Just Another M.C.O. (Mind Control Operation)

mind_control"Although the military base of the "Old Empire" was destroyed, unfortunately, much of the vast machinery of the IS-BE force screens, the electroshock / amnesia / hypnosis machinery continues to function in other undiscovered locations right up to the present moment.  The main base or control center for this "mind control prison"  [i] (Footnote) operation has never been found. So, the influences of this base, or bases, are still in effect.
The Domain has observed that since the "Old Empire" space forces were destroyed there is no one left to actively prevent other planetary systems from bringing their own "untouchable" IS-BEs to Earth from all over this galaxy, and from other galaxies nearby.  Therefore, Earth has become a universal dumping ground for this entire region of space.
This, in part, explains the very unusual mix of races, cultures, languages, moral codes, religious and political influences among the IS-BE population on Earth.  The number and variety of heterogeneous societies on Earth are extremely unusual on a normal planet.  Most "Sun Type 12, Class 7" planets are inhabited by only one humanoid body type or race, if any.
In addition, most of the ancient civilizations of Earth, and many of the events of Earth have been heavily influenced by the hidden, hypnotic operation of the "Old Empire" base.  So far, no one has figured out exactly where and how this operation is run, or by whom because it is so heavily protected by screens and traps.
Furthermore, there has been no operation undertaken to seek out, discover and destroy the vast and ancient network of electronics machinery that create the IS-BE force screens at this end of the galaxy. Until this has been done, we are not able to prevent or interrupt the electric shock operation, hypnosis and remote thought control  [ii] (Footnote) of the "Old Empire" prison planet."

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

FOOTNOTES: [i] “… mind control…”Mind control (or “brainwashing”) refers to a broad range of psychological tactics able to subvert an individual’s control of his own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions. The concept is closely related to hypnosis, but differs in practical approach.William Sargant connected Pavlov’s findings (the Russian researcher who experimented on stimulus-response mechanism with dogs) to the ways people learned and internalized belief systems. Conditioned behavior patterns could be changed by stimulated stresses beyond a dog’s capacity for response, in essence causing a breakdown. This could also be caused by intense signals, longer than normal waiting periods, rotating positive and negative signals and changing a dog’s physical condition, as through illness. Depending on the dog’s initial personality, this could possibly cause a new belief system to be held tenaciously. Sargant also connected Pavlov’s findings to the mechanisms of brain-washing…. “Though men are not dogs, they should humbly try to remember how much they resemble dogs in their brain functions, and not boast themselves as demigods. They are gifted with religious and social apprehensions, and they are gifted with the power of reason; but all these faculties are physiologically entailed to the brain. Therefore the brain should not be abused by having forced upon it any religious or political mystique that stunts the reason, or any form of crude rationalism that stunts the religious sense.” (p. 274) Psychologist Margaret Singer describes six conditions which would create an atmosphere in which thought reform is possible. Singer states that these conditions involve no need for physical coercion or violence.

