Category Archives: “The Domain”


The Renaissance

“Humankind has developed more technology in the past 100 years than in the previous 2,000 years.  Why?  The answer is simple:  the influence of the “Old Empire” over the mind and over the affairs of Mankind has been diminished by The Domain.

A renaissance [i] (Footnote) of invention on Earth began in 1,250 AD with the destruction of the “Old Empire” space fleet in the solar system.  During the next 500 years, Earth may have the potential to regain autonomy and independence, but only to the degree that humankind can apply the concentrated genius of the IS-BEs on Earth to solve the amnesia problem.

However, on a cautionary note, the inventive potential of the IS-BEs who have been exiled to this planet is severely compromised by the criminal elements of the Earth population.  Specifically, politicians, war-mongers and irresponsible physicists who create  unlimited weapons such as nuclear bombs, chemicals, diseases and social chaos.  These have the potential to extinguish all life forms on Earth, forever.

Even the relatively small explosions that were tested and used in the past two years on Earth have the potential to destroy all of life, if deployed in sufficient quantities. Larger weapons could consume all of the oxygen in the global atmosphere in a single explosion! [ii] (Footnote)

Therefore, the most fundamental problems that must be solved in order to ensure that Earth will not be destroyed by technology, are social and humanitarian problems.  The greatest scientific minds of Earth, in spite of mathematical or mechanical genius, have never addressed these problems. 

Therefore, do not look to scientists to save Earth or the future of humanity.  Any so-called “science” that is solely based on the paradigm [iii] (Footnote) that existence is composed only of energy and objects moving through space is not a science.  Such beings utterly ignore the creative spark originated by an individual IS-BE and collective work of the IS-BEs who continually create the physical universe and all universes.  Every science will remain relatively ineffective or destructive to the degree that it omits or devaluates the relative importance of the spiritual spark that ignites all of creation and life.”

– Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


[i] “… Renaissance…”

The Renaissance (from French Renaissance, meaning “rebirth”; Italian: Rinascimento, from re- “again” and nascere “be born”) was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th through the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of western Europe. It encompassed a revival of learning based on classical sources, the development of linear perspective in painting, and educational reform. The Renaissance saw developments in most intellectual pursuits, but is perhaps best known for its artistic aspect and the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who have inspired the term “Renaissance men”.

However,  it was not until the nineteenth century that the French word Renaissance achieved popularity in describing the cultural movement that began in the late 13th century“  (1200 AD – 1300 AD).

The term was first used retrospectively by the Italian artist and critic Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) in his book The Lives of the Artists (published 1550). In the book Vasari was attempting to define what he described as a break with the barbarities of gothic art: the arts had fallen into decay with the collapse of the Roman Empire and only the Tuscan artists, beginning with Cimabue (1240-1301) and Giotto (1267-1337began to reverse this decline in the arts. According to Vasari, antique art was central to the rebirth of Italian art.

During the 12th century in Europe, there was a radical change in the rate of new inventions and innovations in the ways of managing traditional means of production and economic growth. In less than a century, there were more inventions developed and applied usefully than in the previous thousand years of human history all over the globe. The period saw major technological advances, including the adoption or invention of printing, gunpowder, spectacles, a better clock, the astrolabe, and greatly improved ships. The latter two advances made possible the dawn of the Age of Exploration.

Alfred Crosby described some of this technological revolution in The Measure of Reality : Quantification in Western Europe, 1250-1600 and other major historians of technology have also noted it.

  • The earliest written record of a windmill is from Yorkshire, England, dated 1185.
  • Paper manufacture began in Italy around 1270.
  • The spinning wheel was brought to Europe (probably from India) in the 13th century.
  • The magnetic compass aided navigation, first reaching Europe some time in the late 12th century.
  • Eyeglasses were invented in Italy in the late 1280s.
  • The astrolabe returned to Europe via Islamic Spain.
  • Leonardo of Pisa introduces Hindu-Arabic numerals to Europe with his book Liber Abaci in 1202.
  • The West’s oldest known depiction of a stern-mounted rudder can be found on church carvings dating to around 1180.”

– Reference:

[ii] “… explosions that were tested and used in the past two years on Earth have the potential to destroy all of life…”

“A doomsday device is a hypothetical construction — usually a weapon — which could destroy all life on the Earth, or destroy the Earth itself (bringing “doomsday”, a term used for the end of planet Earth).

Doomsday devices have been present in literature and art especially in the 20th century, when advances in science and technology allowed humans to imagine a definite and plausible way of actively destroying the world or all life on it (or at least human life). Many classics in the genre of science fiction take up the theme in this respect, especially The Purple Cloud (1901) by M. P. Shiel in which the accidental release of a gas kills all people on the planet.

