Tag Archives: religion


astrology_symbolThe following excerpts compiled from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW are intended to provide students of the book with an “educational spotlight” on the subject of mind control methods used against the sentient beings of Earth to establish and maintain an effective prison system by the Old Empire for “undesirable” Is-Bes.

Hypnotic Commands” are the content of subjects like Astrology — among other religions and psychological control mechanisms which tell a person how to think, and what to think — are intended to maintain and reinforce amnesia and mental slavery on Earth.

(Note:  Added Emphasis on specific words and phrases in the following excepts from the book have been added by the Editor)


“In the earliest times the IS-BEs sent to prison Earth lived in India.  They gradually spread into Mesopotamia, Egypt, Mesoamerica, Achaea, Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, and to the New World.  They were hypnotically “commanded” to follow the pattern of a given civilization by the “Old Empire” prison operators.  This is an effective mechanism to disguise the actual time and location from the IS-BEs imprisoned on Earth.  The languages, costumes and culture of each false civilization are intended to reinforce amnesia because they do not remind the IS-BEs on Earth of the original “Old Empire” planets from which they were deported.

On the very far back-track of time these types of civilizations tended to repeat themselves over and over because the IS-BEs who created them become familiar with certain patterns and styles, and stayed with them.  It is a lot of work to invent an entire civilization, complete with culture, architecture, language, customs, mathematics, moral values, and so forth.  It is much easier to replicate a copy based on a familiar and successful pattern.”

“…a series of post hypnotic suggestions are used to install false memories, and a false time orientation in each IS-BE.  astrologymedThis includes the command to “return” to the base after the body dies, so that the same kind of shock and hypnosis can be done again, and again, again — forever.  The hypnotic command also tells the “patient” to forget to remember.”

“…when the body of the IS-BE dies they depart from the body. They are detected by the “force screen”, they are captured and “ordered” by hypnotic command to “return to the light”.  The idea of “heaven” and the “afterlife” are part of the hypnotic suggestion — a part of the treachery that makes the whole mechanism work.

After the IS-BE has been shocked and hypnotized to erase the memory of the life just lived,  the IS-BE is immediately “commanded”, hypnotically, to “report” back to Earth, as though they were on a secret mission, to inhabit a new body.  Each IS-BE is told that they have a special purpose for being on Earth.  But, of course there is no purpose for being in a prison — at least not for the prisoner. 

“….the “wisdom” of the “Old Empire” on planet Earth is intended to operate as part of the elaborate amnesia “trap” consisting of MASS, MEANING and MYSTERY.  These are opposite to the qualities of an Immortal Spiritual Being which have no mass, or meaning.  An IS-BE “is” solely because it thinks that it “is”. 

 MASS represents the physical universe, including objects such as stars, planets…”.

 “….dense, heavy physical universe symbols are the exact opposite of an IS-BE.  An IS-BE has no mass or time.  Objects do not endure forever.  An IS-BE “is” forever. 

MEANING:  False meanings prevent knowledge of the truth. 

 “…cultures of Earth are a fabricated illusion.  They are nothing more than “false civilizations” contrived by the “Old Empire”….  False meanings were invented to create the illusion of a false society to further reinforce the amnesia mechanism among the inmates in the Earth prison system.

MYSTERY is built of lies and half-truths.  Lies cause persistence because they alter facts which are comprised of exact dates, places and events.  When truth is known, a lie no longer persists.  If the exact truth is revealed, it is no longer a mystery.”

 “…civilizations of Earth were carefully contrived of layer upon layer of lies, skillfully combined with a few truths.  The priest cult of the “Old Empire” combined sophisticated mathematics and space opera technology, with theatrical metaphors and symbolism.  All of these are complete fabrications of truth, baited with the allure of aesthetics and mystery.

 The intricate rituals, astronomical alignments, secret rites, massive monuments, marvelous architecture, artistically rendered hieroglyphs and man-animal “gods” were designed to create a unsolvable mystery for the IS-BE prison population on Earth.  The mystery diverts attention away from the truth that IS-BEs have been captured, given amnesia and imprisoned on a planet far, far away from their home.  The truth is that every single IS-BE on Earth came to Earth from some other planetary system.  Not one person on Earth is a “native” inhabitant.  Human beings did not “evolve” on Earth.”

