Category Archives: responsibility


“Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.  In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

1) the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.

2) mind control of the IS-BEs in the invaded area  through the use of electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, erasure of memory and the implantation of false memory or false information intended to subjugate and enslave the local IS-BE population.

3) takeover of natural resources by the invading IS-BEs.

4) political, economic and social slavery of the local population.

These activities continue in present time.  All of the IS-BEs on Earth have been members of one or more of these activities in the past, both as an invader, or as part of the population being invaded.  There are no “saints” in this universe.  Very few have avoided or been exempted from warfare between IS-BEs.

IS-BEs on Earth are still the victims of this activity at this very moment.”


Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2011-07-06 11:51:50. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



One of the most startling revelations to come out of the “Alien Interview” transcripts are: 1) Humanity is not asking the right questions about itself, life, the universe, the gods, evolution, religion, or just about anything else!  How can we advance our understanding of our existence if we don’t even know who we are, how we came to be here, and what relationship we have to the rest of existence?

Obviously, the myopically isolated placement of Mankind on a tiny planet on the rim of a galaxy, disconnected from any other discernible life forms, is an overwhelming disadvantage, to say the least.  The recorded memory of Mankind is barely more than 10,000 years, at best.  One obvious question is “where did the human race come from?”.   The evidence indicates that all of the varied races of Mankind just sort of “appeared”, fully formed with cultures, language, religion, pyramid building skills, agriculture, mythology, etc., at many places all over the world, simultaneously, about 12,000 years ago.  The mythology of every continent in the world reports and earlier, advanced civilization, and a great flood that wiped them out.  OK.  So, where did they come from?

The mathematical odds that we are the “only intelligent life” in the universe are infinitesimally small.  This begs the question, “why do we feel that there must be other intelligent life out there? ”  Again, there is no indisputable evidence to answer this.  It’s just a “feeling” many of us share.  We see UFOs everywhere, apparently, yet there is no indisputable evidence that they exist.  The potentials answers are obvious:  1) they don’t really exist 2) they really DO exist, but they don’t want us to know about it.  However, there may be real answers to these, and many other questions, contained in the statements of “Airl” the officer, pilot, and engineer of The Domain interviewed by Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy.  Let’s assume for a moment that the information in the transcript is factual:

Airl says that she is a member of an intergalactic expeditionary force of “The Domain”, a very advanced civilization which is trillions of year old.  She says that  Earth is a prison planet, and we are all inmates being held here without our knowledge and against our will.  Were are in a perpetually renewed state of amnesia by our captors.  The beings, or “IS-BEs”, sentenced to Earth are all unwanted by the governments of “Old Empire” planets that sent us here.  The population of Earth is comprised of psychotic criminals and sexual perverts, co-mingled with artists, geniuses, managers, revolutionaries and a wide variety of “untouchables”.  Even though, as “IS-BEs”, we come from a races of beings and civilizations that are trillions of years old, we are all unwanted and forgotten by the societies who have kicked us out and shipped us here.  Further, we are forced to inhabit fragile biological bodies from which there is, apparently, no easy escape.  We are not in our native place or state of being, anymore than a unicorn could evolve from a goat.  Is it any wonder that people find any or all of this difficult to believe?

To compound the overwhelming chaos of our condition, we have been lied to by our captors who have made our condition appear to be something other than what it actually is.  False civilizations, cultures and religions, as well as ideas, such as an “evolutionary line”, have been artificially planted on Earth and in the minds of the inmates to create the illusion that we are “native inhabitants” of this planet, along with the indigenous animals in the “zoological prison”.  No evidence exists to demonstrate this to be true, regardless of how hard “scientists” try to piece together bits of completely unrelated information to form an argument in favor of it.

Furthermore, this entire sector of the universe is currently being invaded, and will be “assimilated”, over the next few thousand years, into the civilization known as “The Domain”, who have already conquered the “Old Empire” planets from which we were expelled.  And, apparently, The Domain is not any more interested in us, than you and I would be interested in visiting the inmates of a high-security prison or insane asylum.

One of the many keys that keep the gates of our prison locked is that this entire “reality”, compared to the “reality” we commonly agree upon, is too “unbelievable”.  Very few believe it, or confront it.  Why would anyone even want to try?  Yet the majority of Earth inhabitants accept, as fact, that there is a “heaven” which not one person has very visited and returned with proof.  We are told by priests and politicians to accept their pie-in-the-sky promises as a matter of “faith”, only to be betrayed lifetime after lifetime throughout all of history.  No only that, we’re supposed to pay them for the privilege of believing what we can’t see, and what they can’t prove!  Somebody’s crazy here.

Isn’t it about time we started asked some questions that are really relevant?  Very few people question what they are told to think by priests and politicians, so a “false reality” continues to be hidden right in front of our faces.  It is much easier to deny any responsibility for one’s own life, freedom, intelligence and integrity, and blame all of our problems on the gods, or anyone other than ourselves.  As a result of this bizarre set of conditions, we live in a world full of death, turmoil, destruction, criminality and perpetual pain mixed with kindness, hope, beauty, wisdom, technical know-how, ambition and spiritual self-awareness shrouded in mystery.

What can we gain from this information?  Is it of any real value to us?  What can we do that will make a fundamental difference in our situation?  Let’s begin by asking ourselves this question:  who are we, really? Airl says we are all “IS-BEs” who have had the memory of our true identities erased in order to keep us captive.  The last thing our captors want us to do is to remember who we are, where we came from, and who sent us here.  I suggest that these are the very first questions we need to ask.  After all, if we knew the answers to these questions, maybe we could remember how to escape from this place.

I, for one, am not content with things as they are.  How about you?