After the advent of nuclear weapons, especially hydrogen bombs, they have usually been the dominant components of fictional doomsday devices. RAND strategist Herman Kahn proposed a “Doomsday Machine” in the 1950s which would consist of a computer linked to a stockpile of hydrogen bombs, programmed to detonate them all and bathe the planet in nuclear fallout at the signal of an impending nuclear attack from another nation. Such a scheme, fictional as it was, epitomized for many the extremes of the suicidal logic behind the strategy of mutually assured destruction, and it was famously parodied in the Stanley Kubrick film from 1964, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. It is also a main topic of the movie Beneath the Planet of the Apes, in parallel with the species extermination theme. Most such models either rely on the fact that hydrogen bombs can be made arbitrarily large (see Teller-Ulam design) or that they can be “salted” with materials designed to create long-lasting and hazardous fallout (e.g.; a cobalt bomb).

There are many unconfirmed, anecdotal reports of a Soviet doomsday device involving a 200-megaton hydrogen bomb sheathed in (or, alternately, “salted” with) a highly radioactive material, usually said to be cobalt, of sufficient quantity to saturate the earth’s atmosphere with deadly fallout should the device be detonated. Details regarding this device vary according to the source, but enough similarities in the dozens of different stories exist to suggest at least some basis in truth. According to various sources, at some point between 1967 and 1985, the device was designed but never constructed; built but never activated; built and activated, but dismantled at the end of the cold war; or designed and constructed in such a manner that it can never be de-activated, and is still in existence today. Tales of its location and means of operation are equally diverse: it was in an underground bunker west of Moscow, Siberia, the Ukraine, etc.; it was installed on a special rocket booster that would deliver it to the upper atmosphere upon activation; it was actually a series of bombs placed at intervals along the western border of the USSR; it was to be detonated upon command from the Kremlin, automatically by a special computer, a seismic trigger, or upon detection of incoming missiles. Many more versions exist, such as one with the device being permanently installed in the hold of an unmarked tramp freighter, steaming randomly from port to port in the North Sea.”

— Reference:

[iii]  “… paradigm…”

“Historian of science Thomas Kuhn gave this word its contemporary meaning when he adopted it to refer to the set of practices that define a scientific discipline during a particular period of time. Kuhn himself came to prefer the terms exemplar and normal science, which have more exact philosophical meanings. However, in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Kuhn defines a scientific paradigm as:

  • what is to be observed and scrutinized
  • the kind of questions that are supposed to be asked and probed for answers in relation to this subject
  • how these questions are to be structured
  • how the results of scientific investigations should be interpreted

Alternatively, the Oxford English Dictionary defines paradigm as “a pattern or model, an exemplar.”

— Reference:

Originally posted 2013-04-02 23:16:57. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



ESCAPE“Anyone who is not willing or able to submit to mindless  economic, political and religious servitude as a tax-paying worker in the class system of the “Old Empire” are “untouchable” and sentenced to receive memory wipe-out and permanent imprisonment on Earth.

The net result is that an IS-BE is unable to escape because they can’t remember who they are, where they came from, where they are.  They have been hypnotized to think they are someone, something, sometime, and somewhere other than where they really are.

The Domain has observed that since the “Old Empire” space forces were destroyed there is no one left to actively prevent other planetary systems from bringing their own “untouchable” IS-BEs to Earth from all over this galaxy, and from other galaxies nearby.  Therefore, Earth has become a universal dumping ground for this entire region of space. 

This, in part, explains the very unusual mix of races, cultures, languages, moral codes, religious and political influences among the IS-BE population on Earth.  The number and variety of heterogeneous societies on Earth are extremely unusual on a normal planet.  Most “Sun Type 12, Class 7” planets are inhabited by only one humanoid body type or race, if any.

In addition, most of the ancient civilizations of Earth, and many of the events of Earth have been heavily influenced by the hidden, hypnotic operation of the “Old Empire” base.  So far, no one has figured out exactly where and how this operation is run, or by whom because it is so heavily protected by screens and traps.

Furthermore, there has been no operation undertaken to seek out, discover and destroy the vast and ancient network of electronics machinery that create the IS-BE force screens at this end of the galaxy. Until this has been done, we are not able to prevent or interrupt the electric shock operation, hypnosis and remote thought control [i] (Footnote) of the “Old Empire” prison planet. 

Of course all of the crew members of The Domain Expeditionary Force now remain aware of this phenomena at all times while operating in this solar system space so as to prevent detection and the capture by “Old Empire” traps.