Moses was tricked into believing that this operative was “the” One God through the use of hypnotic commands, as well as technical and aesthetic tricks which are commonly used by the “Old Empire” to trap IS-BEs.  This “Old Empire” operative contacted Moses on a desert mountain top and delivered the “Ten Hypnotic Commands” to him.  These commands are very forcefully worded, and compel an IS-BE into utter subservience to the will of the operator.  These hypnotic commands are still in effect and influence the thought patterns of millions of IS-BEs thousands of years later!”

“The government agencies that classified the enclosed transcripts as “TOP SECRET” are run by IS-BEs who are nothing more than mindless automatons covertly ordered about through hypnotic commands given by the “Old Empire” prison operators.  They are the unknowing slaves of unseen slave masters — and all the more enslaved by their willingness to be slaves.”


“…Post hypnotic suggestions…”

“The ability of a human to be induced into a form of behavior or thinking pattern after coming out of the hypnotic state.  Post hypnotic suggestions are administered by the hypnotist and may optionally include a time scope. An altered sense of perception or behavioral pattern may be “programmed” into the person under hypnosis. Certain sequences of events may be set as triggers to enter or exit the post-hypnotic pattern. The behavior patterns resemble conditioned reflexes, though administered without classical behavior alteration techniques.


Any number, color, object, etc. may be induced to be ignored by the patient after full consciousness. A certain keyword starts the suggestion and a different word ends it. The patient will not know nor use the item to be ignored. He/she may state that the sea is colored red, if suggested to ignore the color blue.  A count of eleven may be achieved if asked to count ones fingers if a number -say 5- is suggested to be ignored. Thus the patient counts 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11

Astrology-KabbalisticDifferent type of behavior patterns may be induced such as forcing the patient to recite a certain sentence whenever anyone says out loud the special keyword. The patient is fully aware of the conditioned action but it is very difficult, if not impossible, to restrain from doing it. Sweating, loss of coordination and full lack of concentration plagues the patient until he/she performs the programmed action.

An object may be set to be perceived as invisible and it will be fully ignored and evaded during the period of suggestion. Experiments may be performed with a coffee mug, induced to be invisible. If the mug is put on top of a page with writing, the patient will only read the parts not covered by the mug. Even though the sentences may make no sense, nothing is seemingly wrong to the suspected. It is difficult to suggest an object be invisible, yet stay tactile. Usually the object is completely ignored by all senses. Thus, the mug in the example will reportedly not exist, even when the patient is touching it.

Stage hypnotists will sometimes perform shows in which they hypnotize participants to think they are some celebrity and behave exactly like them. John Mohl, stage hypnotist and member of The National Guild of Hypnotists, says that he has often hypnotized people to become someone else!  Mohl noticed that adults often became a celebrity while Middle or High School students usually become something much more creative or imaginative.”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org


— compiled excerpts from the Top Secret Transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2014-03-05 15:21:10. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The Domain has, as yet, been unable to rescue the 3,000 IS-BEs of the Expeditionary Force Battalion either.  They are forced to inhabit biological bodies on Earth.  We have been able to recognize and track most of them for the past 8,000 years. However, our attempts to communicate with them are usually futile, as they are unable to remember their true identity.

The majority of lost members of The Domain force have followed the general progression of Western civilization from India, into the Middle East, then to Chaldea, and Babylon, into Egypt, through Achaia, Greece, Rome, into Europe, to the Western Hemisphere, and then all around the world.

The members of the lost Battalion and many other IS-BEs on Earth, could be valuable citizens of The Domain, not including those who are vicious criminals or perverts.  Unfortunately, there has been no workable method conceived to emancipate the IS-BEs from Earth.

Therefore, as a matter of common logic, as well as the official policy of The Domain, it is safer and more sensible to avoid contact with the IS-BE population of Earth until such time as the proper resources can be allocated to locate and destroy  the “Old Empire” force screen and amnesia machinery and develop a therapy to restore the memory of an IS-BE.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview.

