Category Archives: reality


ESCAPINGThe following are excerpts from the Top Secret transcripts of interviews with “Airl”, the officer, pilot and engineer of the UFO that crashed near Roswell, NM in 1947:

“…the “Old Empire” has been using Earth as a “prison planet” for a very long time — exactly how long is unknown — perhaps millions of years.”

“…Earth, inherently, is a highly unstable planet. It is not suitable for settlement or permanent habitation for any sustainable civilization.  This is part of the reason why it is being used as a prison planet.”

“Kindness fosters kindness.  Cruelty begets cruelty.  One must be able and willing to use force, tempered with intelligence, to prevent harm to the innocent.  However, extraordinary understanding, self-discipline and courage are required to effectively prevent brutality, without being overwhelmed by the malice that motivated the brutality.

Only a demonic, self-serving government would employ a “logic” or “science” to conceive that an “ultimate solution” to any problem  is to murder and permanently erase the memory of every artist, genius, skilled manager, and inventor, and cast them into a planetary prison together with political opponents, killers, thieves, perverts, and disabled beings of an entire galaxy!

Once the IS-BEs expelled from the “Old Empire” arrived on Earth, they were given amnesia, and hypnotically tricked into thinking that something else had happened to them.  The next step was to implant the IS-BEs into biological bodies on Earth.  The bodies became the human populations of “false civilizations” which were designed and installed in the minds of IS-BEs to look completely unlike the “Old Empire”.

An “untouchable” classification of IS-BEs also includes a wide variety of “political prisoners” [ii] (Footnote).   This includes IS-BEs who are considered to be noncompliant “free thinkers” or “revolutionaries” who make trouble for the governments of the various planets of the “Old Empire”. Of course, anyone with a previous military record against the “Old Empire” is also shipped off to Earth.

A list of “untouchables” include artists, painters, singers, musicians, writers, actors, and performers of every kind.  For this reason Earth has more artists per capita than any other planet in the “Old Empire”.

“Untouchables” also include intellectuals, inventors and geniuses in almost every field.  Since everything the “Old Empire” considers valuable has long since been invented or created over the last few trillion years, they have no further use for such beings.  This includes skilled managers also, which are not needed in a society of obedient, robotic citizens.

The pyramid civilizations were intentionally created as part of the IS-BE prison system on Earth.  The pyramid is alleged to be the symbol for “wisdom”.  However, the “wisdom” of the “Old Empire” on planet Earth is intended to operate as part of the elaborate amnesia “trap” consisting of MASS, MEANING and MYSTERY.  These are opposite to the qualities of an Immortal Spiritual Being which have no mass, or meaning.  An IS-BE “is” solely because it thinks that it “is”.

MASS represents the physical universe, including objects such as stars, planets, gases, liquids, energy particles and tea cups.  The Pyramids were very, very solid objects, as were all of the structures created by the “Old Empire”.  Heavy, massive, dense, solid objects create the illusion of eternity.  Dead bodies wrapped in linen, soaked in resin, placed inside engraved golden coffins and entombed with Earthly possessions amid cryptic symbols create an illusion of eternal life.  However, dense, heavy physical universe symbols are the exact opposite of an IS-BE.  An IS-BE has no mass or time.  Objects do not endure forever.  An IS-BE “is” forever.

MEANING:  False meanings prevent knowledge of the truth.  The pyramid cultures of Earth are a fabricated illusion.  They are nothing more than “false civilizations” contrived by the “Old Empire” mystery cult called the Brothers of the Serpent.  False meanings were invented to create the illusion of a false society to further reinforce the amnesia mechanism among the inmates in the Earth prison system.

MYSTERY is built of lies and half-truths.  Lies cause persistence because they alter facts which are comprised of exact dates, places and events.  When truth is known, a lie no longer persists.  If the exact truth is revealed, it is no longer a mystery.

“All of the pyramid civilizations of Earth were carefully contrived of layer upon layer of lies, skillfully combined with a few truths.  The priest cult of the “Old Empire” combined sophisticated mathematics and space opera technology, with theatrical metaphors and symbolism.  All of these are complete fabrications of truth, baited with the allure of aesthetics and mystery.

