Category Archives: Book reviews

What will we do while we’re dead?


With the publication of the book ALIEN INTERVIEW the top secret Roswell transcripts were made available, as Matilda requested. My interest is to ensure the information in those transcripts get  distributed as widely as possible. Subsequently, it has been translated by readers into several other languages, including Chinese, which is available to the global Chinese speaking community at no cost.

I put up a website/blog for the book which gets 150,000-200,000 hits a week now. The book has spread virally, in spite of a few initial nay-sayers, sceptics and people with vested interests in their own book sales, speaking fees, video sales, political and religious agendas, etc.. who cried ‘fraud’ when the book was released. It is now being produced as an audio book.

As you know, some of the message delivered by the pilot (Airl) of the Roswell UFO has to do with the observation that we are all immortal spiritual beings. I’ve had almost three years to absorb and reflect on the information in those transcripts. According to Airl, our future prospects on this prison planet aren’t very encouraging .  This is due in large part to the “Old Empire” prison planet system which ensures that we all forget everything every time we die and start all over again with amnesia.  This system is designed to guarantee that we repeat the same mistakes we’ve always made: war, cruelty, stupidity and social chaos at the hands of the “prison guards”: criminal priests and politicians.

Apparently, The Domain has destroyed some of the “Old Empire” amnesia machinery in our solar system.  Is there some hope of  escaping perpetual amnesia?  Over the past couple of years people keep asking me “what can we do about it?”  Frankly, I don’t know the answer.  But I would like to think that we can have a CHOICE in the matter.   So, I came up with a few suggestions inspired by the content of the Alien Interview transcripts. They are contained in a book about personal immortality. It’s called 1001 THINGS TO DO WHILE YOU’RE DEAD: A Dead Person’s Guide To Living.

You can preview the book at the following site —

The title expresses the core theme of the book: we are all going to live for the rest of eternity, but what do we do WHILE we’re dead?  We are going to live in a body on Earth for a mere blink of an eye (reincarnation, heaven, hell, etc. notwithstanding) by comparison to the REST OF ETERNITY, which is a very, very, very long time. Yet very few people seem to confront the notion of immortality as a reality, and prepare themselves for that inevitable eventuality.  Factually, life is lived in the present and into the future.  My effort in writing this book is to offer a few suggestions, inspired in part by the information in the Alien interview transcripts, about what we might do WHILE we’re dead. Mostly I am interested to get people thinking about death — not as a grim reminder of our inevitable doom, but as an opportunity to get ready to live in and through the rest of forever with our senses and freedom in tact.

Here’s a comment I received from a reader the other day:

I just finished reading 1001 Things To Do While You Are Dead, which I not only found witty, hilarious at times and generally entertaining but also extremely thought-provoking, even for me, with my awareness of my own spiritual existence. You actually got me thinking because I must admit that till now I haven’t given much thought to what I was actually going to do when I’m dead. Knowing that I won’t be dead when I’m dead was kind of enough but now I think that I should work out my own plan of attack as to what exactly am I going to do when it happens. If it had such an effect on me I’m wondering what kind of an effect it has on other people? In any case, very well done for that one. It was a treat!” — Michel C.

I’ve done a few talk shows about the book so far. I’m going to do a few more to promote the book. If you’re interested, check out the book on my personal Blog at

Yours In Eternity,

Lawrence R. Spencer
Editor, Alien Interview

Author of  1001 Things To Do While You’re Dead

Originally posted 2011-04-08 00:18:39. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



One of the most startling revelations to come out of the “Alien Interview” transcripts are: 1) Humanity is not asking the right questions about itself, life, the universe, the gods, evolution, religion, or just about anything else!  How can we advance our understanding of our existence if we don’t even know who we are, how we came to be here, and what relationship we have to the rest of existence?

Obviously, the myopically isolated placement of Mankind on a tiny planet on the rim of a galaxy, disconnected from any other discernible life forms, is an overwhelming disadvantage, to say the least.  The recorded memory of Mankind is barely more than 10,000 years, at best.  One obvious question is “where did the human race come from?”.   The evidence indicates that all of the varied races of Mankind just sort of “appeared”, fully formed with cultures, language, religion, pyramid building skills, agriculture, mythology, etc., at many places all over the world, simultaneously, about 12,000 years ago.  The mythology of every continent in the world reports and earlier, advanced civilization, and a great flood that wiped them out.  OK.  So, where did they come from?