  • Keep the victim unaware of what is going on and how he is being changed a step at a time.
  • Control the victim’s social and/or physical environment; especially control the victim’s time.
  • Systematically create a sense of powerlessness in the victim. This is accomplished by getting victims away from their normal social support group for a period of time and into an environment where the majority of people are already group members.
    • The victims serve as models of the attitudes and behaviors of the group and speak an in-group language.
    • Strip victims of their main occupation (quit jobs, drop out of school) or source of income or have them turn over their income (or the majority of) to the group.
    • Once stripped of your usual support network, your confidence in your own perception erodes.
    • As your sense of powerlessness increases, your good judgment and understanding of the world are diminished. (ordinary view of reality is destabilized)
    • As group attacks your previous worldview, it causes you distress and inner confusion; yet you are not allowed to speak about this confusion or object to it — leadership suppresses questions and counters resistance.
    • This process is sped up if you are kept tired.
  • Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior that reflects the victim’s former social identity.
    • Manipulation of experiences can be accomplished through various methods of trance induction, including leaders using such techniques as paced speaking patterns, guided imagery, chanting, long prayer sessions or lectures, and lengthy meditation sessions.
    • Your old beliefs and patterns of behavior are defined as irrelevant or evil. Leadership wants these old patterns eliminated, so the victims must suppress them.
    • Victims get positive feedback for conforming to the group’s beliefs and behaviors and negative feedback for old beliefs and behavior.
  • Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in order to promote learning the group’s ideology or belief system and group-approved behaviors.
    • Good behavior, demonstrating an understanding and acceptance of the group’s beliefs, and compliance are rewarded while questioning, expressing doubts or criticizing are met with disapproval, redress and possible rejection. If one expresses a question, he or she is made to feel that there is something inherently wrong with them to be questioning.
    • The only feedback victims get is from the group, they become totally dependent upon the rewards given by those who control the environment.
    • Victims must learn varying amounts of new information about the beliefs of the group and the behaviors expected by the group.
    • The more complicated and filled with contradictions the new system is and the more difficult it is to learn, the more effective the conversion process will be.
    • Esteem and affection from peers is very important to new recruits. Approval comes from having the new victim’s behaviors and thought patterns conform to the models (victims). Victims’ relationship with peers is threatened whenever they fail to learn or display new behaviors. Over time, the easy solution to the insecurity generated by the difficulties of learning the new system is to inhibit any display of doubts — new recruits simply acquiesce, affirm and act as if they do understand and accept the new ideology.
  • Put forth a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that permits no feedback and refuses to be modified except by leadership approval or executive order.
    • The group has a top-down, pyramid structure. The leaders must have verbal ways of never losing.
    • Victims are not allowed to question, criticize or complain — if they do, the leaders allege that the victim is defective — not the organization or the beliefs.
    • The individual is always wrong — the system, its leaders and its belief are always right.
    • Remolding of the individual victim happens in a closed system. As victims learn to modify their behavior in order to be accepted in this closed system, they change — begin to speak the language — which serves to further isolate them from their prior beliefs and behaviors.”

Social psychology tacticsA contemporary view of mind control sees it as an intensified and persistent use of well researched social psychology principles like compliance, conformity, persuasion, dissonance, reactance, framing or emotional manipulation.One of the most notable proponents of such theories is social psychologist Philip Zimbardo, former president of the American Psychological Association:“I conceive of mind control as a phenomena encompassing all the ways in which personal, social and institutional forces are exerted to induce compliance, conformity, belief, attitude, and value change in others.
“Mind control is the process by which individual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognition and/or behavioral outcomes. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles.”In Influence, Science and Practice, social psychologist Robert Cialdini argues that mind control is possible through the covert exploitation of the unconscious rules that underlie and facilitate healthy human social interactions. He states that common social rules can be used to prey upon the unwary, and he titles them as follows:

  • “Reciprocation: The Old Give and Take…and Take”
  • “Commitment and Consistency: Hobgoblins of the Mind”
  • “Social Proof: Truths Are Us”
  • “Liking: The Friendly Thief”
  • “Authority: Directed Deference”
  • “Scarcity: The Rule of the Few”

Using these six broad categories, he offers specific examples of both mild and extreme mind control (both one on one and in groups), notes the conditions under which each social rule is most easily exploited for false ends, and offers suggestions on how to resist such methods.”Reference:  Wikipedia.org [ii] “… remote thought control…”

EDITOR’S NOTE:  If  “hypersonic sound” (see reference below) can already be used on Earth, which has been using electricity for only 150 years, imagine a technology that has been refined over millions of years, that could transmit thoughts that are precisely targeted to an individual person across millions of miles of space.