If humanity is to survive, it must cooperate to find effective solutions to the difficult conditions of your existence on Earth.  Humanity must rise above its human form and discover where they are, and that they are IS-BEs, and who they really are as IS-BEs in order to  transcend the notion that they are merely biological bodies.  Once these realizations have been made, it may be possible to escape your current imprisonment.  Otherwise, there will be no future for the IS-BEs on Earth.”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book Alien Interview

[i]  “… remote thought control…”

EDITOR’S NOTE:  If  “hypersonic sound” (see reference below) can already be used on Earth, which has been using electricity for only 150 years, imagine a technology that has been refined over millions of years, that could transmit thoughts that are precisely targeted to an individual person across millions of miles of space.

“The lunatic is in my head,” sang Pink Floyd on their landmark “Dark Side of the Moon” album released 35 years ago. “There’s someone in my head but it’s not me.”

In 2008, there is a chance that the voice inside your head may be trying to sell you something. Advertisers are using a new acoustic technology to project advertising slogans directly into your head. And not everyone is happy about the aural intrusion.

In fact, the space between your ears may be the newest battleground in the conflict between privacy and technology.  The technique is called hypersonic sound and it was created by inventor Woody Norris.  Hypersonic sound (HSS) projection enables sound to be directed precisely to one individual without any spillover.

In tandem with an ultrasonic emitter and a signal processor/amplifier, HSS projects a column of modulated ultrasonic frequencies into the air. The ultrasonic frequencies are inaudible by themselves, but the interaction of the frequencies with the air create sounds that can be heard by anyone inside the column. Hypersonic sound can direct sound as precisely as a laser beam can direct light.

One only needs to be standing in the path of an HSS beam in order to hear the sound. However, the sensation to those hearing is that the sound is being projected from inside their skull.
Pretty cool, thinks inventor Norris. Or pretty creepy if you don’t know what’s going on. It is already being done from a billboard on Prince Street in New York City.

Advertising for a television show called “Paranormal State,” which airs on the Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E), has been sent through HSS to unsuspecting pedestrians who trigger a sensor as they stroll by. The sound that is emitted can be heard only by them.

Science and technology writer Clive Thompson, has written about the Prince Street billboard for Wired magazine. He experienced HSS himself, writing that it felt “creepy” to hear a woman’s voice whisper, “Who’s there? Who’s there?”  It used to be that we could at least be guaranteed privacy in the space between our ears. That is no longer true, thanks to the invention of “in-head advertising.”

The freedom to think our own thoughts without artificial manipulation from outside sources may be our latest civil rights battle.”

April 2, 2008

— Reference:

Originally posted 2015-08-14 00:41:11. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




“The bureaucracy that controlled the former “Old Empire” was from an ancient space opera society, run by a totalitarian [i] (Footnote) confederation of planetary governments, regulated by a brutal social, economic, and political hierarchy, [ii] (Footnote) with a royal monarch as its figurehead. [iii] (Footnote)

This type of government emerges with regularity on planets where the citizens abandon personal responsibility for autonomous, self-regulation. They frequently lose their freedom to demented IS-BEs who suffer from an overwhelming paranoia that every other IS-BE is their enemy who must be controlled or destroyed. Their closest friends and allies, whom they espouse to love and cherish, are literally “loved to death” by them.

Because such IS-BEs exist, The Domain has learned that freedom must be won and maintained through eternal vigilance and the ability to use defensive force to maintain it.  As a result, The Domain has already conquered the governing planet of the “Old Empire”.  The civilization of The Domain, although considerably younger and smaller in size, is already more powerful,  better organized, and united by an egalitarian esprit de corps [iv] (Footnote) never known in the history of the “Old Empire”.

The recently despoiled German totalitarian state on Earth was similar to the “Old Empire”, but not nearly as brutal, and about ten thousand times less powerful.  Many of the IS-BEs on Earth are here because they are violently opposed to totalitarian government, [v] (Footnote) or because they were so psychotically vicious that they could not be controlled by “Old Empire” government.”


— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


[i] “… Totalitarian…”

“Totalitarianism is a concept used in political science that describes a state that regulates nearly every aspect of public and private behavior. Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of secret police, propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, personality cults, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, single-party states, the use of mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror tactics.

Many consider the first totalitarian regimes to have begun in the 20th century, which include the communist regimes of the Soviet Union and Cuba, as well as totalitarianism of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Spain under Franco, Portugal under Salazar, as well as others. However some argue that totalitarianism has existed centuries prior, such as in ancient China under the political leadership of Prime Minister Li Si who helped the Qin dynasty unify China. Li Si adopted the political philosophy of Legalism as the ruling philosophical thought of China and restricted political activities and destroyed all literature and killed scholars who did not support Legalism. Totalitarianism was also used by the Spartan state in Ancient Greece. Its “educational system” was part of the totalitarian military society. The oligarchy running the state machine dictated every aspect of life, including the rearing of children.”