The mathematical odds that we are the “only intelligent life” in the universe are infinitesimally small.  This begs the question, “why do we feel that there must be other intelligent life out there? ”  Again, there is no indisputable evidence to answer this.  It’s just a “feeling” many of us share.  We see UFOs everywhere, apparently, yet there is no indisputable evidence that they exist.  The potentials answers are obvious:  1) they don’t really exist 2) they really DO exist, but they don’t want us to know about it.  However, there may be real answers to these, and many other questions, contained in the statements of “Airl” the officer, pilot, and engineer of The Domain interviewed by Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy.  Let’s assume for a moment that the information in the transcript is factual:

Airl says that she is a member of an intergalactic expeditionary force of “The Domain”, a very advanced civilization which is trillions of year old.  She says that  Earth is a prison planet, and we are all inmates being held here without our knowledge and against our will.  Were are in a perpetually renewed state of amnesia by our captors.  The beings, or “IS-BEs”, sentenced to Earth are all unwanted by the governments of “Old Empire” planets that sent us here.  The population of Earth is comprised of psychotic criminals and sexual perverts, co-mingled with artists, geniuses, managers, revolutionaries and a wide variety of “untouchables”.  Even though, as “IS-BEs”, we come from a races of beings and civilizations that are trillions of years old, we are all unwanted and forgotten by the societies who have kicked us out and shipped us here.  Further, we are forced to inhabit fragile biological bodies from which there is, apparently, no easy escape.  We are not in our native place or state of being, anymore than a unicorn could evolve from a goat.  Is it any wonder that people find any or all of this difficult to believe?

To compound the overwhelming chaos of our condition, we have been lied to by our captors who have made our condition appear to be something other than what it actually is.  False civilizations, cultures and religions, as well as ideas, such as an “evolutionary line”, have been artificially planted on Earth and in the minds of the inmates to create the illusion that we are “native inhabitants” of this planet, along with the indigenous animals in the “zoological prison”.  No evidence exists to demonstrate this to be true, regardless of how hard “scientists” try to piece together bits of completely unrelated information to form an argument in favor of it.

Furthermore, this entire sector of the universe is currently being invaded, and will be “assimilated”, over the next few thousand years, into the civilization known as “The Domain”, who have already conquered the “Old Empire” planets from which we were expelled.  And, apparently, The Domain is not any more interested in us, than you and I would be interested in visiting the inmates of a high-security prison or insane asylum.

One of the many keys that keep the gates of our prison locked is that this entire “reality”, compared to the “reality” we commonly agree upon, is too “unbelievable”.  Very few believe it, or confront it.  Why would anyone even want to try?  Yet the majority of Earth inhabitants accept, as fact, that there is a “heaven” which not one person has very visited and returned with proof.  We are told by priests and politicians to accept their pie-in-the-sky promises as a matter of “faith”, only to be betrayed lifetime after lifetime throughout all of history.  No only that, we’re supposed to pay them for the privilege of believing what we can’t see, and what they can’t prove!  Somebody’s crazy here.

Isn’t it about time we started asked some questions that are really relevant?  Very few people question what they are told to think by priests and politicians, so a “false reality” continues to be hidden right in front of our faces.  It is much easier to deny any responsibility for one’s own life, freedom, intelligence and integrity, and blame all of our problems on the gods, or anyone other than ourselves.  As a result of this bizarre set of conditions, we live in a world full of death, turmoil, destruction, criminality and perpetual pain mixed with kindness, hope, beauty, wisdom, technical know-how, ambition and spiritual self-awareness shrouded in mystery.

What can we gain from this information?  Is it of any real value to us?  What can we do that will make a fundamental difference in our situation?  Let’s begin by asking ourselves this question:  who are we, really? Airl says we are all “IS-BEs” who have had the memory of our true identities erased in order to keep us captive.  The last thing our captors want us to do is to remember who we are, where we came from, and who sent us here.  I suggest that these are the very first questions we need to ask.  After all, if we knew the answers to these questions, maybe we could remember how to escape from this place.

I, for one, am not content with things as they are.  How about you?

Lawrence R. Spencer, Editor

Originally posted 2011-11-11 10:20:29. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




“I am deeply grateful for this book”

It had to be with an overwhelming sense of duty and honor that you put forth this book on behalf of the late Mrs. MacElroy. It was done in, I believe, the best format possible for the parameters given…yet I cannot wrap my mind around your choice to destroy data. It seems nearly sacrilegious. I DO understand your position but in my humble unasked for opinion, I would have found a different way. Furthermore, in a day of accessible media technology, she would have been far more a benefit to us all if she would have left us, in addition to this data, a visual and spoken testimony to the materials presented here.

