Category Archives: space stations


“Hereinafter is an overview and summary of my personal recollections of “conversations” with the alien craft pilot, whom I came to know by the identity of “Airl”.

I feel that it is my duty at this time, in the best interest of the citizens of Earth, to reveal what I have learned from my interaction with “Airl” during those six weeks, on the anniversary of her “death” or departure sixty years ago.

Although I served as a nurse in the Army Air Force, I am not a pilot or technician. Further, I did not have any direct contact with the space craft or other materials recovered from the crash site at that time, or thereafter.  To that degree it must be taken into consideration that my understanding of the communications I had with ” Airl” are based on my own subjective ability to interpret the meaning of the thoughts and mental images I was able to perceive.

Our communication did not consist of “spoken language”, in the conventional sense.  Indeed, the “body” of the alien had no “mouth” through which to speak.  Our communication was by telepathy.  At first, I could not understand Airl very clearly. I could perceive images, emotions and impressions, but it was difficult for me to express these verbally.  Once Airl learned the English language, she was able to focus her thoughts more precisely using symbols and meanings of words I could understand.  Learning the English language was done as a favor to me.  It was more for my own benefit than hers.

By the end of our interview sessions, and increasingly since then, I have become more comfortable with telepathic communication. I have become more adept at understanding Airl’s thoughts as though they are my own.  Somehow, her thoughts become my thoughts. Her emotions are my emotions. However, this is limited by her willingness and intention to share her own, personal universe with me.  She is able to be selective about what communication I am allowed to receive from her. Likewise, her experience, training, education, relationships and purposes are uniquely her own.

The Domain is a race or civilization of which Airl, the alien I interviewed, is an officer, pilot and engineer serving in The Domain Expeditionary Force. The symbol represents the origin and unlimited boundary of the known universe, united and integrated into a vast civilization under the control of The Domain.

Airl is currently stationed at a base in the asteroid belt which she refers to as a “space station” in the solar system of Earth. First and foremost, Airl is herself. Secondarily, she voluntarily serves as an Officer, Pilot and Engineer in The Domain Expeditionary Force. In that capacity she has duties and responsibilities, but she is at leave to come and go as she pleases also.

Please accept this material and make it known to as many people as possible.  I repeat that it is not my intention to endanger your life with the possession of this material, nor do I really expect you to believe any of it either. However, I do sense that you can appreciate the value that such knowledge may have to those who are willing and able to face the reality of it.

Mankind needs to know the answers to questions which are contained in these documents.  Who are we?  Where did we come from?  What is our purpose on Earth? Is Mankind alone in the universe?  If there is intelligent life elsewhere why have they not contacted us?

It is vital that people understand the devastating consequences to our spiritual and physical survival if we fail to take effective action to undo the long-standing and pervasive effects of alien intervention on Earth.

Perhaps the information in these documents will serve as a stepping stone to a better future for Mankind. I hope that you can be more clever, creative and courageous in the distribution of this information than I have been.

May The Gods Bless You and Keep You.

Mrs. Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy, Senior Master Sergeant, Women’s Army Air Force Medical Corp, Retired”

— Excerpt from a letter from Nurse MacElroy, received together with the Top Secret military transcripts published in the book  ALIEN INTERVIEW.

Originally posted 2012-01-02 14:14:05. Republished by Blog Post Promoter




“Airl was, and still is, an officer, pilot and engineer in an expeditionary force which is part of a space opera (Footnote) civilization which refers to itself as “The Domain”.  This civilization controls a vast number of galaxies, stars, planets, moons and asteroids throughout an area of space that is approximately one-fourth of the entire physical universe!  The continuing mission of her organization is to “Secure, control and expand the territory and resources of The Domain”. 

Airl pointed out that their own activities were very similar in many ways to the European explorers who “discovered” and “claimed” the New World for The Holy Father, The Pope (Footnote) and for the kings of Spain, Portugal and later, Holland, England, France and so forth. Europe benefited from the property “acquired” from the native inhabitants.  However, the native inhabitants were never consulted with or asked for their permission to become a part of the “domain” of European nations and the soldiers and priests they sent to acquire territory and wealth in order to advance their interests. 