“The lunatic is in my head,” sang Pink Floyd on their landmark “Dark Side of the Moon” album released 35 years ago. “There’s someone in my head but it’s not me.”In 2008, there is a chance that the voice inside your head may be trying to sell you something. Advertisers are using a new acoustic technology to project advertising slogans directly into your head. And not everyone is happy about the aural intrusion.
In fact, the space between your ears may be the newest battleground in the conflict between privacy and technology.  The technique is called hypersonic sound and it was created by inventor Woody Norris.  Hypersonic sound (HSS) projection enables sound to be directed precisely to one individual without any spillover.In tandem with an ultrasonic emitter and a signal processor/amplifier, HSS projects a column of modulated ultrasonic frequencies into the air. The ultrasonic frequencies are inaudible by themselves, but the interaction of the frequencies with the air create sounds that can be heard by anyone inside the column. Hypersonic sound can direct sound as precisely as a laser beam can direct light.One only needs to be standing in the path of an HSS beam in order to hear the sound. However, the sensation to those hearing is that the sound is being projected from inside their skull.Pretty cool, thinks inventor Norris. Or pretty creepy if you don’t know what’s going on. It is already being done from a billboard on Prince Street in New York City.Advertising for a television show called “Paranormal State,” which airs on the Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E), has been sent through HSS to unsuspecting pedestrians who trigger a sensor as they stroll by. The sound that is emitted can be heard only by them.Science and technology writer Clive Thompson, has written about the Prince Street billboard for Wired magazine. He experienced HSS himself, writing that it felt “creepy” to hear a woman’s voice whisper, “Who’s there? Who’s there?”It used to be that we could at least be guaranteed privacy in the space between our ears. That is no longer true, thanks to the invention of “in-head advertising.”
“The freedom to think our own thoughts without artificial manipulation from outside sources may be our latest civil rights battle.”By RUTH N. GELLERHumanistNetworkNews.org
April 2, 2008
— Reference:  http://humaniststudies.org/enews/?id=342&showAll=true

Originally posted 2011-05-08 21:07:45. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.  In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

1) the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.

2) mind control of the IS-BEs in the invaded area  through the use of electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, erasure of memory and the implantation of false memory or false information intended to subjugate and enslave the local IS-BE population.

3) takeover of natural resources by the invading IS-BEs.

4) political, economic and social slavery of the local population.

These activities continue in present time.  All of the IS-BEs on Earth have been members of one or more of these activities in the past, both as an invader, or as part of the population being invaded.  There are no “saints” in this universe.  Very few have avoided or been exempted from warfare between IS-BEs.  

IS-BEs on Earth are still the victims of this activity at this very moment.  The between-lives amnesia administered to IS-BEs is one of the mechanisms of an elaborate system of “Old Empire” IS-BE traps, that  prevent an IS-BE from escaping. 

This operation is managed by an illicit, renegade secret police [i] (Footnote) force of the “Old Empire”, using false provocation operations to disguise their activities [ii] (Footnote) in order to prevent detection by their own government, The Domain and by the victims of their activities.  They are mind-control methods developed by government psychiatrists. [iii] (Footnote)

Earth is a “ghetto” [iv] (Footnote)  planet.  It is the result of an intergalactic “Holocaust”. [v] (FootnoteIS-BEs have been sentenced to Earth either because:

1) They are too viciously insane or perverse to function as part of any civilization, no matter how degraded or corrupt.

2) Or, they are a revolutionary threat to the social, economic and political caste system that has been so carefully built and brutally enforced in the “Old Empire”.  Biological bodies are specifically designed and designated as the lowest order of entity in the “Old Empire” caste system.  When an IS-BE is sent to Earth, and then tricked or coerced into operating in a biological body, they are actually in a prison, inside a prison.

3) In an effort to permanently and irreversibly rid the “Old Empire” of such “untouchables”, the eternal identity, memory, and abilities of every IS-BE is  forcefully erased.  This “final solution” [vi] (Footnote)  was conceived and carried out by the psychopathic criminals who are controlled by the “Old Empire”.  

The mass extermination of “untouchables” and prison camps created by Germany during World War II were recently revealed. Likewise, the IS-BEs of Earth are the victims of spiritual eradication and eternal slavery inside frail, biological bodies, inspired by the same kind of craven hatred in the “Old Empire”.

