Category Archives: god


“The idea of “One God” was perpetuated by the Hebrew leader Moses [i] (Footnote) while he was in Egypt.  He left Egypt with his adopted people, the Jewish slaves.  While they were crossing the desert, Moses was intercepted by an operative of the “Old Empire” near Mt. Sinai.  Moses was tricked into believing that this operative was “the” One God through the use of hypnotic commands, as well as technical and aesthetic tricks which are commonly used by the “Old Empire” to trap IS-BEs.  Thereafter, the Jewish slaves, who trusted the word of Moses implicitly, have worshiped a single god they call “Yaweh”. [ii] (Footnote).

The name “Yaweh” means “anonymous”, as the IS-BE who “worked with” Moses could not use an actual name or anything that would identify himself, or blow the cover of the amnesia / prison operation.  The last thing the covert amnesia / hypnosis / prison system wants to do is to reveal themselves openly to the IS-BEs on Earth.  They feel that this would restore the inmates memories! 

This is the reason that all traces of physical encounters between operatives of space civilizations and humans is very carefully hidden, disguised, covered-up, denied or misdirected.

This “Old Empire” operative contacted Moses on a desert mountain top and delivered the “Ten Hypnotic Commands” to him.  These commands are very forcefully worded, and compel an IS-BE into utter subservience to the will of the operator.  These hypnotic commands are still in effect and influence the thought patterns of millions of IS-BEs thousands of years later!”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret military transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW


[i] “…Moses…”

“(The Exodus of Hebrew slave from Egypt, led by Moses) may have occurred around 1400s BC, since the Amarna letters, written ca. forty years later to Pharaohs Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) indicate that Canaan was being invaded by the “Habiru” — whom some scholars in the 1950s to 1970s interpret to mean “Hebrews”.

Exodus 34:29-35 tells that after meeting with God the skin of Moses’ face became radiant, frightening the Israelites and leading Moses to wear a veil. Jonathan Kirsch, in his book Moses: A Life, thought that, since he subsequently had to wear a veil to hide it, Moses’ face was disfigured by a sort of “divine radiation burn”.

— Reference:

[ii] .. Yahweh…”

“The cartouche of Akhenaten’s god and heavenly father, the Aten, bore the name Imram. In the Bible, Moses is referred to as the son of Amram, the Hebrew equivalent. The name of the Egyptian deity Aten transliterates into the Hebrew word Adon.  Adon, which is translated by English Bibles as “the Lord” (and Adonai, translated as “my Lord”) is used along with Jehovah (Yhwh) in the Bible as the exclusive personal names of God. Moreover, in ancient times, the name Jehovah (Yhwh) was written, but never spoken. Whenever the written name Jehovah (Yhwh) was to be read out loud, Adon (Aten) was voiced instead. The written form of Adon is infrequent, however, its limited usage is significant, especially in the first six books of the Bible (See under “LORD” in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance), where it is reserved for the following applications alone: Moses addresses God using the title Adon/Aten (Exodus 4:10,13; 5:22; 34:9; Numbers 14:17; Deuteronomy 3:23; 7:26; 10:17); Moses, himself, is addressed both by Aaron (Ex.32:22; Num.12:11) and by Joshua (Numbers 11:28) using the title Adon/Aten; and Joshua also addresses God using the title Adon/Aten (Joshua 5:14 b; 7:7). As mentioned above, there is an established relationship between the literature of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty and the Bible. Psalm 104 is an embellishment of the Hymn to the Aten which was found by archaeologists at the city of Akhetaten.”

— Reference:

“Yahweh is an English rendition of יהוה, the name of the God of Israel. During the Babylonian captivity, the Hebrew language spoken by the Jews was replaced by the Aramaic language of their Babylonian captors, which was closely related to Hebrew and, while sharing many vocabulary words in common, contained some words that sounded the same or similar but had other meanings. In Aramaic, the Hebrew word for “blaspheme” used in Leviticus 24:16, “Anyone who blasphemes the name of YHWH must be put to death” carried the meaning of “pronounce” rather than “blaspheme”.

— Reference:

Originally posted 2012-11-08 01:27:54. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings.  This includes human beings.  For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: “IS-BE”.  Because the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of “is”, and the only reason for their  existence is that they decide to “be”.

No matter how lowly their station in a society, every IS-BE deserves the respect and treatment that I myself would like to receive from others.  Each person on Earth continues to be an IS-BE whether they are aware of the fact or not.”

— Airl. Domain Pilot, engineer and Officer.  From the Top Secret military transcripts recorded in Roswell, NM in 1947 and published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW.ESSENCE OF EXISTENCE

Originally posted 2015-12-04 14:44:45. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