The intricate rituals, astronomical alignments, secret rites, massive monuments, marvelous architecture, artistically rendered hieroglyphs and man-animal “gods” were designed to create a unsolvable mystery for the IS-BE prison population on Earth.  The mystery diverts attention away from the truth that IS-BEs have been captured, given amnesia and imprisoned on a planet far, far away from their home.

The truth is that every single IS-BE on Earth came to Earth from some other planetary system.  Not one person on Earth is a “native” inhabitant.  Human beings did not “evolve” on Earth.”

“In the past, Egyptian society was run by the prison administrators or priests, who, in turn, manipulated a Pharaoh, controlled the treasury and kept the inmate population enslaved physically and spiritually. In modern times, the priests have changed, but the function is the same.  However, now the priests are prisoners too.

Mystery reinforces the walls of the prison.  The “Old Empire” feared that the IS-BEs on Earth might regain their memory.  Therefore, one of the primary functions of The “Old Empire” priesthood is to prevent IS-BEs on Earth from remembering who they really are, how they came to Earth, where they came from.

The “Old Empire” operators of the prison system, and their superiors, do not want IS-BEs to remember who murdered them, captured them, stole all of their possessions, sent them to Earth, gave them amnesia and condemned them to eternal imprisonment!

Imagine what might happen if all of the inmates in the prison suddenly remembered that they have the right to be free!  What if they suddenly realized that they have been falsely imprisoned and rise up as one against the guards?

They are afraid to reveal anything that looks like the civilization of the inmates home planets.  A body, a piece of clothing, a symbol, a space ship, an advanced electronics device, or any other remnant of civilization from a home planet could “remind” a being and rekindle his memory.

Sophisticated technologies of entrapment and enslavement, which were developed over millions of years in the “Old Empire”, have been applied to the IS-BEs on Earth with the intention to create a false facade for the prison.  These facades were installed on Earth in totality, all at once.  Every piece is a fully integrated part of the prison system.

This includes a religion of mumbo-jumbo double-speak. Every pyramid civilization uses this as part of a control mechanism to keep the population enslaved by force, by fear and by ignorance. The indecipherable muddle of irrelevant information, geometric designs, mathematical calculation, astronomical alignments, are part of a false spirituality based on solid objects, rather than immortal spirits, in order to confuse and disorient the IS-BEs on Earth.

When the body of a person died they were buried with their Earthly possessions, including their former body wrapped in linen, to sustain their “soul” or “Ka” after death.  An IS-BE does not “have” as soul.  An IS-BE is a soul.

On the home planet of an IS-BE their material possessions were not lost, stolen or forgotten when the being died or left the body.  An IS-BE could return and claim the possessions.  However, if the IS-BE has amnesia, they will not remember that they had any possession.  So, governments, insurance companies, bankers, family members and other vultures can pick their possessions clean without fear of retribution from the deceased. [iii] (Footnote)

The only reason for these false meanings is to instill the idea that an IS-BE is NOT a spirit, but a physical object!  This is a lie.  It is a trap for an IS-BE.

Countless people have spent endless hours attempting to solve the jig-saw puzzle of Egypt and other “Old Empire” civilizations. They are puzzles made of pieces that do not fit.  A question states its own answer.  What is the mystery of Egypt and other pyramid cultures?  Mystery!”

All of the IS-BEs of India, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Medieval Europe were guided to pattern and build the cultural elements of these societies based on standard patterns developed by the IS-BEs of many earlier, similar civilizations on “Sun Type 12, Class 7” planets that have existed for trillions of years throughout the universe.

In the earliest times the IS-BEs sent to prison Earth lived in India.  They gradually spread into Mesopotamia, Egypt, Mesoamerica, Achaea, Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, and to the New World.  They were hypnotically “commanded” to follow the pattern of a given civilization by the “Old Empire” prison operators.  This is an effective mechanism to disguise the actual time and location from the IS-BEs imprisoned on Earth.  The languages, costumes and culture of each false civilization are intended to reinforce amnesia because they do not remind the IS-BEs on Earth of the original “Old Empire” planets from which they were deported.

“…the very unusual combination of “inmates” on Earth – criminals, perverts, artists, revolutionaries and geniuses – is the cause of a very restive and tumultuous environment.  The purpose of the prison planet is to keep IS-BEs on Earth, forever.  Promoting ignorance, superstition, and war between IS-BEs helps to keep the prison population crippled and trapped behind “the wall” of electronic force screens.”