The kind and creative inmates of Earth are continuously tortured by butchers and lunatics who are controlled by the “Old Empire” prison operators. The so-called “civilizations” of Earth, from the age of useless pyramids to the age of nuclear holocaust, have been a colossal waste of natural resources, a perverted use of intelligence, and an overt oppression of the spiritual essence of every single IS-BE on the planet.

If The Domain sent ships to every corner of the universe in search of “Hell”, their quest could end on Earth. What greater brutality can be inflicted on anyone than to erase the spiritual awareness, identity, ability, and memory that is the essence of oneself?”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts from Roswell, 1947

[i]  “ This operation is managed by the secret police…”

“Secret police (sometimes political police) are a police organization which operates in secrecy to maintain national security against internal threats to the state. Secret police forces are typically associated with totalitarian regimes, as they are often used to maintain the political power of the state rather than uphold the rule of law. Secret police are law enforcement organizations officially endowed with authority superior to civil police forces, operating outside the normal boundaries of the law, and they are often accountable only to the executive branch of the government. They operate entirely or partially in secrecy; i.e., most or all of their operations are obscure and hidden from the general public and from all government officials, except for the topmost executive officials. Secret police organizations have often been used as an instrument of political repression. States where the secret police wield significant power are sometimes referred to as police states. Secret police differ from the domestic security agencies in modern liberal democracies, because domestic security agencies are generally subject to government regulation, reporting requirements, and other accountability measures. Despite such oversight, there still exists the possibility of domestic-security agencies acting unlawfully and taking on some characteristics of secret police.

Secret police not only have the traditional police authority to arrest and detain, but in some cases they are given unsupervised control of the length of detention, assigned to implement punishments independent of the public judiciary, and allowed to administer those punishments without external review. The tactics of investigation and intimidation used by secret police enable them to accrue so much power that they usually operate with little or no practical restraint. Secret-police organizations employ internal spies and civilian informants to find protest leaders or dissidents, and they may also employ agents provocateurs to incite political opponents to perform illegal acts against the government, whereupon such opponents may be arrested. Secret police may open mail, tap telephone lines, use various techniques to trick, blackmail, or coerce relatives or friends of a suspect into providing information. The secret police are renowned for raiding homes between midnight and dawn, to apprehend people suspected of dissent.

People apprehended by the secret police are often arbitrarily arrested and detained without due process. While in detention, arrestees may be tortured or subjected to inhumane treatment. Suspects may not receive a public trial, and instead may be convicted in a kangaroo court-style show trial, or by a secret tribunal.

Secret police have been used by many types of governments. Secret police forces in dictatorships and totalitarian states usually use violence and acts of terror to suppress political opposition and dissent, and may use death squads to carry out assassinations and “disappearances”. Although secret police normally do not exist in democratic states there are different varieties of democracy and, in times of emergency or war, a democracy may lawfully grant its policing and security services additional or sweeping powers, which may be seen or construed as a secret police.”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

[ii]  “...using false provocation operations to disguise their activities…”

“False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension.

During the Italian strategy of tension in which several bombings in the 1970s, attributed to far-left organizations, were in fact carried out by far-right organizations cooperating with the Italian secret services (see Operation Gladio, 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing, 1972 Peteano attack by Vincenzo Vinciguerra, 1973 assassination attempt of former Interior Minister Mariano Rumor, 1980 Bologna massacre, etc. and various investigations, for example by Guido Salvini). In France, the Masada Action and Defense Movement, supposedly a Zionist group, was really a neo-fascist terrorist group which hoped to increase tension between Arabs and Jews in France.

False flag tactics were also employed during the Algerian civil war, starting in the mid-1994. Death squads composed of DRS(Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité) security forces disguised themselves as Islamist terrorists and committed false flag terror attacks. Such groups included the OJAL (Organisation of Young Free Algerians) or the OSSRA (Secret Organisation for the safeguard of the Algerian Republic)  According to Roger Faligot and Pascal Kropp (1999), the OJAL reminded of “the Organization of the French Algerian Resistance (ORAF), a group of counter-terrorists created in December 1956 by the DST (Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire / Territorial Surveillance Directorate) whose mission was to carry out terrorist attacks with the aim of quashing any hopes of political compromise.”

