Category Archives: electronic cannon


( See Part II of the video at this link: )

“Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.  In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

1) the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.”


“…the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself, which is an  electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.”


“The Domain conquest of the central “Old Empire” planets was fought with electronic cannon.”


“5,965 BCE — Investigations into the disappearance of Domain forces in this solar system led to the discovery of “Old Empire” bases on Mars and elsewhere.”


“Underground “amnesia stations” were set up on Mars…”


“Unbeknownst to The Domain, a hidden, underground base on Mars, operated by the “Old Empire”, had existed for a very long time.  The Domain base was wiped out by a military attack from the Mars base and the IS-BEs of The Domain Expeditionary Force were captured.”


“…this Domain officer was able to escape from the underground base after 27 years in captivity.  When he escaped from the “Old Empire” base, he returned immediately to his own base in the asteroid belt.  His commanding officer ordered that a battle cruiser be dispatched to the coordinates of the base  provided by this officer and to destroy that base completely. This “Old Empire” base was located a few hundred miles north of the equator on Mars in the Cydonia region.”


— Excerpted from Top Secret transcripts published in the book, ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


EDITOR’S COMMENT: It is interesting to note that the “anomalies” observed in the features of the Martian landscape (WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE) could be explained by the use of “electronic cannon”, by The Domain to destroy the Old Empire underground bases on Mars, as mentioned in the excerpts from the Alien Interview transcripts above.

You can read about it in “TMA-1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars” on UFO Digest.  Editor Robert Morningstar informs me that he “reported this at an AIAA peer Review Tech Conference at Johns Hopkins University on October 30th, 2004 and NASA took 2 years to confirm it, but they did. I dubbed it a Martian “Aurora Australo-Borialis.” ”  See the article at the following link:

Originally posted 2011-06-20 13:48:19. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



This excellent video by Brien Foerster shows evidence of the use of “electronic cannon” by The Domain to destroy parts of the “False Facade civilization” of the Old Empire in Egypt, as described in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW.  Similar destruction is also seen in other megalithic sites in Ecuador, as documented by Brien Foerster in several of his videos.

Originally posted 2019-05-26 00:58:21. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.  In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

1) the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.”


“…the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself, which is an  electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.”


“The Domain conquest of the central “Old Empire” planets was fought with electronic cannon.”


Excerpts from the Top Secret military transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


EDITORS’ NOTE: How is it possible, based on our knowledge of the effects of “lighting”, and our knowledge of the cloudless atmosphere of Mars, for “lighting” to create rock formations as seen below?

There exists a theory of lightning strikes as the means by which stone eggs form. “Based on research into the shape and size of so-called, “blueberries” on Mars, Dr. C. J. Ransom exposed samples of rock dust and soils to high voltage electric discharges. His results are remarkably similar to the Martian blueberries, and to other such accumulations of stone balls on Earth.”

“Marian Blueberries” exist in Argentina also (left image). They vary in sizes and often classified as “cannonball concretions”. The stones in Costa Rica, however, are thought to have been “carved by the Olmec civilization, because they’re often resting among huge stone heads, artifacts attributed to the Olmecs.” (info)

These mysterious sphere formations even crop out on Mars – scientists call them “Martian blueberries”! –

There exists a theory of lightning strikes as the means by which stone eggs form. “Based on research into the shape and size of so-called, “blueberries” on Mars, Dr. C. J. Ransom exposed samples of rock dust and soils to high voltage electric discharges. His results are remarkably similar to the Martian blueberries, and to other such accumulations of stone balls on Earth.”

Here is the evidence of the hollow interior of these spheres (some tourists seem to get carried away with this feature):

Originally posted 2011-09-08 16:18:19. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
