Tag Archives: Elisha Gray


“…IS-BEs can occupy and operate more than one body at the same time — a fact that previously was thought to be uniquely limited to officers of The Domain.

 Several other notable examples of this phenomena were observed. For example, the process of refining steel was invented by the same IS-BE who inhabited two bodies simultaneously. One was named Kelly who lived in Kentucky, and the other was a man named Bessemer  who lived in England.  They both conceived the same process at the same time.

Another example is Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the telephone, which was invented by several others at the same time, including Elisha Gray.  The telephone was conceived concurrently in several locations around the world all at once. This was a single IS-BE of such tremendous energy and ability that he was able to operate several bodies in several different locations while conducting complex research work!

Thanks to these revelations, The Domain has been able to return some IS-BEs of the Lost Battalion to active duty on a limited, part-time basis.  For example, two young girls who occupy biological bodies on Earth are now, at the same time, working as active members of The Domain Expeditionary Force on the asteroid space station as operators of a communication switchboard. These operators relay messages between The Domain  Expeditionary Force and The Domain Command Headquarters.”

EDITORS NOTE:  The following are links to Encyclopedia Britannica pages that provide detailed information which corroborates the events mentioned in the book Alien Interview





Originally posted 2018-11-12 12:44:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