Airl said she read in a history book that the Spanish king regretted the brutal treatment of the native inhabitants by his soldiers.  He feared retribution from the gods he worshipped, as described in the various testaments of the Bible.  He asked the Pope to prepare a statement called “The Requirement”  (see Photo at right and Footnote below) which was supposed to be read to each of the newly encountered native inhabitants. The king hoped that the statement, whether it was accepted or rejected by the natives, would absolve the King of all responsibility for the resulting slaughter and enslavement of these people.  He used this statement as justification to confiscate their lands and possessions by his soldiers and the Pope’s priests. “

— excerpt from the book Alien Interview


 …”space opera” civilization”…

amazing_stories“It was not until the 1920s that the space opera proper appeared in the pulp magazines Weird Tales and Amazing Stories. Unlike earlier stories of space adventure, which either related the invasion of Earth by extraterrestrials, or concentrated on the invention of a space vehicle by a genius inventor, pure space opera simply took space travel for granted (usually by setting the story in the far future), skipped the preliminaries, and launched straight into tales of derring-do among the stars.

The first stories of this type were J. Schlossel’s The Second Swarm (Spring 1928) in Amazing Stories Quarterly and Edmond Hamilton’s Crashing Suns (August-September 1928) and The Star Stealers (February 1929) in Weird Tales . Similar stories by other writers followed through 1929 and 1930; by 1931 the space opera was well-established as a dominant sub-genre of science fiction.

The transition from the older space-voyage story to the space opera can be seen in the works of E. E. “Doc” Smith. His first published work, The Skylark of Space (August-October 1928, Amazing Stories), merges the traditional tale of a scientist inventing a space-drive with planetary romance in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs; but by the time of the sequel, Skylark Three (August-October 1930, Amazing Stories) which introduces the space faring race of the Fenachrone, Smith had moved closer to a space opera mode.

Space opera in its most familiar form was a product of 1930s-40s pulp magazines. Like early science fiction in general, space opera borrowed much of its style from established adventure, crime, and thriller genres. Notable influences included stories that described adventures on exotic or uncivilized frontiers, e.g. the American West, Africa, or the Orient. The imagined future of space opera included immense space liners, intrepid explorers of unknown worlds, pirates of the space ways, and tough but incorruptible space police.

E. E. “Doc” Smith’s later Lensman Series and the works of Edmond Hamilton, John W. Campbell, and Jack Williamson in the 1930s and 1940s were popular with readers and much imitated by other writers. By the early 1940s, the repetitiousness and extravagance of some of these stories led to objections from some fans.”

— Reference:


 “… European explorers who “discovered” and “claimed” the New World for The Holy Father, The Pope…”“…On the death of Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492), the three likely candidates for the Holy See were cardinals Borgia, Ascanio Sforza and Giuliano della Rovere. While there was never substantive proof of simony, the rumor was that Borgia, by his great wealth, succeeded in buying the largest number of votes, including that of Sforza, whom, popular rumor had it, he bribed with four mule-loads of silver. Pope Alexander VI (1 January 1431 – 18 August 1503), born Roderic Llançol, later Roderic de Borja y Borja (Italian: Borgia) was Pope from 1492 to 1503. He is the most controversial of the secular popes of the Renaissance, and his surname (Italianized as Borgia) became a byword for the debased standards of the papacy of that era.Della Rovere was bankrolled to the cost of 200,000 gold ducats by the King of France, with another 100,000 supplied by the Republic of Genoa. Borgia was elected on 11 August 1492, assuming the name of Alexander VI. Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, later to become Pope Leo X, sharply criticized the election and warned of dire things to come:“Now we are in the power of a wolf, the most rapacious perhaps that this world has ever seen. And if we do not flee, he will inevitably devour us all.”