“Old Empire” operatives act as an unseen influence on international bankers. The banks are operated covertly as a non-combatant provocateur to covertly promote and finance weapons and warfare between the nations of Earth.  Warfare is an internal mechanism of control over the inmate population. The purpose of the senseless genocide and carnage of wars financed by these international banks is to prevent the IS-BEs of Earth from sharing open communication, cooperate together in activities that might enable IS-BEs to prosper, become enlightened, and escape their imprisonment.”

“…if IS-BEs on Earth are going to escape from this prison, it will have to be an “inside job”, so to speak.  The inmates will have to figure out how to get themselves out.  Various methods of recovering the memory and ability of IS-BEs have been developed over the past 10,000 years on Earth, but none have proven to be consistently effective so far.”

“If humanity is to survive, it must cooperate to find effective solutions to the difficult conditions of your existence on Earth.  Humanity must rise above its human form and discover where they are, and that they are IS-BEs, and who they really are as IS-BEs in order to transcend the notion that they are merely biological bodies.  Once these realizations have been made, it may be possible to escape your current imprisonment.  Otherwise, there will be no future for the IS-BEs on Earth.”


[ii] “…political prisoners…”

 “A political prisoner is someone held in prison or otherwise detained, perhaps under house arrest, for his/her involvement in political activity. Political prisoners are arrested and tried with a veneer of legality, where false criminal charges, manufactured evidence, and unfair trials are used to disguise the fact that an individual is a political prisoner. This is common in situations which may otherwise be decried nationally and internationally as a human rights violation and suppression of a political dissident. A political prisoner can also be someone that has been denied bail unfairly, denied parole when it would reasonably have been given to a prisoner charged with a comparable crime, or special powers may be invoked by the judiciary.

Particularly in this latter situation, whether an individual is regarded as a political prisoner may depend upon subjective political perspective or interpretation of the evidence.  Governments typically reject assertions that they hold political prisoners.


In the Soviet Union, dubious psychiatric diagnoses were sometimes used to confine political prisoners.  In Nazi Germany, “Night and Fog” prisoners were among the first victims of fascist repression.  In North Korea, entire families are jailed if one family member is suspected of anti-government sentiments.” — Reference:

[iii]  …”plunder their possessions.”

Looting, sacking, plundering, despoiling, or pillaging is the indiscriminate taking of goods by force as part of a military or political victory, or during a catastrophe or riot, such as during war, natural disaster, or rioting. The term is also used in a broader (some would argue metaphorical) sense, to describe egregious instances of theft and embezzlement, such as the “plundering” of private or public assets by corrupt or overly greedy corporate executives or government authorities. The proceeds of all these activities can be described as loot, plunder, or pillage.

Looting originally referred primarily to the plundering of villages and cities not only by victorious troops during warfare, but also by civilian members of the community.  For example, see War and Peace, which describes widespread looting by Moscow’s citizens before Napoleon’s troops enter the town, and looting by French troops elsewhere; also note the looting of art treasures by the Nazis during WWII.” — Reference:

Originally posted 2015-07-10 12:30:16. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



Illusory Universe

Official Transcript of the U.S. Army Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, 509th Bomb Group

SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 25. 7. 1947, 1st Session

“Airl explained that IS-BEs have been around since before the beginning of the universe.  The reason they are called “immortal”, is because a “spirit” is not born and cannot die, but exists in a personally postulated perception of “is – will be”. She was careful to explain that every spirit is not the same.  Each is completely unique in identity, power, awareness and ability. 

The difference between an IS-BE like Airl and most of the IS-BEs inhabiting bodies on Earth, is that Airl can enter and depart from her “doll” at will.  She can perceive at selective depths through matter.  Airl and other officers of The Domain can communicate  telepathically. Since an IS-BE is not a physical universe entity it has no location in space or time.   An IS-BE is literally, “immaterial”. They can span great distances of space instantly. 

They can experience sensations, more intensely than a biological body, without the use of physical sensory mechanisms.  An IS-BE can exclude pain from their perception.  Airl can also remember her “identity”, so to speak, all the way back into the dim mists of time, for trillions of years!

