Category Archives: The Oz Factors


One of the most startling revelations to come out of the “Alien Interview” transcripts are: 1) Humanity is not asking the right questions about itself, life, the universe, the gods, evolution, religion, or just about anything else!  How can we advance our understanding of our existence if we don’t even know who we are, how we came to be here, and what relationship we have to the rest of existence?

Obviously, the myopically isolated placement of Mankind on a tiny planet on the rim of a galaxy, disconnected from any other discernible life forms, is an overwhelming disadvantage, to say the least.  The recorded memory of Mankind is barely more than 10,000 years, at best.  One obvious question is “where did the human race come from?”.   The evidence indicates that all of the varied races of Mankind just sort of “appeared”, fully formed with cultures, language, religion, pyramid building skills, agriculture, mythology, etc., at many places all over the world, simultaneously, about 12,000 years ago.  The mythology of every continent in the world reports and earlier, advanced civilization, and a great flood that wiped them out.  OK.  So, where did they come from?

The mathematical odds that we are the “only intelligent life” in the universe are infinitesimally small.  This begs the question, “why do we feel that there must be other intelligent life out there? ”  Again, there is no indisputable evidence to answer this.  It’s just a “feeling” many of us share.  We see UFOs everywhere, apparently, yet there is no indisputable evidence that they exist.  The potentials answers are obvious:  1) they don’t really exist 2) they really DO exist, but they don’t want us to know about it.  However, there may be real answers to these, and many other questions, contained in the statements of “Airl” the officer, pilot, and engineer of The Domain interviewed by Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy.  Let’s assume for a moment that the information in the transcript is factual:

Airl says that she is a member of an intergalactic expeditionary force of “The Domain”, a very advanced civilization which is trillions of year old.  She says that  Earth is a prison planet, and we are all inmates being held here without our knowledge and against our will.  Were are in a perpetually renewed state of amnesia by our captors.  The beings, or “IS-BEs”, sentenced to Earth are all unwanted by the governments of “Old Empire” planets that sent us here.  The population of Earth is comprised of psychotic criminals and sexual perverts, co-mingled with artists, geniuses, managers, revolutionaries and a wide variety of “untouchables”.  Even though, as “IS-BEs”, we come from a races of beings and civilizations that are trillions of years old, we are all unwanted and forgotten by the societies who have kicked us out and shipped us here.  Further, we are forced to inhabit fragile biological bodies from which there is, apparently, no easy escape.  We are not in our native place or state of being, anymore than a unicorn could evolve from a goat.  Is it any wonder that people find any or all of this difficult to believe?

To compound the overwhelming chaos of our condition, we have been lied to by our captors who have made our condition appear to be something other than what it actually is.  False civilizations, cultures and religions, as well as ideas, such as an “evolutionary line”, have been artificially planted on Earth and in the minds of the inmates to create the illusion that we are “native inhabitants” of this planet, along with the indigenous animals in the “zoological prison”.  No evidence exists to demonstrate this to be true, regardless of how hard “scientists” try to piece together bits of completely unrelated information to form an argument in favor of it.

Furthermore, this entire sector of the universe is currently being invaded, and will be “assimilated”, over the next few thousand years, into the civilization known as “The Domain”, who have already conquered the “Old Empire” planets from which we were expelled.  And, apparently, The Domain is not any more interested in us, than you and I would be interested in visiting the inmates of a high-security prison or insane asylum.

One of the many keys that keep the gates of our prison locked is that this entire “reality”, compared to the “reality” we commonly agree upon, is too “unbelievable”.  Very few believe it, or confront it.  Why would anyone even want to try?  Yet the majority of Earth inhabitants accept, as fact, that there is a “heaven” which not one person has very visited and returned with proof.  We are told by priests and politicians to accept their pie-in-the-sky promises as a matter of “faith”, only to be betrayed lifetime after lifetime throughout all of history.  No only that, we’re supposed to pay them for the privilege of believing what we can’t see, and what they can’t prove!  Somebody’s crazy here.