— Reference:

[ii] “…planetary governments, regulated by a brutal social, economic, and political hierarchy…”

“A hierarchy (in Greek: hieros, ‘sacred’, and arkho, ‘rule’) is a system of ranking and organizing things or people, where each element of the system (except for the top element) is a subordinate to a single other element.

A hierarchy can link entities either directly or indirectly, and either vertically or horizontally. The only direct links in a hierarchy, insofar as they are hierarchical, are to one’s immediate superior or to one of one’s subordinates, although a system that is largely hierarchical can also incorporate other organizational patterns. Indirect hierarchical links can extend “vertically” upwards or downwards via multiple links in the same direction. All parts of the hierarchy which are not vertically linked to one another can nevertheless be “horizontally” linked by traveling up the hierarchy to find a common direct or indirect superior, and then down again. This is akin to two co-workers, neither of whom is the other’s boss, but both of whose chains of command will eventually meet.”

Many human organizations, such as governments, educational institutions, businesses, churches, armies and political movements are hierarchical organizations, at least officially; commonly seniors, called “bosses”, have more power than their subordinates. Thus the relationship defining this hierarchy is “commands” or “has power over”. Some analysts question whether power “actually” works in the way the traditional organizational chart indicates, however. This view tends to emphasize the significance of the informal organization.”

— Reference:

[iii] “…royal monarch as its figurehead.”

“In politics, a figurehead, by metaphor with the carved figurehead at the prow of a sailing ship, is a person who holds an important title or office yet executes little actual power. Common figureheads include constitutional monarchs, such as the Emperor of Japan, or presidents in parliamentary democracies, such as the President of Israel.

While the authority of a figurehead is generally symbolic, respect and access to high levels of government can give them significant influence on some events. An example would be Emperor Hirohito’s involvement in World War II. In parliamentary systems, presidents are figureheads at times of peace (delegated such powers as convening or dismissing the national legislature), but at wartime they are often commanders in chief.

Sometimes a figurehead can be exploited in times of emergency. For example, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi used the figurehead President of India to issue unilateral decrees that allowed her to bypass parliament when it no longer supported her.

The word can also have more sinister overtones, and refer to a powerless leader who should be exercising full authority, yet is actually being controlled by a more powerful figure behind the throne.

The tendency of this word to drift, like many words that are in a strong process of changed meanings, into the pejorative is beginning to make it unsuitable to apply to a head of state with limited constitutional authority, such that its use may become increasingly inappropriate in referring to monarchs and presidents in parliamentary systems.”

— Reference:

[iv] “… united by a egalitarian esprit de corps…”

“Esprit de corps, when discussing the morale of a group, is an intangible term used for the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others. According to Alexander H. Leighton, “morale is the capacity of a group of people to pull together persistently and consistently in pursuit of a common purpose”.

Egalitarian, (derived from the French word égal, meaning equal) is a political doctrine that holds that all people should be treated as equals from birth. Generally it applies to being held equal under the law, the church, and society at large. In actual practice, one may be considered an egalitarian in most areas listed above, even if not subscribing to equality in every possible area of individual difference. For example, one might support equal rights in race matters but not in gender issues, or vice versa.”

— Reference:

[v] “… Many of the IS-BEs on Earth are here because they are violently opposed to totalitarian governments…”

Editor’s Note: Coincidentally, or perhaps NOT coincidentally, almost one year after this interview, the novel “1984” by George Orwell, which was published in June of 1948.  The  state of the U.S. government has grown to mirror many of the features described by Orwell in the book, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”.  It is easy to speculate that Orwell may have been “influenced” by an IS-BE of The Domain while writing this book.  Or, at the very least, he was one of the IS-BEs sentenced to Earth because he is one of “… the IS-BEs on Earth are here because they are violently opposed to totalitarian  governments…”.

The following description of the basis for Orwell’s “1984” are taken verbatim from  It is a very close description of the “Old Empire” government:

“Much of Oceanic society is based upon Stalin’s Soviet Union. The “Two Minutes’ Hate” was the ritual demonization of State enemies and rivals; Big Brother resembles Joseph Stalin; the Party’s archenemy, Emmanuel Goldstein, resembles Leon Trotsky (both are Jewish, both have the same physiognomy, and Trotsky’s real surname was ‘Bronstein’). Another suggested inspiration for Goldstein is Emma Goldman, the famous Anarchist figure. Doctored photography is a propaganda technique and the creation of unpersons in the story, analogous to Stalin’s enemies being made nonpersons and being erased from official photographic records; the police treatment of several characters recalls the Moscow Trials of the Great Purge.”