She says that the existing collection of suns in this immediate vicinity of the universe have been burning for the last 200 trillion years.  The age of the physical universe is nearly infinitely old, but probably at least four quadrillion [i] (Footnote) years since its earliest beginnings. 

Time is a difficult factor to measure as it depends on the subjective memory of IS-BEs and there has been no uniform record of events throughout the physical universe since it began. As on Earth, there are many different time measurement systems, defined by various cultures, which use cycles of motion, and points of origin to establish age and duration.  [ii] (Footnote)

The physical universe itself is formed from the convergence and amalgamation of many other individual universes  [iii] (Footnote) , each one of which were created by an IS-BE or group of IS-BEs.  The collision of these illusory universes commingled and coalesced and were solidified to form a mutually created universe.  Because it is agreed that energy and forms can be created, but not destroyed, [iv] (Footnote) this creative process has continued to form an ever-expanding universe of nearly infinite physical proportions. 

Before the formation of the physical universe there was a vast period during which universes were not solid, but wholly illusionary.  You might say that the universe was a universe of magical illusions which were made to appear and vanish at the will of the magician.  In every case, the “magician” was one or more IS-BEs.  Many IS-BEs on Earth can still recall vague images from that period.  Tales of magic, sorcery and enchantment, fairy tales and mythology speak of such things, [v] (Footnote) although in very crude terms. 

Each IS-BE entered into the physical universe when they lost their own, “home” universe.  That is, when an IS-BE’s “home” universe was overwhelmed by the physical universe, or when the IS-BE joined with other IS-BEs to create or conquer the physical universe.

On Earth, the ability to determine when an IS-BE entered the physical universe is difficult for two reasons:  1) the memory of IS-BEs on Earth have been erased, and 2) IS-BEs arrival or invasion into the physical universe took place at different times, some 60 trillion years ago, and others only 3 trillion.  Every once in a short while, a few million years, an area or planet will be taken over by another group of IS-BEs entering into the area.”

Airl — Pilot, Officer and Engineer of The Domain Expeditionary Force.   From the transcripts published in Alien Interview.


[i] “… quadrillion…”

“Quadrillion may mean either of the two numbers:

1,000,000,000,000,000 (one thousand million million; 1015; SI prefix peta) – increasingly common meaning in English language usage.

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1024; SI prefix yotta) – increasingly rare meaning in English language usage.”

— Reference:

[ii]  “…points of origin to establish age and duration.”

“So far scientists have not found a way to determine the exact age of the Earth directly from Earth rocks because Earth’s oldest rocks have been recycled and destroyed by the process of plate tectonics. If there are any of Earth’s primordial rocks left in their original state, they have not yet been found. Nevertheless, scientists have been able to determine the probable age of the Solar System and to calculate an age for the Earth by assuming that the Earth and the rest of the solid bodies in the Solar System formed at the same time and are, therefore, of the same age.

The ages of Earth and Moon rocks and of meteorites are measured by the decay of long-lived radioactive isotopes of elements that occur naturally in rocks and minerals and that decay with half lives of 700 million to more than 100 billion years to stable isotopes of other elements. These dating techniques, which are firmly grounded in physics and are known collectively as radiometric dating, are used to measure the last time that the rock being dated was either melted or disturbed sufficiently to rehomogenize its radioactive elements.”

— Reference:

[iii] “… The physical universe itself is formed from the convergence and amalgamation of many other individual universes…”

“A creation myth is a supernatural mytho-religious story or explanation that describes the beginnings of humanity, earth, life, and the universe (cosmogony),  usually as a deliberate act of “creation” by a supreme being.  Many accounts of creation share broadly similar themes. Common motifs include the fractionation of the things of the world from a primordial chaos; the separation of the mother and father gods; land emerging from an infinite and timeless ocean; or creation ex nihilo (Latin: out of nothing).”