I am deeply grateful for this book and for the challenges it presents us. I am deeply saddened at this account, at the end of the ordeal and the horrid event that demonstrates the fear and prejudice of some who call themselves leaders. Yet what we have here is precious even in its brevity. Finally, I am also grateful for the cost of the PDF which makes it acquirable to many in the world. This book raises many questions…and yet gives amazing answers to many others… Would I recommend it to the seeker? With all the passion that I could muster…YES, yes indeed! Kudos on a job well done…” — Expedia

“…the implications of which are mind-blowing”

“Thank you for sharing this intriguing collection of documents, the implications of which are mind-blowing.” — Eric Mutschlechner

“…is my favorite book of all time!!!”

“…its a great fucking book. If this is a relatively a beginning look in to aliens, i would not get this book. I would first learn how this planet is being controlled. Read William Coopers, Behold A Pale Horse, then Gods of Eden. Once you learn that religion was written (encouraged) by aliens, then get this book. This book in words, ties the strings. But you first need the strings to tie. If not, then you just throw the book aside as a fake…but i promise you its not…wish it wasn’t… 10/10 for book…if it is true, is a book that EVERY person on this planet should read and follow more than any other. After studying aliens for years. Stumbling into his… gives me the fucking chills… and is my favorite book of all time!!!” — logic2reason

“It really spoke to me, and changed EVERYTHING!”

“I loved, loved, loved Alien Interview. I am not and never have considered myself a UFO buff. But, when a friend sent me a link to this book, my guides were screaming at me to read it. I read all of the interview in less than 24 hours! It really spoke to me, and changed EVERYTHING! :)  Thank you so much for your artistic value to us all, and for being brave enough to deliver the information that came from Matilda! — Love & Light,  Renee

I read the entire book in one sitting and was truly “blown away.” — Mookite

“…filling the glaring holes in present cosmology”.

Thank you for bringing us this wonderful gift of perspective. The face of it is, and always will be, for noisy debates, but for those who can see the treasure, its quantum triangulation is precise.  Predictably this lot would discard the diamond while fighting over its box. The discrete term “Is Be” is the assayer’s certificate for the material’s authenticity.  Over most heads, but nonetheless a point of fact that locks the cosmological genesis into a very specific dimensional coordinate, filling the glaring holes in present cosmology.  As I’m sure you correctly surmised in your decision to destroy the source material. — Martin Burger

“One of the most important pieces of exopolitical evidenceIt will hit you on an almost visceral level”

“After hearing a talk-radio interview with the editor of this book I was left both intrigued and slightly miffed by the end of it.

Intrigued because in this era of CGI and Photoshop – image analysis simply leads to more of the mundane, looped discussion about “real” or “hoax” so contact testimony is, in my experience, both more valuable and more interesting. I also despaired somewhat because this information, if accurate [and since reading it I believe it is], should have come out decades ago not on the deathbed of the Army nurse who provided it.

In addition to the communication from the pilot extra-terrestrial from the Roswell crash itself, both Lawrence Spencer and Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy provide various useful contexts for the bizarre and often metaphysical journey the notes take the reader on. Believe me when I suggest that the information the book contains is so explosive that readers need this wrap around commentary to ground them as they work through the details.” — David Griffin, Exopolitics Institute

“I can attest to the believability in his book.”

“…this book is a must read. i had a hard time going along with this, but after reading several other books on the topic, i can attest to the believability in his book.” — RoganSF

“Read Alien Interview:  It will put so much understanding into your life.” — UpRiver

“…perhaps the most important material EVER to emerge into view in the entire history of planet earth.”

“…what you have here is the single most important piece of the UFO/ETI puzzle ever to emerge in history.   It will empower some of us to synthesize what ETI is teaching us into a coherency that can be communicated.  It NEEDS NO VETTING WHATSOEVER.   The document SPEAKS FOR ITSELF and Airl‘s mission is fulfilled and successfully accomplished because Airl’s speaking will now be heard ALL OVER THE PLANET.   Yes, the timing is just right.  It is a huge victory, not just for you, but for the entire planet and every bioform on it!  I read Alien Interview twice, a friend having sent it to me. I want you to know this.   This material is perhaps the most important material EVER to emerge into view in the entire history of planet earth.” — Nestingwave

“I have read this book and put it into the “potentially explosive if true and outstanding science fiction if not” category.” — Above Top Secret

“There is more truth in that interview, than most would care to admit!” — Godlikeproductions


“This interview is mind blowing stuff. It’s just confirming thoughts that I’ve had about life the universe and the meaning of it all. I’ve always thought I myself am a ‘slice’ of god just like everyone else. we are all eternal all-knowing all-powerful beings just trying to experience the game of life in order to keep ourselves from getting bored.” — Anonymouse

“I couldn’t stop reading it”

“I decided to download the book last night and read a few pages, just to feel it out…. wow. I couldn’t stop reading it. I finally had to turn out the light and hit the bed but I got about halfway through it and I found it to be extremely interesting.” — Betlegese

Originally posted 2011-01-13 14:25:13. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
