency people and a variety of other officials present from time to time, I did have uninterrupted access to and communication with the alien being for nearly six weeks.

Although I served as a nurse in the Army Air Force, I am not a pilot or technician. Further, I did not have any direct contact with the space craft or other materials recovered from the crash site at that time, or thereafter. Hereinafter is an overview and summary of my personal recollections of “conversations” with the alien craft pilot, whom I came to know by the identity of “Airl”. I feel that it is my duty at this time, in the best interest of the citizens of Earth, to reveal what I have learned from my interaction with “Airl” during those six weeks, on the anniversary of her “death” or departure sixty years ago.”

“Also, I am now 83 years old. I have decided to leave this body, which has outlasted its usefulness to me, using a painless method of self-administered euthanasia.”


— Excerpted from the letters received from Nurse “Matilda MacElroy”, published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer.


To my personal knowledge the actual name and identity of “Nurse MacElroy” ( Nurse X ) has never been documented, as she was, apparently, transferred away from the 509th Bomb Group after the alien pilot died and given a new, secret identity.  However, other researchers have discovered witnesses as to the possible identity of several nurses who are known to have been stationed at the base during July, 1947.  What follows is an excerpt from, which contains detailed information about the crash and cover-up of this incident.  The several nurses referred to in the following article are referred to as “NURSE X”.  Could any of these persons be the true identity of “Matilda MacElroy”?

David Wagnon, who was a young medical technician at the base hospital, remembered the young, attractive nurse fitting Dennis’ (and perhaps Pete Anaya’s) description. Oddly Wagon also selected the name “Naomi Self” out of a lineup of possible names. However, when shown the known nurses from the base yearbook, Wagnon selected 1st Lt. Adeline “Eileen” Fanton as the nurse he remembered. (photo right)  Besides her physical description, many aspects of her history match up with what Dennis ascribed to Nurse X.

Two other witnesses also suggest Dennis may have known Fanton well.  Bob Wolf, a minority owner of KGFL radio in Roswell, said it was known that Dennis was seeing a base nurse fitting Fanton’s description.  Sgt. LeRoy Lang said he trained Fanton in firearms use and saw Fanton and Dennis together on the base on a number of occasions.

Another possible candidate for Nurse X was Miriam “Andrea” Bush, 27-year-old secretary of the hospital administrator, Lt. Col. Harold Warne.  In the 2007 book, Witness to Roswell by Tom Carey and Donald Schmitt (Chapt. 12), hers is one of two other witness accounts of aliens at the base hospital besides Dennis’.   A picture of Miriam Bush is also in the book (right).  Like Fanton, she was short and petite with dark hair.  

According to her sister Jean and brother George, Miriam Bush came home one night in a state of total shock.  Finally she said that there were a lot of strange medical personnel at the hospital she didn’t recognize and who ignored the regular medical staff.  Later Warne would take her to an examination room and she saw several small childlike bodies.  One was moving.  Their skin was grayish to brown and they were covered in something like white linens.  Their heads and eyes were large.  The next day she came home and said nobody was ever to say anything further about it.  The family thought she had been very heavily threatened.  They said the event so traumatized her that it ruined her life.  She died under suspicious circumstances in 1989, with bruises covering her arms, but ruled a suicide by suffocating herself with plastic bag tied round her head. Miriam Bush’s sister-in-law, about her death and seeing an alien move.

Yet another good candidate for Nurse X was Mary Crowley Lowe. In 1998, Tom Carey was tipped off to her existence by friends of hers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huttanus. In 1960, Mrs. Huttanus had been a civilian employee at the base (now named Walker Air Force Base), where Lowe was also employed. Mrs. Huttanus claimed, much to her shock, that Mary Lowe told her, “Back in 1947, I was a nurse and happened to be at the hospital when the aliens from the UFO crash were brought in.” Huttanus said Lowe would say no more. The Hutanuses refused to identifiy the woman and added that she would deny the story even if she was located.  However, they did inadvertantly leave a significant clue indicating she still lived in Roswell and that her husband was employed as a golf pro there at New Mexico Military Institute.  With a little sleuthing, she was quickly identified as Mary Lowe.

Carey and Schmitt decided to have an associate, UFO historian Wendy Connors, approach Lowe in July 1999, believing a woman might have a better chance at gaining her trust.  Connors was invited in for a two-hour chat, but Mary Lowe denied being at the base in 1947, saying she was an Army nurse stationed in Scotland at the time (similar to Dennis’ story of her being sent to England immediately afterwards).  However, her Army records indicated she was supposedly discharged in 1946 for marrying an enlisted man.  (Military regulations then forbade officers and enlisted people marrying one another.)  There was no explanation for the discrepancy.

When Connors asked Lowe if she had been at the base hospital in July 1947, Connors reported Lowe wanted to know if Glenn Dennis had been her informant.  She was also very interested in Glenn Dennis’ affidavit, which Connors read to her, while she remained silent, afterwards denying she was stationed there at the time.

Carey and Schmitt then approached Dennis the next day, to test his reaction to their new candidate for Nurse X.  Providing only her first name of “Mary,” Dennis quickly responded, “Oh, Mary Lowe.  Yeah, she knows everything.”  Evidently, Lowe and Dennis knew each other very well.

The next day, Dennis retracted his statement.  “About yesterday, forget what I said about Mary Lowe. I was mistaken.  She doesn’t know anything!” Carey and Schmitt suspect Mary Lowe erroneously blamed Dennis for outing her existence, called him on the phone soon after her interview with Wendy Connors, and told him to shut up, causing Dennis to retract his story.  Since then, both Lowe and Dennis have refused to talk about it.  Lowe is now believed to be dead, the reason Carey and Schmitt revealed her existence in their 2009 expanded edition of “Witness to Roswell” (pp. 149-151).  Schmitt also confidentially told me the story of Lowe and Dennis several years ago, and I have only added it now that she has been made public.

Another indication that Mary Lowe may be Nurse X is a casual comment Dennis made to me in August 2001 when I was visiting the International UFO Museum in Roswell.  I asked him about the nonexistent “Naomi Marie Selff”, which he indicated was a made-up name, because he promised never to reveal her real name while he was alive.  He then told me that one of her names was nearly correct , in retrospect presumably the “Marie” part.  (Then again, “Miriam” Bush would also be close.)

The fact that Dennis was well aware that Mary Lowe was still alive and well and living in Roswell  I suspect to be the reason he was less than honest about her name, and maybe altered some other details about her to further conceal her true identity (such as being told that she had died in a plane crash in England), perhaps making her a composite of several similar people at the base hospital, including Miriam Bush and Adeline Fanton.”

Originally posted 2011-04-09 18:24:58. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