On the night of Feb. 27, 1933 the Reichstag building was set on fire. At the urging of Hitler, Hindenburg responded the next day by issuing an emergency decree “for the Protection of the people and the State,” which stated: “Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.” After 74 years, the question of who actually started the Reichstag fire is still unknown and occasionally debated.

There are various 9/11 conspiracy theories (and a very large body of hard evidence – Editor) which say the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US were a false flag operation.”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

[iii]  “… mind-control methods developed by government psychiatrists…”

“William Sargant  was a consultant to the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI5/MI6). In 1953 he associated with Frank Olson, Deputy Acting Head of Special Operations for the CIA, investigating the use of mind-bending drugs at the Biological Warfare Centre at Porton Down.

In 1944 he collaborated with Slater in writing An Introduction to Physical Methods of Treatment in Psychiatry, a textbook on biological psychiatry that included lobotomy and shock therapy and remained in print for three decades.

William Sargant was a pioneer in methods of placing false memories into patients. He attested at the 1977 U.S. Senate hearing, “that the therapist should deliberately distort the facts of the patient’s life-experience to achieve heightened emotional response and abreaction. In the drunken state of narcoanalysis patients are prone to accept the therapist’s false constructions.”

In 1957 William Sargant published one of the first books on the psychology of brainwashing, Battle for the Mind.  William Sargant connected Pavlov’s findings to the ways people learned and internalized belief systems. Conditioned behavior patterns could be changed by stimulated stresses beyond a dog’s capacity for response, in essence causing a breakdown. This could also be caused by intense signals, longer than normal waiting periods, rotating positive and negative signals and changing a dog’s physical condition, as through illness. Depending on the dog’s initial personality, this could possibly cause a new belief system to be held tenaciously. Sargant also connected Pavlov’s findings to the mechanisms of brain-washing in religion and politics.

Sargant and Dr Ewen Cameron of Project MKULTRA notoriety, were friends and colleagues who shared and exchanged views and information on brainwashing and de-patterning techniques and their mutual researches in this area. Both men had extensive CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service connections.

The aim of Cameron, Sargant and the CIA’s researches was to find a way to obliterate the memories of an allied spy (‘de-patterning’) and implant false memories at a deep level so that if that spy was captured in his adoptive country, he would be incapable under duress or even torture of revealing his true American/British allegiance. He would only be able to reveal the falsely implanted memories that supported his assumed persona. This concept became termed ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ after the novel. The extensive use of ‘heroic’ doses of Electron Convulsive Shock Treatmentcombined with Deep Sleep Treatment (narcosis), anti-depressants, tape-loops, insulin coma therapy, and other drugs in this context, was designed to induce catastrophic memory loss which would then supposedly be replaced with false memories and ideas(via tape loops, hypnosis, LSD or conversations while the person was drugged).

In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs, as well as electroconvulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times the normal power. His “driving” experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for months on end (up to three in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and post-partum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

[iv]  …”Earth is a “ghetto” planet…”

Ghetto” is also used figuratively to indicate geographic areas with a concentration of any type of person.

Ghetto is formed in three ways:

  • As ports of entry for racial minorities, and immigrant racial minorities.
  • When the majority uses compulsion (typically violence, hostility, or legal barriers) to force minorities into particular areas.
  • When the majority is willing and able to pay more than the minority to live with its own kind.

During World War II ghettos in occupied Europe 1939-1944 were established by the Nazis to confine Jews and sometimes Gypsies into tightly packed areas of the cities of Eastern Europe turning them into de-facto concentration camps and death camps in the Holocaust.

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

[v]  “… Holocaust…”

The Holocaust (from the Greek λόκαυστον (holókauston): holos, “completely” and kaustos, “burnt”), is the term generally used to describe the killing of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, as part of a program of deliberate extermination planned and executed by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime in Germany led by Adolf Hitler.

