Category Archives: sex


A NEW BOOK by Lawrence R. Spencer.  It’s to die for…. (really)


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This book is dedicated to all living beings who expect to die sometime and to all of the dead people who ever lived who may still be living somewhere, sometime, somehow. This book is also dedicated to all of the people who are living that may need some ideas about what to do with themselves after they die. And, to all the people who will soon be living by virtue of one or more of the following circumstances: birth, re-birth, resurrection, reincarnation, transconfiguration, cryogenic resuscitation, invasion of alien beings, angels falling out of grace, an act of one or more gods, transformation or transmigration, arrival from a different time / space / universe / plane of existence. If you have a faith, belief system, philosophical paradigm, or superstition to protect or defend regarding the subjects of life, death, afterlife, existence, spirits or god(s) that is your problem and I will leave you to it. Whoever you are, were or will be, I trust that you will enjoy the “Rest of Eternity”.

— Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2011-02-09 11:04:03. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




“…as eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), we are protected from living eternally in that limiting, fallen, experience by the cherubim guarding the gate of return to paradise. The cherubim are symbolic of the perfect knowledge of self or true nature, with the power of purification and return to being.

From the Footnotes in the book, “Alien Interview”.

“…all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings.  This includes human beings.  For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: “IS-BE”.  Because the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of “is”, and the only reason for their  existence is that they decide to “be”. — Excerpted from the book, “Alien Interview”

From the point of view of an Immortal Spiritual Being, survival is an infinite game of continuous decisions “to be”.   The concepts of “good” and “evil” are both relative to each other.  The definition of these terms are always made from the point of view of the person whose survival or vested interest is threatened by another IS-BE.  To wit:

The definition of “good” for a duck hunter is the definition of “evil” for the duck.

Originally posted 2009-07-22 11:48:07. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The debilitating impact and addiction to the “sexual aesthetic-pain” electronic wave is the reason that the ruling class of The Domain do not inhabit flesh bodies.   This is also why officers of The Domain Forces only use doll bodies.  This wave has proven to be the most effective trapping device ever created in the history of the universe, as far as I know.”

“…there is a very highly regimented and fixed hierarchy or “class system” for all IS-BEs throughout the “Old Empire”, and The Domain, as follows:

The highest class are “free” IS-BEs.  That is, they are not restricted to the use of any type of body and may come and go at will, provided that they do not destroy or interfere with the social, economic or political structure.

Below this class are many strata of “limited” IS-BEs who may or may not use a body from time to time.  Limitations are imposed on each IS-BE regarding range of power, ability and mobility they can exercise.

Below these are the “doll body” classes, to which I belong.   Nearly all space officers and crew members of space craft are required to travel through intergalactic space.  Therefore, they are each equipped with a body manufactured from lightweight, durable materials.  Various body types have been designed to facilitate specialized functions.  Some bodies have accessories, such as interchangeable tools or apparatus for activities such as maintenance, mining, chemical management, navigation, and so forth. There are many gradations of this body type which also serve as an “insignia” of rank.

Below these are the soldier class.  The soldiers are equipped with a myriad of weapons, and specialized armaments designed to detect, combat and overwhelm any imaginable foe.  Some  soldiers are issued mechanical bodies.  Most soldiers are merely remote controlled robots with no class designation.

The lower classes are limited to “flesh bodies”.  Of course, it is not possible for these to travel through space for obvious reasons.  Fundamentally, flesh bodies are far too fragile to endure the stresses of gravity, temperature extremes, radiation exposure, atmospheric chemicals and the vacuum of space.  There are also the obvious logistical inconveniences of food, defecation, sleep, atmospheric elements, and air pressure required by flesh bodies, that doll bodies do not require.”

–Excerpt from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited and published by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2018-04-29 22:37:16. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