Isn’t it about time we started asked some questions that are really relevant?  Very few people question what they are told to think by priests and politicians, so a “false reality” continues to be hidden right in front of our faces.  It is much easier to deny any responsibility for one’s own life, freedom, intelligence and integrity, and blame all of our problems on the gods, or anyone other than ourselves.  As a result of this bizarre set of conditions, we live in a world full of death, turmoil, destruction, criminality and perpetual pain mixed with kindness, hope, beauty, wisdom, technical know-how, ambition and spiritual self-awareness shrouded in mystery.

What can we gain from this information?  Is it of any real value to us?  What can we do that will make a fundamental difference in our situation?  Let’s begin by asking ourselves this question:  who are we, really? Airl says we are all “IS-BEs” who have had the memory of our true identities erased in order to keep us captive.  The last thing our captors want us to do is to remember who we are, where we came from, and who sent us here.  I suggest that these are the very first questions we need to ask.  After all, if we knew the answers to these questions, maybe we could remember how to escape from this place.

I, for one, am not content with things as they are.  How about you?

Lawrence R. Spencer, Editor

Originally posted 2011-11-11 10:20:29. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The Domain has, as yet, been unable to rescue the 3,000 IS-BEs of the Expeditionary Force Battalion either.  They are forced to inhabit biological bodies on Earth.  We have been able to recognize and track most of them for the past 8,000 years. However, our attempts to communicate with them are usually futile, as they are unable to remember their true identity.

The majority of lost members of The Domain force have followed the general progression of Western civilization from India, into the Middle East, then to Chaldea, and Babylon, into Egypt, through Achaia, Greece, Rome, into Europe, to the Western Hemisphere, and then all around the world.

The members of the lost Battalion and many other IS-BEs on Earth, could be valuable citizens of The Domain, not including those who are vicious criminals or perverts.  Unfortunately, there has been no workable method conceived to emancipate the IS-BEs from Earth.

Therefore, as a matter of common logic, as well as the official policy of The Domain, it is safer and more sensible to avoid contact with the IS-BE population of Earth until such time as the proper resources can be allocated to locate and destroy  the “Old Empire” force screen and amnesia machinery and develop a therapy to restore the memory of an IS-BE.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview.

The book I wrote in 1999, The Oz Factors, discusses the subject of “vested interests”, and the adverse affect these have on problem solving and on the perception of truth.  There are a large number of professional “UFO experts” who have a very big vested interest in promoting their own personal brand of “UFO Research”.  There are a even greater number of priests of who claim to have a “exclusive monopoly” on spiritual wisdom.  Several of these self-appointed “authorities”, who earn their living by telling people what to think about the UFO phenomenon or about their own souls, have attacked the publication of Alien Interview.  In fact, these people spend a great deal of time attacking each other and their conflicting ideas, and personal agendas.  They do this for the same reason that politicians attack each other — their personal power and wealth depend on swaying public opinion toward their own brand of “truth”.

The financial vested interests of such persons are obvious: book sales, donations, tithes, speaker fees, video sales, T-shirt sales, subscription fees, television show production money, advertising income from websites, etc..  If one wishes to investigate the motivation behind the “truth”, as reported by self-appointed critics who “see all, know all, and tell all” in an effort to eliminate their “competition”, just follow the trail of money to their bank accounts and trace the sources.

I have responded publicly to negative “reviews” in which I am essentially called a liar.  (Further, I have been flattered by assertions that I have enough creative imagination to have written it myself!)  However, this does not change any of the facts of the matter, which are very, very simple:  the transcripts of the interviews at the Roswell Army Air Force base took place in July and August of 1947. They were sent to me, with personal letters and notes, from a nurse who was stationed at Roswell, N.M. in 1947.