The book I wrote in 1999, The Oz Factors, discusses the subject of “vested interests”, and the adverse affect these have on problem solving and on the perception of truth.  There are a large number of professional “UFO experts” who have a very big vested interest in promoting their own personal brand of “UFO Research”.  There are a even greater number of priests of who claim to have a “exclusive monopoly” on spiritual wisdom.  Several of these self-appointed “authorities”, who earn their living by telling people what to think about the UFO phenomenon or about their own souls, have attacked the publication of Alien Interview.  In fact, these people spend a great deal of time attacking each other and their conflicting ideas, and personal agendas.  They do this for the same reason that politicians attack each other — their personal power and wealth depend on swaying public opinion toward their own brand of “truth”.

The financial vested interests of such persons are obvious: book sales, donations, tithes, speaker fees, video sales, T-shirt sales, subscription fees, television show production money, advertising income from websites, etc..  If one wishes to investigate the motivation behind the “truth”, as reported by self-appointed critics who “see all, know all, and tell all” in an effort to eliminate their “competition”, just follow the trail of money to their bank accounts and trace the sources.

I have responded publicly to negative “reviews” in which I am essentially called a liar.  (Further, I have been flattered by assertions that I have enough creative imagination to have written it myself!)  However, this does not change any of the facts of the matter, which are very, very simple:  the transcripts of the interviews at the Roswell Army Air Force base took place in July and August of 1947. They were sent to me, with personal letters and notes, from a nurse who was stationed at Roswell, N.M. in 1947.

I have received e-mails from dozens of people around the world who have advised me that the transcripts published in the book contain ideas, words, phrases, or concepts that are “just like” their own religion (fill in the blank _________ ).  Although I personally studied Dianetics and Scientology for many years, just like several million other people, doesn’t make the egg lay the chicken.  I am sure that the “similarities” claimed to exist between the transcripts and other philosophies really do exist.  It is not difficult to point out similarities between information in the transcripts and nearly any spiritual philosophy or religion.  The transcripts make it very clear that The Domain brought The Vedas to Earth about 10,000 years ago.  Most scholars will observe that The Vedas are the source material for many spiritual philosophies, and many of the religions of Earth.

However, when drawing comparisons, one must look at which came first?  The chicken or the egg?

When I received the transcripts from Matilda, I spent many months reviewing each detail of the material in an attempt to authenticate the efficacy of the transcripts and their content.  I have continued to do this, as have many others, since the transcripts were published.  It’s easy for a critic to flippantly “discredit” anything that threatens their vested interests.  Just like any politician discredits another. It’s all a part of the “games” on planet Earth.  But it doesn’t change the facts.

One of the most interesting revelations I discovered during my research indicates (and you can do the same research, if you care to) that Hubbard received his “inspiration”, from a “higher source”.  Further, Hubbard traveled extensively after WW II ended.  He was involved in 1946 with Jack Parsons, who founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which later became NASA.  He will also associated with dozens of government nuclear physicists who worked on the atomic bomb in New Mexico in 1947. (only 100 miles away from Roswell). As a spiritualist, and well-known science fiction writer during the 30s and 40s, is it not unlikely that he would have sought out information about the UFO crash at Roswell in 1947?  And, who else might have he been in communication with, on Earth, or elsewhere?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

According to the transcripts, The Domain has been searching all over Earth for 3,000 members of their own personnel since 6,248 BCE.  The IS-BEs who were members of that “lost battalion” have been inhabiting human bodies on Earth since that time.  The Domain has been working actively to locate each of them, and help them to recover from amnesia so they can return to active duty with The Domain.  Apparently, Matilda MacElroy was one of The Domain personnel.  Therefore, what other persons could be members of The Domain, and indeed, The Domain search party?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The Top Secret interview transcripts of the interview at Roswell took place in July – August, 1947.  Hubbard did not publish his premier book on the subject of Dianetics until May of 1950.  Reportedly, he wrote the entire book in only 6 weeks!  (3 weeks of planning, and 3 weeks of writing).  Therefore, the publication of Dianetics was more than TWO YEARS AFTER the interview between the alien pilot and the Roswell nurse.  How many other people may have read the transcripts of these interviews?

It is not my mission to protect or defend the material in the transcripts.  They speak for themselves.  A PDF copy of the book available FREE OF CHARGE on the Internet to anyone who cares to read it, or not.