Other groups were persecuted and killed by the regime, including the Roma; Soviets, particularly prisoners of war; ethnic Poles; other Slavic people; the disabled; gay men; and political and religious dissidents.

The persecution and genocide were accomplished in stages. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II. Concentration camps were established in which inmates were used as slave labour until they died of exhaustion or disease. Where the Third Reich conquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and political opponents in mass shootings. Jews and Roma were crammed into ghettos before being transported hundreds of miles by freight train to extermination camps where, if they survived the journey, the majority of them were killed in gas chambers. Every arm of Germany’s bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the mass murder, turning the country into what one Holocaust scholar has called “a genocidal state.”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

[vi]  “…”final solution”…”

“Holocaust documenters argue that the medicalization of social problems and systematic euthanasia of people in German mental institutions in the 1930s provided the institutional, procedural, and doctrinal origins of the mass murder of the 1940s. The Nuremberg Trials convicted a number of psychiatrists who held key positions in Nazi regimes.”

— Reference: Lapon, Lenny (1986). Mass Murderers in White Coats : Psychiatric Genocide in Nazi Germany and the United States.

The tie between Hitler and the eugenic psychiatrists was so close that much of Mein Kampf is literally indistinguishable in language and in tone from the major international journals and psychiatric textbooks of the time. To quote from a few of many such passages in Mein Kampf:

            “To demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand for the clearest reason and, if systematically executed, represents the most humane act of mankind …”

“Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their ;suffering in the bodies of their children …”

“A prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and the mentally sick … would not only free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune but would lead to a recovery which today seems scarcely conceivable.”

Hitler received support from psychiatrists and social scientists around the world after he took power. Many articles in the world’s leading medical journals monitored and heaped praise on Hitler’s eugenic legislation and policies.

Records uncovered by Abrams at the hospital confirm that the extermination had begun as a part of a national psychiatric program before Hitler took on the systematic murder of the Jews. Hundreds of patients had been shipped off to psychiatric extermination centers prior to the end of 1941, when the national program was largely abandoned and local state mental hospitals took over “the action” on their own.

The psychiatric extermination program was not a hidden, secret shame of psychiatry – at least, not at the start. It was organized by leading professors of psychiatry and directors of mental hospitals through a series of national meetings and workshops. So-called euthanasia forms were circulated to individual hospitals, and final approval of each death was then given in Berlin by a committee of the nation’s outstanding psychiatrists. By January 1940 patients were being shipped to six special extermination centers staffed by psychiatrists.

In late 1941, public outrage and lack of enthusiasm from Hitler pushed the program underground, but between 100,000 and 200,000 German mental patients had been killed. From then on, individual institutions, such as that at Kaufbeuren, continued to act on their own, even admitting new patients for the purpose of murdering them. At the end of the war, many large institutions were entirely empty, and estimates from various war-crime tribunals, including Nuremberg, estimate the number of dead to be between 250,000 and 300,000, mostly inmates of psychiatric hospitals and homes for the retarded…

Psychiatrist Frederic Wertham, by no means a radical critic of his profession, deserves the credit for being the first to describe the role of psychiatry in Nazi Germany: …

The tragedy is that the PSYCHIATRISTS did not have to have an order. They acted on their own. They were not carrying out a death sentence pronounced by somebody else. They were the legislators who laid down the rules for deciding who was to die; they were the administrators who worked out the procedures, provided the patients and the places, and decided the methods of killing; they pronounced a sentence of life or death in each individual case; they were the executioners who carried the sentences out or — without being coerced to do so — surrendered their patients to be killed in other institutions; they supervised and often watched the slow deaths…”

By November 1, 1941, the first extermination camps were being built: first Belzec, then Sobibor, Treblinka, Chełmno and Majdanek, and finally Auschwitz-Birkenau.

At first, vague plans were made in Nazi Germany to deport all European Jews to Madagascar. Adolf Eichmann, in particular, supported this option before the Wannsee Conference of 1942, where he was made privy to the exact details of the “Final Solution”.