— Reference:


“…1493 AD —  “The Requirement”…

“The Requirement was published as a papal “bull”, issued by the infamous Pope Alexander VI, (Rodrigo Borgia), Roman Catholic Pope from 1492 until his death, is the most memorable of the Popes of the Renaissance.

 Because of the pre-existence of millions of people living in the Americas in 1493, the King of Spain, had a small twinge of fear at the prospect that God might become angry at him for all the murder, theft and mayhem he endorsed in the New World.  So, he persuaded Pope Alexander VI to sanction an official proclamation intended to dissolve the stain of bloody culpability from the King’s own immortal soul.  This document, called “The Requirement”, was supposed to be read, whether translated into the native language of the inhabitants or not, to the citizens of every foreign nation just prior to their conquest. The gist of the proclamation was to inform the soon to be vanquished that their lands were being “donated” to Spain. 

 The Requirement read, in part:

              “I, (name of the Conquistador), servant of the high and mighty Kings of Castile and Leon, conquerors of barbarian peoples, and being their messenger and Captain, hereby notify and inform you … that God Our Lord, One and Eternal, created Heaven and Earth and a man and a woman from whom you and I and all the multitude begotten from these over the past five thousand and some years since the world was made … And so I request and require you … to recognize the Church as your Mistress and as Governess of the World and Universe, and the High Priest, called the Pope, in Her name, and His Majesty (the King of Spain) in Her place, as Ruler and Lord King … And if you do not do this … with the help of God I shall come mightily against you, and I shall make war on you everywhere and in every way that I can, and I shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and His Majesty, and I shall seize your women and children, and I shall make them slaves, to sell and dispose of as His Majesty commands, and I shall do all the evil and damage to you that I am able. And I insist that the deaths and destruction that result from this will be your fault.”

 One of the first to hear The Requirement were the chiefs of the Maya, whose scale of time for the creation of life on Earth did not begin a mere 5,000 years earlier, as suggested by the Pope, rather the Mayan measured original creation in millions of years by the astronomical calendars they kept, which tracked the solar year accurately to within a few seconds a year.  Their comment upon hearing The Requirement was, “The Holy Father has indeed been generous with others’ property”.

The Requirement was originally intended as a response to complaints by Spanish clerics that the wars against the Native American peoples were unjust. Comparing them to Spain’s wars against the Moors, the clerics claimed that Muslims had knowledge of Christ and rejected Him, so that waging a Crusade against them was legitimate. In contrast, wars against the Native Americans, who had never come into contact with Christianity were unacceptable. The Requirement was intended as a legal loophole to place the native population in the position of having rejected Christianity. It stated: “We protest that any deaths that result from this [rejection of Christianity] are your fault…”

Many critics of the conquistadors’ policies were appalled by the flippant nature of the Requirement, and the priest, Bartolomeo de Las Casas, said in response to it that he did not know whether to laugh or to cry. While the conquistadors were encouraged to use an interpreter to read the Requirement, this was not absolutely necessary, and in many cases, it was read out to an uncomprehending populace. In some instances, it was read to barren beaches and empty villages, long after the natives had fled, to prisoners after they were captured, or even from the decks of ships once they had just spotted the coast. Nevertheless, for the conquistadors, it provided a religious justification for attacking and enslaving the native population, and because of its potential to enrich the coffers of Spain, the Requirement was not generally questioned.”

— Reference:

The net result of the “discovery” of the “New World” which wasn’t really “new” as it had been around as long as any other continent, and had a larger population than Europe, was as follows:

1) hundreds of indigenous cultures were eradicated  2) approximately 100 million people were killed by disease and war brought upon them by “aliens” 3) 100 million people from the Gold Coast of Africa were enslaved, and/ or murdered by Europeans in an effort to replace the “labor force” of slaughtered indigenous population of the Western Hemisphere 4) nearly all of the priceless literature, history, cultural and artistic artifacts of the Western hemisphere were destroyed 5) most of the gold and gems mined over a period of thousands of years by indigenous people were stolen and shipped off the a handful of greedy, idiotic, uneducated, filthy, disease-ridden, superstitious, murderous, thieves in Europe who squandered it on mindless self-indulgences. —  The Editor