— Reference:

[iv]  “… energy and forms can be created, but not destroyed…”

“In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy in any isolated system remains constant but cannot be recreated, although it may change forms, e.g. friction turns kinetic energy into thermal energy. In thermodynamics, the first law of thermodynamics is a statement of the conservation of energy for thermodynamic systems, and is the more encompassing version of the conservation of energy. In short, the law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

— Reference:

[v] “… Tales of magic, sorcery and enchantment, fairy tales and mythology speak of such things…”

Magic, sometimes known as sorcery, is a conceptual system that asserts human ability to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena) through mystical, paranormal or supernatural means. The term can also refer to the practices employed by a person asserting this influence, and to beliefs that explain various events and phenomena in such terms. In many cultures, magic is under pressure from, and in competition with, scientific and religious conceptual systems.

Adherents to magic believe that it may work by one or more of the following basic principles:

  • Natural forces that cannot be detected by science at present, and in fact may not be detectable at all. These magical forces are said to exist in addition to and alongside the four fundamental forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force and the weak force.
  • Intervention of spirits similar to these hypothetical natural forces, but with their own consciousness and intelligence. Believers in spirits will often describe a whole cosmos of beings of many different kinds, sometimes organized into a hierarchy.

Aleister Crowley preferred the spelling magick, defining it as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will.” By this, he included “mundane” acts of will as well as ritual magic. In Magick in Theory and Practice, Chapter XIV, Crowley says:

“What is a Magical Operation? It may be defined as any event in nature which is brought to pass by Will. We must not exclude potato-growing or banking from our definition. Let us take a very simple example of a Magical Act: that of a man blowing his nose.” “

— Reference:

Originally posted 2013-03-26 17:55:49. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



astrology_symbolThe following excerpts compiled from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW are intended to provide students of the book with an “educational spotlight” on the subject of mind control methods used against the sentient beings of Earth to establish and maintain an effective prison system by the Old Empire for “undesirable” Is-Bes.

Hypnotic Commands” are the content of subjects like Astrology — among other religions and psychological control mechanisms which tell a person how to think, and what to think — are intended to maintain and reinforce amnesia and mental slavery on Earth.

(Note:  Added Emphasis on specific words and phrases in the following excepts from the book have been added by the Editor)


“In the earliest times the IS-BEs sent to prison Earth lived in India.  They gradually spread into Mesopotamia, Egypt, Mesoamerica, Achaea, Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, and to the New World.  They were hypnotically “commanded” to follow the pattern of a given civilization by the “Old Empire” prison operators.  This is an effective mechanism to disguise the actual time and location from the IS-BEs imprisoned on Earth.  The languages, costumes and culture of each false civilization are intended to reinforce amnesia because they do not remind the IS-BEs on Earth of the original “Old Empire” planets from which they were deported.

On the very far back-track of time these types of civilizations tended to repeat themselves over and over because the IS-BEs who created them become familiar with certain patterns and styles, and stayed with them.  It is a lot of work to invent an entire civilization, complete with culture, architecture, language, customs, mathematics, moral values, and so forth.  It is much easier to replicate a copy based on a familiar and successful pattern.”

“…a series of post hypnotic suggestions are used to install false memories, and a false time orientation in each IS-BE.  astrologymedThis includes the command to “return” to the base after the body dies, so that the same kind of shock and hypnosis can be done again, and again, again — forever.  The hypnotic command also tells the “patient” to forget to remember.”

“…when the body of the IS-BE dies they depart from the body. They are detected by the “force screen”, they are captured and “ordered” by hypnotic command to “return to the light”.  The idea of “heaven” and the “afterlife” are part of the hypnotic suggestion — a part of the treachery that makes the whole mechanism work.

After the IS-BE has been shocked and hypnotized to erase the memory of the life just lived,  the IS-BE is immediately “commanded”, hypnotically, to “report” back to Earth, as though they were on a secret mission, to inhabit a new body.  Each IS-BE is told that they have a special purpose for being on Earth.  But, of course there is no purpose for being in a prison — at least not for the prisoner. 

“….the “wisdom” of the “Old Empire” on planet Earth is intended to operate as part of the elaborate amnesia “trap” consisting of MASS, MEANING and MYSTERY.  These are opposite to the qualities of an Immortal Spiritual Being which have no mass, or meaning.  An IS-BE “is” solely because it thinks that it “is”. 

 MASS represents the physical universe, including objects such as stars, planets…”.

 “….dense, heavy physical universe symbols are the exact opposite of an IS-BE.  An IS-BE has no mass or time.  Objects do not endure forever.  An IS-BE “is” forever. 