SS chief Heinrich Himmler stated:

“However cruel and tragic each individual case may be, this method is still the mildest and best, if one rejects the Bolshevik method of physical extermination of a people out of inner conviction as un-German and impossible.”

The original plan was to use the Royal Navy after Britain’s defeat to exile all of Europe’s Jews to Madagascar. However, since the British were not defeated as anticipated by the Nazis, the Madagascar Plan had to be abandoned.

The extermination process in Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka was similar to the method used in the six extermination camps in Germany and Austria, but hugely scaled up for killing whole transports of people at a time.

Victims would hand over their valuables, which became property of the German Reichsbank. They then undressed, and their clothes were searched for jewelry and other valuables. Victims were then marched into the gas chamber and packed tightly to minimize the available fresh air. An engine created carbon monoxide gas which was then discharged through gas pipes, killing the occupants. Their corpses were cremated after any gold dental fillings were removed. The mass murder was carefully tracked and documented.

For example, the intercepted Höfle Telegram sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle on January 11, 1943 to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin listed 1,274,166 total arrivals to the four camps of Aktion Reinhard through the end of 1942, as well as the total arrivals by camp for the last two weeks of 1942.

The structure of all camps was nearly identical. From the reception area with ramp and undressing barracks, the Jews entered a narrow, camouflaged path (called sluice or tube) to the extermination area with gas chambers, pits and cremation grids. The SS and Trawnikis stayed in a separate area. Barbed wire fences, partially camouflaged with pine branches, surrounded the camp and separated the different parts. Unlike Auschwitz, no electric fences were used. Wooden watchtowers guarded the camp.

Approximately 2 million Jews lost their lives in Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Majdanek in the course of Operation Reinhard. Approximately 178,045,960 German Reichsmark worth of Jewish property (today’s value: around 700,000,000 $US or 550,000,000 Euros) was stolen. This money went not only to German authorities, but also to single individuals (SS and police men, camp guards, non-Jewish inhabitants of towns and villages with ghettos or adjacent camps).”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

Originally posted 2012-07-20 14:03:48. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The mass extermination of “untouchables” and prison camps created by Germany during World War II were recently revealed. Likewise, the IS-BEs of Earth are the victims of spiritual eradication and eternal slavery inside frail, biological bodies, inspired by the same kind of craven hatred in the “Old Empire”.

The kind and creative inmates of Earth are continuously tortured by butchers and lunatics who are controlled by the “Old Empire” prison operators. The so-called “civilizations” of Earth, from the age of useless pyramids to the age of nuclear holocaust, have been a colossal waste of natural resources, a perverted use of intelligence, and an overt oppression of the spiritual essence of every single IS-BE on the planet.

If The Domain sent ships to every corner of the universe in search of “Hell”, their quest could end on Earth. What greater brutality can be inflicted on anyone than to erase the spiritual awareness, identity,  ability, and memory that is the essence of oneself?

The Domain has, as yet, been unable to rescue the 3,000 IS-BEs of the Expeditionary Force Battalion either.  They are forced to inhabit biological bodies on Earth.  We have been able to recognize and track most of them for the past 8,000 years. However, our attempts to communicate with them are usually futile, as they are unable to remember their true identity.

The majority of lost members of The Domain force have followed the general progression of Western civilization from India, into the Middle East, then to Chaldea, and Babylon, into Egypt, through Achaia, Greece, Rome, into Europe, to the Western Hemisphere, and then all around the world.

The members of the lost Battalion and many other IS-BEs on Earth, could be valuable citizens of The Domain, not including those who are vicious criminals or perverts.  Unfortunately, there has been no workable method conceived to emancipate the IS-BEs from Earth.

Therefore, as a matter of common logic, as well as the official policy of The Domain, it is safer and more sensible to avoid contact with the IS-BE population of Earth until such time as the proper resources can be allocated to locate and destroy  the “Old Empire” force screen and amnesia machinery and develop a therapy to restore the memory of an IS-BE.”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret military transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2011-09-07 00:51:28. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


Nurse reveals Top Secret transcripts from Roswell, 1947