Category Archives: freedom



As has often  been the case, science fiction may again fortell future possibilities, which eventually prove to become true, regardless of how “unbelievable” they may have seemed when envisioned.  One question posed by science fiction is this:  Why would an alien civilization treat human beings any differently than human beings have treated each other throughout our history?

In the dialogue from the 2008 version of the film, “THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL” (Fox), the alien being named “Klaatu” discusses the intentons of the aliens toward the human race:

Klaatu: “This planet is dying. The human race is killing it.
Helen Benson: So you’ve come here to help us?
Klaatu: No, I didn’t.
Helen Benson: You said you came to save us.
Klaatu: I said I came to save the Earth.
Helen Benson: You came to save the Earth… from us. You came to save the Earth from us.
Klaatu: We can’t risk the survival of this planet for the sake of one species.
Helen Benson: What are you saying?
Klaatu: If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the Earth survives. There are only a handful of planets in the cosmos that are capable of supporting complex life… ”

In the 1951 version of the film, an alien being comes to Earth with a big robot to destroy Mankind in order to prevent Mankind from destroying the Earth.  Mankind is informed that Earth is not “the property” of the human race.  It belongs to another race of extraterrestial beings who monitor and safeguard it, just like any othe landlord.  The robot is programmed to carry our this total destruction of Mankind, unless it is given the verbal command, “Klaatu barada nikto” to deactivate it.  The decision as to whether or not Mankind will be destroyed to save Earth depends on the willingness and ability of human beings to change their own behavior.  If they demonstrate that they can stop destroying Earth, and each other, then a stay of exectution can be ordered, i.e. “Klaatu barada nikto“.

Not unlike the hypothetical scenario in the movie, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, the transcripts published in the book, “ALIEN INTERVEIW”, the alien being named “Airl” says something similar about the intentions of The Domain toward Earth:

“This civilization controls a vast number of galaxies, stars, planets, moons and asteroids throughout an area of space that is approximately one-fourth of the entire physical universe!  The continuing mission of her organization is to “Secure, control and expand the territory and resources of The Domain”.

Airl pointed out that their own activities were very similar in many ways to the European explorers who “discovered” and “claimed” the New World for The Holy Father, The Pope [i] (Footnote) and for the kings of Spain, Portugal and later, Holland, England, France and so forth. Europe benefited from the property “acquired” from the native inhabitants.  However, the native inhabitants were never consulted with or asked for their permission to become a part of the “domain” of European nations and the soldiers and priests they sent to acquire territory and wealth in order to advance their interests.”

Why would an alien civilization treat human beings any differently than human beings have treated each other throughout our history?

[i] “… European explorers who “discovered” and “claimed” the New World for The Holy Father, The Pope…”“…On the death of Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492), the three likely candidates for the Holy See were cardinals Borgia, Ascanio Sforza and Giuliano della Rovere. While there was never substantive proof of simony, the rumor was that Borgia, by his great wealth, succeeded in buying the largest number of votes, including that of Sforza, whom, popular rumor had it, he bribed with four mule-loads of silver. Pope Alexander VI (1 January 1431 – 18 August 1503), born Roderic Llançol, later Roderic de Borja y Borja (Italian: Borgia) was Pope from 1492 to 1503. He is the most controversial of the secular popes of the Renaissance, and his surname (Italianized as Borgia) became a byword for the debased standards of the papacy.Della Rovere was bankrolled to the cost of 200,000 gold ducats by the King of France, with another 100,000 supplied by the Republic of Genoa. Borgia was elected on 11 August 1492, assuming the name of Alexander VI. Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, later to become Pope Leo X, sharply criticized the election and warned of dire things to come:“Now we are in the power of a wolf, the most rapacious perhaps that this world has ever seen. And if we do not flee, he will inevitably devour us all.”

— Reference:

Originally posted 2009-04-09 10:35:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“…the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself, which is an  electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.