I have received e-mails from dozens of people around the world who have advised me that the transcripts published in the book contain ideas, words, phrases, or concepts that are “just like” their own religion (fill in the blank _________ ).  Although I personally studied Dianetics and Scientology for many years, just like several million other people, doesn’t make the egg lay the chicken.  I am sure that the “similarities” claimed to exist between the transcripts and other philosophies really do exist.  It is not difficult to point out similarities between information in the transcripts and nearly any spiritual philosophy or religion.  The transcripts make it very clear that The Domain brought The Vedas to Earth about 10,000 years ago.  Most scholars will observe that The Vedas are the source material for many spiritual philosophies, and many of the religions of Earth.

However, when drawing comparisons, one must look at which came first?  The chicken or the egg?

When I received the transcripts from Matilda, I spent many months reviewing each detail of the material in an attempt to authenticate the efficacy of the transcripts and their content.  I have continued to do this, as have many others, since the transcripts were published.  It’s easy for a critic to flippantly “discredit” anything that threatens their vested interests.  Just like any politician discredits another. It’s all a part of the “games” on planet Earth.  But it doesn’t change the facts.

One of the most interesting revelations I discovered during my research indicates (and you can do the same research, if you care to) that Hubbard received his “inspiration”, from a “higher source”.  Further, Hubbard traveled extensively after WW II ended.  He was involved in 1946 with Jack Parsons, who founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which later became NASA.  He will also associated with dozens of government nuclear physicists who worked on the atomic bomb in New Mexico in 1947. (only 100 miles away from Roswell). As a spiritualist, and well-known science fiction writer during the 30s and 40s, is it not unlikely that he would have sought out information about the UFO crash at Roswell in 1947?  And, who else might have he been in communication with, on Earth, or elsewhere?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

According to the transcripts, The Domain has been searching all over Earth for 3,000 members of their own personnel since 6,248 BCE.  The IS-BEs who were members of that “lost battalion” have been inhabiting human bodies on Earth since that time.  The Domain has been working actively to locate each of them, and help them to recover from amnesia so they can return to active duty with The Domain.  Apparently, Matilda MacElroy was one of The Domain personnel.  Therefore, what other persons could be members of The Domain, and indeed, The Domain search party?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The Top Secret interview transcripts of the interview at Roswell took place in July – August, 1947.  Hubbard did not publish his premier book on the subject of Dianetics until May of 1950.  Reportedly, he wrote the entire book in only 6 weeks!  (3 weeks of planning, and 3 weeks of writing).  Therefore, the publication of Dianetics was more than TWO YEARS AFTER the interview between the alien pilot and the Roswell nurse.  How many other people may have read the transcripts of these interviews?

It is not my mission to protect or defend the material in the transcripts.  They speak for themselves.  A PDF copy of the book available FREE OF CHARGE on the Internet to anyone who cares to read it, or not.

Is the subject matter of the transcripts controversial?  Does the material revealed in the transcripts step on the toes of a lot of government, religious and personal vested interests? Why would so many people be threatened, and even murdered, by governments to keep this material from the public eye since 1947?  Why did Matilda keep the transcripts hidden for 60 years, until just before her death?

— Lawrence Spencer, Editor

Originally posted 2010-03-02 12:43:41. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




“August 12, 2007

Dear Lawrence,

I am typing this letter to you on my old Underwood  typewriter [i] (Footnote) that I bought after I was discharged from the Army. Somehow it seems like a fitting contrast to the subject of this letter and the documents you will find enclosed in this envelope.

The last time I spoke to you was about eight years ago.  During your brief telephone interview with me you asked me to assist you with the research for “The Oz Factors” book you were writing because you suspected that I might know something that would help your investigation into the possibility that extraterrestrial beings may have influenced the history of Earth.  When we spoke, I told you that I did not have any information that I could share with you about anything.

Since then I have read your book and found it very interesting and compelling.  You are obviously a man who has done his homework, and who could understand my own experiences.  I’ve been thinking a lot about your allusion to the old philosopher whom you paraphrased in our phone conversation: “with great power, comes great responsibility”. Although I don’t think power is pertinent in my life or to my reasons for sending you the enclosed documents, you certainly did get me thinking about my responsibility.

