Tag Archives: superstition


“The purpose of the prison planet is to keep IS-BEs on Earth, forever. Promoting ignorance, superstition, and war between IS-BEs helps to keep the prison population crippled and trapped behind “the wall” of electronic force screens.”

“…the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself, which is an  electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.

The bureaucracy that controlled the former “Old Empire” was from an ancient space opera society, run by a totalitarian  confederation of planetary governments, regulated by a brutal social, economic, and political hierarchy, with a royal monarch as its figurehead.

This type of government emerges with regularity on planets where the citizens abandon personal responsibility for autonomous, self-regulation. They frequently lose their freedom to demented IS-BEs who suffer from an overwhelming paranoia that every other IS-BE is their enemy who must be controlled or destroyed.”

— Excerpts from the Top Secret transcript published in the book, ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2011-01-11 11:48:11. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The essence of creation and existence cannot be found through the lens of a microscope or telescope or by any other measurement of the physical universe.  One cannot comprehend the perfume of a flower or the pain felt by an abandoned lover with meters and calipers. 

Everything you will ever know about the creative force and ability of a god can be found within you — an Immortal Spiritual Being. 

How can a blind man teach others to see the nearly infinite gradients that comprise the spectrum of light?  The notion that one can understand the universe without understanding the nature of an IS-BE is as absurd as conceiving that an artist is a speck of paint on his own canvas.  Or, that the lace on a ballet shoe is the choreographer’s vision, or the grace of a dancer, or the electric excitement of opening night. 

Study of the spirit has been booby-trapped by the thought control operation through religious superstitions they instill in the minds of men.  Conversely, the study of the spirit and the mind have been prohibited by science which eliminates anything that is not measurable in the physical universe.  Science is the religion of matter.  It worships matter.  

The paradigm of science is that creation is all, and the creator is nothing.  Religion says the creator is all, and the creation is nothing.  These two extremes are the bars of a prison cell.  They prevent observation of all phenomenon as an interactive whole. 

Study of creation without knowing the IS-BE, the source of creation, is futile.  When you sail to the edge of a universe conceived by science, you fall off the end into an abyss of dark, dispassionate space and lifeless, unrelenting force.  On Earth, you have been convinced that the oceans of the mind and spirit are filled with gruesome, ghoulish monsters that will eat you alive if you dare to venture beyond the breakwater of superstition.

The vested interest of the “Old Empire” prison system is to prevent you from looking at your own soul.  They fear that you will see in your own memory the slave masters who keep you imprisoned.”

— Excerpt from the transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

Originally posted 2012-06-08 11:49:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“How can a blind man teach others to see the nearly infinite gradients that comprise the spectrum of light?  The notion that one can understand the universe without understanding the nature of an IS-BE is as absurd as conceiving that an artist is a speck of paint on his own canvas.  Or, that the lace on a ballet shoe is the choreographer’s vision, or the grace of a dancer, or the electric excitement of opening night.

Study of the spirit has been booby-trapped by the thought control operation through religious superstitions they instill in the minds of men.  Conversely, the study of the spirit and the mind have been prohibited by science which eliminates anything that is not measurable in the physical universe.  Science is the religion of matter.  It worships matter.

The paradigm of science is that creation is all, and the creator is nothing.  Religion says the creator is all, and the creation is nothing.  These two extremes are the bars of a prison cell.  They prevent observation of all phenomenon as an interactive whole.

Study of creation without knowing the IS-BE, the source of creation, is futile.  When you sail to the edge of a universe conceived by science, you fall off the end into an abyss of dark, dispassionate space and lifeless, unrelenting force.  On Earth, you have been convinced that the oceans of the mind and spirit are filled with gruesome, ghoulish monsters that will eat you alive if you dare to venture beyond the breakwater of superstition.”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence  R. Spencer

Originally posted 2011-08-25 14:18:45. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