MEANING:  False meanings prevent knowledge of the truth. 

 “…cultures of Earth are a fabricated illusion.  They are nothing more than “false civilizations” contrived by the “Old Empire”….  False meanings were invented to create the illusion of a false society to further reinforce the amnesia mechanism among the inmates in the Earth prison system.

MYSTERY is built of lies and half-truths.  Lies cause persistence because they alter facts which are comprised of exact dates, places and events.  When truth is known, a lie no longer persists.  If the exact truth is revealed, it is no longer a mystery.”

 “…civilizations of Earth were carefully contrived of layer upon layer of lies, skillfully combined with a few truths.  The priest cult of the “Old Empire” combined sophisticated mathematics and space opera technology, with theatrical metaphors and symbolism.  All of these are complete fabrications of truth, baited with the allure of aesthetics and mystery.

 The intricate rituals, astronomical alignments, secret rites, massive monuments, marvelous architecture, artistically rendered hieroglyphs and man-animal “gods” were designed to create a unsolvable mystery for the IS-BE prison population on Earth.  The mystery diverts attention away from the truth that IS-BEs have been captured, given amnesia and imprisoned on a planet far, far away from their home.  The truth is that every single IS-BE on Earth came to Earth from some other planetary system.  Not one person on Earth is a “native” inhabitant.  Human beings did not “evolve” on Earth.”

Moses was tricked into believing that this operative was “the” One God through the use of hypnotic commands, as well as technical and aesthetic tricks which are commonly used by the “Old Empire” to trap IS-BEs.  This “Old Empire” operative contacted Moses on a desert mountain top and delivered the “Ten Hypnotic Commands” to him.  These commands are very forcefully worded, and compel an IS-BE into utter subservience to the will of the operator.  These hypnotic commands are still in effect and influence the thought patterns of millions of IS-BEs thousands of years later!”

“The government agencies that classified the enclosed transcripts as “TOP SECRET” are run by IS-BEs who are nothing more than mindless automatons covertly ordered about through hypnotic commands given by the “Old Empire” prison operators.  They are the unknowing slaves of unseen slave masters — and all the more enslaved by their willingness to be slaves.”


“…Post hypnotic suggestions…”

“The ability of a human to be induced into a form of behavior or thinking pattern after coming out of the hypnotic state.  Post hypnotic suggestions are administered by the hypnotist and may optionally include a time scope. An altered sense of perception or behavioral pattern may be “programmed” into the person under hypnosis. Certain sequences of events may be set as triggers to enter or exit the post-hypnotic pattern. The behavior patterns resemble conditioned reflexes, though administered without classical behavior alteration techniques.


Any number, color, object, etc. may be induced to be ignored by the patient after full consciousness. A certain keyword starts the suggestion and a different word ends it. The patient will not know nor use the item to be ignored. He/she may state that the sea is colored red, if suggested to ignore the color blue.  A count of eleven may be achieved if asked to count ones fingers if a number -say 5- is suggested to be ignored. Thus the patient counts 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11

Astrology-KabbalisticDifferent type of behavior patterns may be induced such as forcing the patient to recite a certain sentence whenever anyone says out loud the special keyword. The patient is fully aware of the conditioned action but it is very difficult, if not impossible, to restrain from doing it. Sweating, loss of coordination and full lack of concentration plagues the patient until he/she performs the programmed action.

An object may be set to be perceived as invisible and it will be fully ignored and evaded during the period of suggestion. Experiments may be performed with a coffee mug, induced to be invisible. If the mug is put on top of a page with writing, the patient will only read the parts not covered by the mug. Even though the sentences may make no sense, nothing is seemingly wrong to the suspected. It is difficult to suggest an object be invisible, yet stay tactile. Usually the object is completely ignored by all senses. Thus, the mug in the example will reportedly not exist, even when the patient is touching it.

Stage hypnotists will sometimes perform shows in which they hypnotize participants to think they are some celebrity and behave exactly like them. John Mohl, stage hypnotist and member of The National Guild of Hypnotists, says that he has often hypnotized people to become someone else!  Mohl noticed that adults often became a celebrity while Middle or High School students usually become something much more creative or imaginative.”

— Reference:


— compiled excerpts from the Top Secret Transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2014-03-05 15:21:10. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