I have reconsidered my position, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is my realization that you were right.  I do have a responsibility to myself, at least. I can not possibly tell you the personal Hell [ii] (Footnote) of ethical irresolution and spiritual ambivalence I have endured since 1947. I do not want to keep playing the game of “maybe I should have, or maybe I shouldn’t have”, through the rest of Eternity!

Many men have been killed to extinguish the possibility of revealing the knowledge I have helped to withhold from society, until now.  Only a small handful of people on Earth have seen and heard what I have had the burden of keeping secret for sixty years. All those years I thought that I had been entrusted with a great deal of confidence by the “powers that be” in our government, although I have often felt that power is greatly misguided, to “protect” Mankind from the certain knowledge that, not only do intelligent extraterrestrial life forms exist, but that they have and continue to aggressively monitor and invade the lives of everyone on Earth every day.

Therefore, I think the time has come to pass along my secret knowledge to someone I think will understand it. I don’t think it would be responsible of me to take the knowledge I have into the silent afterlife, beyond reach or recognition. I think there is a greater good to be served than protecting the “vested interests” for whom this information is considered a matter of “national security”, whatever that means, and is therefore justification for making it “TOP SECRET”. [iii] (Footnote)

Also, I am now 83 years old. I have decided to leave this body, which has outlasted its usefulness to me, using a painless method of self-administered euthanasia. [iv] (Footnote) I have a very few months to live, and nothing to fear or lose.

— Excerpt from the first letter by Nurse Matilda MacElroy, published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

[i] “… old Underwood typewriter…”

The Underwood Typewriter Company was a manufacturer of typewriters headquartered in New York City, New York. Underwood produced what is considered the first widely successful, modern typewriter. By 1939, Underwood had produced five million machines.

From 1874 the Underwood family made typewriter ribbons and carbon paper, and were among a number of firms who produced these goods for Remington. When Remington decided to start producing ribbons themselves, the Underwoods apparently decided to get into the business of manufacturing typewriters.

The original Underwood typewriter was invented by German-American Franz X. Wagner, who showed it to entrepreneur John T. Underwood. Underwood supported Wagner and bought the company, recognizing the importance of the machine. Underwood No. 1 and No. 2s, made between 1896 and 1900, had “Wagner Typewriter Co.” printed on the back.

Underwood started adding addition and subtraction devices to their typewriters in about 1910. During World War II Underwood produced M1 carbines for the war effort. Olivetti bought a controlling interest in Underwood in 1959, and completed the merger in October 1963, becoming known in the US as Olivetti-Underwood with headquarters in New York City, and entering the electromechanical calculator business. The Underwood name last appeared on Olivetti portable typewriters produced in Spain in the 1980s.

— Reference:

[ii] “…personal Hell…”

“The modern English word Hell is derived from Old English hel, helle (about 725 AD) and ultimately from Proto-Germanic halja, meaning “one who covers up or hides something”.

— Reference:

[iii] “…Top Secret”…

“Top Secret is the highest acknowledged level of classified information in many countries, where it is defined as material that would cause “exceptionally grave damage” to national security if disclosed. The term top secret can be applied to information, actions, organizations, projects, etc. of which any knowledge is highly restricted.”

— Reference:

[iv] “… self-administered euthanasia….”

“The term euthanasia comes from the greek words “eu” and “thanatos” which combined means “well-death” or “dying well”. Hippocrates mentions euthanasia in the Hippocratic Oath, which was written between 400 and 300 B.C.  The ancient Greeks and Romans generally did not believe that life needed to be preserved at any cost and were, in consequence, tolerant of suicide in cases where no relief could be offered to the dying or, in the case of the Stoics and Epicureans, where a person no longer cared for his life.”

— Reference:

Originally posted 2011-04-20 16:47:23. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