Originally posted 2013-12-20 13:27:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



ADDENDUM ADDED MARCH 30th, 2017 may provide more evidence that ELECTRONIC WEAPONS were used on Earth and Mars. Notice the similar features in both pictures.  Then watch the video below to discover that ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA are the most likely cause of both structures:

The Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara and Guelb er Richat, is a prominent circular feature in the Sahara near Ouadane, west–central Mauritania. It is about 30 MILES IN DIAMETER. (SEE PHOTO BELOW):COMPARE THE IMAGE BELOW OF THE RICHAT STRUCTURE TO THE IMAGE BELOW OF OLYMPUS MONS ON THE PLANET MARS. Both of these planetary features appear to have been CREATED BY ELECTRONIC IMPACT, as described by The Thunderbolt Project in the VIDEO BELOW:

OLYMUS MONS is located in Mars’s western hemisphere at approximately 18.65°N 226.2°E, just off the northwestern edge of the Tharsis bulge. The western portion of the volcano lies in the Amazonis quadrangle (MC-8) and the central and eastern portions in the adjoining Tharsis quadrangle (MC-9). It stands 21 km (13 mi) above the Mars global datum, and its local relief, from the foot of the cliffs which form its margin to the northwest to its peak, is nearly 22 km (14 mi) (a little over twice the height of Mauna Kea as measured from its base on the ocean floor).

“Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.  In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

1) the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.”


“…the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself, which is an  electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.”


“The Domain conquest of the central “Old Empire” planets was fought with electronic cannon.”


“5,965 BCE — Investigations into the disappearance of Domain forces in this solar system led to the discovery of “Old Empire” bases on Mars and elsewhere.”


“Underground “amnesia stations” were set up on Mars…”


“Unbeknownst to The Domain, a hidden, underground base on Mars, operated by the “Old Empire”, had existed for a very long time.  The Domain base was wiped out by a military attack from the Mars base and the IS-BEs of The Domain Expeditionary Force were captured.”


“…this Domain officer was able to escape from the underground base after 27 years in captivity.  When he escaped from the “Old Empire” base, he returned immediately to his own base in the asteroid belt.  His commanding officer ordered that a battle cruiser be dispatched to the coordinates of the base  provided by this officer and to destroy that base completely. This “Old Empire” base was located a few hundred miles north of the equator on Mars in the Cydonia region.”


— The paragraphs above are excerpted from Top Secret transcripts published in the book, ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


EDITOR’S COMMENT:  It is interesting to note that the “anomalies” observed in the features of the Martian landscape are explained by the use of “electronic cannon” by The Domain to destroy the Old Empire underground bases on Mars, as mentioned in the excerpts from the Alien Interview transcripts above.

(WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE)  Published on Jun 20, 2014 by The Thunderbolt Project:  “After much deliberation, we made the decision to release this full documentary. Year by year the evidence for global electric scarring of Mars continues to grow. Bringing the facts to public attention will be among our highest priorities in coming months. Note: all of the Mars imagery involves actual maps from Google Mars.

In Episode 2 Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning Scarred Planet, Mars, David Talbott takes the viewer on an odyssey across the surface of Mars. Exploring feature after feature of the planet, he finds that only electric arcs could produce the observed patterns. The high resolution images reveal massive channels and gouges, great mounds, and crater chains, none finding an explanation in traditional geology but all matching the scars from electric discharge experiments in the laboratory.”

As a scientific follow-up to Symbols of an Alien Sky, this documentary provides a definitive answer to the question: was Mars carved from pole to pole by intense interplanetary discharge?

You can read about it in “TMA-1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars” on UFO Digest.  Editor Robert Morningstar informs me that he “reported this at an AIAA peer Review Tech Conference at Johns Hopkins University on October 30th, 2004 and NASA took 2 years to confirm it, but they did. I dubbed it a Martian “Aurora Australo-Borialis.” ”  See the article at the following link:

Originally posted 2010-11-13 13:50:33. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