Is the subject matter of the transcripts controversial?  Does the material revealed in the transcripts step on the toes of a lot of government, religious and personal vested interests? Why would so many people be threatened, and even murdered, by governments to keep this material from the public eye since 1947?  Why did Matilda keep the transcripts hidden for 60 years, until just before her death?

— Lawrence Spencer, Editor

Originally posted 2010-03-02 12:43:41. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“…The Vedic Hymns were brought to Earth 8,200 years ago by The Domain Expeditionary Force.  While they were based in the Himalaya Mountains, the verses were taught to some of the local humans who memorized them.  However, I should note that this was not an authorized activity for the crew of The Domain installation, although I am sure it seemed like an innocent diversion for them at the time.

The verses were passed along verbally from one generation to the next for thousands of years in the foothills and eventually spread throughout India.  No one in The Domain credits any of the material in the Vedic Hymns as factual material, any more than you would use “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” [i] (Footnote) as a guide for rearing children.  However, on a planet where all of the IS-BEs have had their memory erased, one can understand how these tales and fantasies could be taken seriously.

Unfortunately, the humans who learned the Vedic verses passed them along to others saying that they came from “the gods”.  Eventually, the content of the verses were adopted verbatim as “truth”.  The euphemistic and metaphorical content of the Veda were accepted and practiced as dogmatic fact.  The philosophy of the verses were ignored and the verses became the genesis of nearly every religious practice on the planet, especially Hinduism. [ii] (Footnote)

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

FOOTNOTES:[i] “…Grimm’s Fairy Tales…”“The world famous collection of German origin fairy tales Kinder- und Hausmärchen (KHM; English: Children’s and Household Tales), commonly known as Grimm’s Fairy Tales, was first published in 1812 by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the Brothers Grimm.  The brothers developed an interest in ancient fairy tales. They started to collect and write down tales that they alleged had been handed down for generations.  On December 20, 1812 they published the first volume of the first edition, containing 86 stories; the second volume of 70 stories followed in 1814.The first volumes were much criticized because, although they were called “Children’s Tales”, they were not regarded as suitable for children, both for the scholarly information included and the subject matter. Many changes through the editions—such as turning the wicked mother of the first edition in Snow White and Hansel and Gretel to a stepmother, were probably made with an eye to such suitability. They removed sexual references, such as Rapunzel’s betraying the prince by asking why her clothing no longer fit, and so revealing her pregnancy, but in many respects, violence, particularly when punishing villains, was increased.The influence of these books was widespread. It ranks behind only the Bible and the works of William Shakespeare in sales. W. H. Auden praised it, during World War II, as one of the founding works of Western culture. The tales themselves have been put to many uses. The Nazis praised them as folkish tales showing children with sound racial instincts seeking racially pure marriage partners, and so strongly that the Allied forces warned against them. Writers about the Holocaust have combined the tales with their memoirs.”—  Reference:  Wikipedia.org
[ii] “…Hinduism…”“Hinduism is often referred to as Sanātana Dharma, a Sanskrit phrase meaning “the eternal path” or “the eternal law”.Hinduism is the world’s oldest major religion that is still practiced. Its earliest origins can be traced to the ancient Vedic civilization. A conglomerate of diverse beliefs and traditions, Hinduism has no single founder. It is the world’s third largest religion following Christianity and Islam, with approximately a billion adherents, of whom about 905 million live in India and Nepal.Hinduism is an extremely diverse religion. Although some tenets of the faith are accepted by most Hindus, scholars have found it difficult to identify any doctrines with universal acceptance among all denominations. Prominent themes in Hindu beliefs include Dharma (ethics/duties), Samsāra (The continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth), Karma (action and subsequent reaction), Moksha (liberation from samsara), and the various Yogas (paths or practices).Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, monism and atheism. It is sometimes referred to as henotheistic (devotion to a single God while accepting the existence of other gods), but any such term is an oversimplification of the complexities and variations of belief. Most Hindus believe that the spirit or soul—the true “self” of every person, called the ātman—is eternal.”—  Reference:  Wikipedia.org

Originally posted 2011-06-02 14:35:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
