Tag Archives: electricity


The History of Nikola Tesla – a Short Story from Jeremiah Warren on Vimeo.

“Today Airl told me about some very technical things. I took a few notes to remind myself, so I can repeat what she said as closely as possible. She began with an analogy about scientific knowledge:

Can you imagine how much progress could have been made on Earth if people like Johannes Gutenberg, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington Carver, Nicola Tesla, Jonas Salk, and Richard Trevithick, and many thousands of similar geniuses and inventors were living today?

Image what technical accomplishments might have been developed if men like these never died? What if they were never given amnesia and made to forget everything they knew? What if they continued to learn and work forever?

What level of technology and civilization could be attained if Immortal Spiritual Beings like these were allowed to continue to create — in the same place and at the same time — for billions or trillions of years?

Essentially, The Domain is one civilization that has existed for trillions of years with relatively uninterrupted progress. Knowledge has been accumulated, refined, and improved upon in nearly every field of study imaginable — and beyond imagining.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book Alien Interview, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer




Originally posted 2010-10-23 22:12:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



As described in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, the civilizations of Egypt and others were a “false facade” created tens of thousands of years ago by elements of the “Old Empire”. The nature of these structures were an integral part of establishing and maintaining Earth as a “prison planet”. Who built the pyramids, how, when and why, have been carefully hidden from the public for thousands of years. Fortunately, independent researchers like Christopher Dunn, and the invention of Wardenclyffe Tower to distribute electricity through the atmosphere by Nikola Tesla, reveal many of these secrets.

Mainstream historians will tell you that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a glorified tomb for the Egyptian pharaohs. The only original monument left of the original Seven Wonders of the World, this structure was created with impeccable mathematical precision, and is a unique, mysterious feat of construction and engineering. There’s only one problem: the Great Pyramid has none of the characteristics of tombs: including extravagant artifacts, ornate wall art, sealed entrances, elaborate coffins, or even mummies themselves. It was, however, built with unique – the same materials that are used for electrical conductivity today. These facts are leading more and more historians to believe the pyramids may have had a far more useful purpose. ..that pyramid of Giza was not at all a tomb, but a power plant: generating and transmitting electricity to the civilization surrounding them. Sound impossible? Join the Universe Inside you for a closer look!

Written and Narrated by Elisabeth Firestone: info@BestNarrator.com

Originally posted 2019-01-13 11:00:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“The origins of this universe and life on Earth, as discussed in the textbooks I have read, are very inaccurate. Since you serve your government as a medical personnel, your duties require that you understand biological entities. So, I am sure that you will appreciate the value of the material I will share with you today. The text of books I have been given on subjects related to the function of life forms contain information that is based on false memories, inaccurate observation, missing data, unproven theories, and superstition.” ~ Alien Interview

THIS VIDEO (Electrical Shaping of Biology) reveals that “A LESSON IN BIOLOGY” in the Alien Interview book is correct.

Dr. Michael Claragae,  has discovered that the “story of DNA” that we grew up with—and still teach our children—is not only wrong, it’s harmful to our spirit because it gives us a false understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

We repeat the 70 year-old idea that DNA alone somehow determines everything, though there is surprisingly little evidence. Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of The SAFIRE Project Michael Clarage, PhD, highlights some of the evidence for the role of electricity in how plant and animal shapes come to be, and the role of electric fields in how inorganic objects obtain their shapes. We begin with an open question in biology — how do the shapes of creatures come about? How does a certain frog species obtain its particular shape and not some other? How do its legs and toes and claws always get their particular shape and not some other?

Originally posted 2021-07-18 12:49:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