This type of government emerges with regularity on planets where the citizens abandon personal responsibility for autonomous, self-regulation. They frequently lose their freedom to demented IS-BEs who suffer from an overwhelming paranoia that every other IS-BE is their enemy who must be controlled or destroyed.”


Airl — Officer, Pilot and Engineer of The Domain, excerpt from the Official Transcript of the U.S. Army Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, 509th Bomb Group, SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 26. 7. 1947, 1st Session

Originally posted 2011-05-30 00:28:37. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


What will we do while we’re dead?


With the publication of the book ALIEN INTERVIEW the top secret Roswell transcripts were made available, as Matilda requested. My interest is to ensure the information in those transcripts get  distributed as widely as possible. Subsequently, it has been translated by readers into several other languages, including Chinese, which is available to the global Chinese speaking community at no cost.

I put up a website/blog for the book which gets 150,000-200,000 hits a week now. The book has spread virally, in spite of a few initial nay-sayers, sceptics and people with vested interests in their own book sales, speaking fees, video sales, political and religious agendas, etc.. who cried ‘fraud’ when the book was released. It is now being produced as an audio book.

As you know, some of the message delivered by the pilot (Airl) of the Roswell UFO has to do with the observation that we are all immortal spiritual beings. I’ve had almost three years to absorb and reflect on the information in those transcripts. According to Airl, our future prospects on this prison planet aren’t very encouraging .  This is due in large part to the “Old Empire” prison planet system which ensures that we all forget everything every time we die and start all over again with amnesia.  This system is designed to guarantee that we repeat the same mistakes we’ve always made: war, cruelty, stupidity and social chaos at the hands of the “prison guards”: criminal priests and politicians.

Apparently, The Domain has destroyed some of the “Old Empire” amnesia machinery in our solar system.  Is there some hope of  escaping perpetual amnesia?  Over the past couple of years people keep asking me “what can we do about it?”  Frankly, I don’t know the answer.  But I would like to think that we can have a CHOICE in the matter.   So, I came up with a few suggestions inspired by the content of the Alien Interview transcripts. They are contained in a book about personal immortality. It’s called 1001 THINGS TO DO WHILE YOU’RE DEAD: A Dead Person’s Guide To Living.

You can preview the book at the following site —

The title expresses the core theme of the book: we are all going to live for the rest of eternity, but what do we do WHILE we’re dead?  We are going to live in a body on Earth for a mere blink of an eye (reincarnation, heaven, hell, etc. notwithstanding) by comparison to the REST OF ETERNITY, which is a very, very, very long time. Yet very few people seem to confront the notion of immortality as a reality, and prepare themselves for that inevitable eventuality.  Factually, life is lived in the present and into the future.  My effort in writing this book is to offer a few suggestions, inspired in part by the information in the Alien interview transcripts, about what we might do WHILE we’re dead. Mostly I am interested to get people thinking about death — not as a grim reminder of our inevitable doom, but as an opportunity to get ready to live in and through the rest of forever with our senses and freedom in tact.

Here’s a comment I received from a reader the other day:

I just finished reading 1001 Things To Do While You Are Dead, which I not only found witty, hilarious at times and generally entertaining but also extremely thought-provoking, even for me, with my awareness of my own spiritual existence. You actually got me thinking because I must admit that till now I haven’t given much thought to what I was actually going to do when I’m dead. Knowing that I won’t be dead when I’m dead was kind of enough but now I think that I should work out my own plan of attack as to what exactly am I going to do when it happens. If it had such an effect on me I’m wondering what kind of an effect it has on other people? In any case, very well done for that one. It was a treat!” — Michel C.

I’ve done a few talk shows about the book so far. I’m going to do a few more to promote the book. If you’re interested, check out the book on my personal Blog at

Yours In Eternity,

Lawrence R. Spencer
Editor, Alien Interview

Author of  1001 Things To Do While You’re Dead

Originally posted 2011-04-08 00:18:39. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