Lawrence R. Spencer, Editor

Originally posted 2011-11-11 10:20:29. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“Airl said she read in a history book that the Spanish king regretted the brutal treatment of the native inhabitants by his soldiers.  He feared retribution from the gods he worshipped, as described in the various testaments of the Bible.  He asked the Pope to prepare a statement called “The Requirement” [i] (Footnote) which was supposed to be read to each of the newly encountered native inhabitants. 

The king hoped that the statement, whether it was accepted or rejected by the natives, would absolve the King of all responsibility for the resulting slaughter and enslavement of these people.  He used this statement as justification to confiscate their lands and possessions by his soldiers and the Pope’s priests.  Apparently, the Pope, personally, did not have any feelings of guilt or responsibility in the matter.

Airl thought that such actions were those of a coward and that it is no surprise that the territory of Spain was diminished so quickly.  Only a few years later the king was dead and his empire had been assimilated by other nations.

Airl said that this sort of  behavior does not occur in The Domain.  Their leaders assume full responsibility for the actions of The Domain, and would not denigrate themselves in this fashion.  Nor do they fear any gods or have any regret for their actions. This idea reinforces my earlier suggestion that Airl and her people are probably atheists.

In the case of the acquisition of Earth by The Domain, the rulers of The Domain have chosen not to openly reveal this intention to the “native inhabitants” of Earth until a later time when it may, or may not, suit their interests to reveal themselves.  For the present time, it is not strategically necessary to make the presence of The Domain Expeditionary Force known to Mankind.  In fact, until now, it has been very aggressively hidden, for reasons that will be revealed later.”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW


[i]  “…1493 AD —  “The Requirement”…

“The Requirement was published as a papal “bull”, issued by the infamous Pope Alexander VI, (Rodrigo Borgia), Roman Catholic Pope from 1492 until his death, is the most memorable of the Popes of the Renaissance.

Because of the pre-existence of millions of people living in the Americas in 1493, the King of Spain, had a small twinge of fear at the prospect that God might become angry at him for all the murder, theft and mayhem he endorsed in the New World.  So, he persuaded Pope Alexander VI to sanction an official proclamation intended to dissolve the stain of bloody culpability from the King’s own immortal soul.  This document, called “The Requirement”, was supposed to be read, whether translated into the native language of the inhabitants or not, to the citizens of every foreign nation just prior to their conquest. The gist of the proclamation was to inform the soon to be vanquished that their lands were being “donated” to Spain. 

The Requirement read, in part:

             “I, (name of the Conquistador), servant of the high and mighty Kings of Castile and Leon, conquerors of barbarian peoples, and being their messenger and Captain, hereby notify and inform you … that God Our Lord, One and Eternal, created Heaven and Earth and a man and a woman from whom you and I and all the multitude begotten from these over the past five thousand and some years since the world was made … And so I request and require you … to recognize the Church as your Mistress and as Governess of the World and Universe, and the High Priest, called the Pope, in Her name, and His Majesty (the King of Spain) in Her place, as Ruler and Lord King … And if you do not do this … with the help of God I shall come mightily against you, and I shall make war on you everywhere and in every way that I can, and I shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and His Majesty, and I shall seize your women and children, and I shall make them slaves, to sell and dispose of as His Majesty commands, and I shall do all the evil and damage to you that I am able. And I insist that the deaths and destruction that result from this will be your fault.”

One of the first to hear The Requirement were the chiefs of the Maya, whose scale of time for the creation of life on Earth did not begin a mere 5,000 years earlier, as suggested by the Pope, rather the Mayan measured original creation in millions of years by the astronomical calendars they kept, which tracked the solar year accurately to within a few seconds a year.  Their comment upon hearing The Requirement was, “The Holy Father has indeed been generous with others’ property”.

The Requirement was originally intended as a response to complaints by Spanish clerics that the wars against the Native American peoples were unjust. Comparing them to Spain’s wars against the Moors, the clerics claimed that Muslims had knowledge of Christ and rejected Him, so that waging a Crusade against them was legitimate. In contrast, wars against the Native Americans, who had never come into contact with Christianity were unacceptable. The Requirement was intended as a legal loophole to place the native population in the position of having rejected Christianity. It stated: “We protest that any deaths that result from this [rejection of Christianity] are your fault…”

Many critics of the conquistadors’ policies were appalled by the flippant nature of the Requirement, and the priest, Bartolomeo de Las Casas, said in response to it that he did not know whether to laugh or to cry. While the conquistadors were encouraged to use an interpreter to read the Requirement, this was not absolutely necessary, and in many cases, it was read out to an uncomprehending populace. In some instances, it was read to barren beaches and empty villages, long after the natives had fled, to prisoners after they were captured, or even from the decks of ships once they had just spotted the coast. Nevertheless, for the conquistadors, it provided a religious justification for attacking and enslaving the native population, and because of its potential to enrich the coffers of Spain, the Requirement was not generally questioned.”

— Reference:

The net result of the “discovery” of the “New World” which wasn’t really “new” as it had been around as long as any other continent, and had a larger population than Europe, was as follows:

1) hundreds of indigenous cultures were eradicated  2) approximately 100 million people were killed by disease and war brought upon them by “aliens” 3) 100 million people from the Gold Coast of Africa were enslaved, and/ or murdered by Europeans in an effort to replace the “labor force” of slaughtered indigenous population of the Western Hemisphere 4) nearly all of the priceless literature, history, cultural and artistic artifacts of the Western hemisphere were destroyed 5) most of the gold and gems mined over a period of thousands of years by indigenous people were stolen and shipped off the a handful of greedy, idiotic, uneducated, filthy, disease-ridden, superstitious, murderous, thieves in Europe who squandered it on mindless self-indulgences. — The Editor 

Originally posted 2012-06-26 12:44:50. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