There a very many interesting parallels between the concepts discussed by Orwell in “1984”, and the description of the “Old Empire” government and the Earth prison planet activities in the transcripts of the “Alien Interviews” with Airl.

For example, a few of these are parallels cited in the following excerpt from the internet encyclopedia,

“The Thought Police capture Winston and Julia in their sanctuary bedroom and they are separately interrogated at the Ministry of Love, where the regime’s opponents are tortured and killed, but sometimes released (to be executed at a later date); Charrington, the shop keeper who rented them the room reveals himself an officer of the Thought Police. In the Ministry of Love torture chamber, O’Brien tells Smith that he will be cured of his hatred for the Party. During a session, he explains to Winston that torture’s purpose is to alter his way of thinking, not to extract a fake confession, adding that once curedaccepting reality as the Party describes — he then will be executed; electroshock torture will achieve that, continuing until O’Brien decides Winston is cured.”

For complete comparative analysis, read the book, “1984” or read the entire reference to the book on the internet at,  excerpted below:

“Nineteen Eighty-Four (also titled 1984), by George Orwell (the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair), is an English dystopian novel about life in a dictatorship as lived by Winston Smith, an intellectual worker at the Ministry of Truth, and his degradation when he runs afoul of the totalitarian government of Oceania, the state in which he lives in the year 1984.

Orwell’s influences

In the essay Why I Write, Orwell explains that all the serious work he wrote since the Spanish Civil War in 1936 was “written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism.” Therefore, Nineteen Eighty-Four is an anti-totalitarian cautionary tale about the betrayal of a revolution by its defenders. He already had stated distrust of totalitarianism and betrayed revolutions in Homage to Catalonia and Animal Farm. Coming Up For Air, at points, celebrates the personal and political freedoms lost in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

The novel’s title, its terms and its language (Newspeak), and its author’s surname are bywords for personal privacy lost to national state security. The adjective “Orwellian” denotes totalitarian action and organization; the phrase: Big Brother is Watching You connotes pervasive, invasive surveillance. The following quotation has become famous:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Although the novel has been banned or challenged in some countries, it, along with Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, and Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, is among literature’s most famous dystopias. In 2005, Time magazine listed it among the best one hundred English-language novels published since 1923.

Nineteen Eighty-Four introduces Oceania, one of the world’s three intercontinental totalitarian super-states. The story occurs in London, the “chief city of Airstrip One”, itself a province of Oceania that “had been called England or Britain”. Posters of “Big Brother”, the Party leader, with the caption BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, dominate the city landscapes; two-way television (the telescreen) dominates the private and public spaces of the populace.

Oceania’s people are in three classes — (i) the Inner Party, (ii) the Outer Party, and (iii) the “Proles”. This government, the Party, controls them via the Ministry of Truth (MiniTru), where Winston Smith, the protagonist, works; he is a member of the Outer Party. His job in MiniTru is the continual rewriting and altering of history so that the government is always right and correct: destroying evidence, amending newspaper articles, deleting the existence of people identified as “unpersons”.

The story begins on April 4, 1984: “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” The date is questionable, because it is what Winston Smith perceives. In the story’s course, he concludes it as irrelevant, because the State can arbitrarily alter it; the year 1984 and its world are transmutable.

The novel does not render the world’s full history to 1984. Indeed, because the book Winston reads is given to him by a Party member, it is possible that the book itself is meant to be a deception, and the history of the world of 1984 is somewhat different. Winston’s recollections, and what he reads in The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, by Emmanuel Goldstein, reveal that after the Second World War, the United Kingdom fell to civil war, becoming part of Oceania. Simultaneously, the Soviet Union encompassed mainland Europe, forming Eurasia; the third super state, Eastasia, comprises the east Asian countries around China and Japan.

There was an atomic war, fought mainly in Europe, western Russia, and North America. It is unclear what occurred first: the civil war wherein the Party assumed power or the United States’ annexation of the British Empire or the war during which Colchester was bombed.

During the Second World War, George Orwell repeatedly said that British democracy, as it existed before 1939, would not survive the war; the question being: Would it end via Fascist coup d’état (from above) or via Socialist revolution (from below)? During the war, Orwell admitted events proved him wrong: “What really matters is that I fell into the trap of assuming that ‘the war and the revolution are inseparable’ “

— Reference:

Originally posted 2011-07-06 20:23:07. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
