Category Archives: dinosaurs


GRAINS OF SAND“The first development of biological bodies began in this universe about seventy-four trillion years ago.  It rapidly became a fad for IS-BEs to create and inhabit various types of bodies for an assortment of nefarious reasons:  especially for amusement, this is to experience various physical sensations vicariously through the body.

Since that time there has been a continuing “de-evolution” in the relationship of IS-BEs to bodies.  As IS-BEs continued to play around with these bodies, certain tricks were introduced to cause IS-BEs to get trapped inside a body so they were unable to leave again.

This was done primarily by making bodies that appeared sturdy, but were actually very fragile.  An IS-BE, using their natural power to create energy, accidentally injured a body when contacting it.  The IS-BE was remorseful about having injured this fragile body.  The next time they encountered a body they began to be “careful” with them.  In so doing, the IS-BE would withdraw or minimize their own power so as not to injure the body.  A very long and treacherous history of this kind of trickery, combined with similar misadventures eventually resulted in a large number of IS-BEs becoming permanently trapped in bodies

Of course this became a profitable enterprise for some IS-BEs who took advantage of this situation to make slaves of others.  The resulting enslavement progressed over trillions of years, and continues today.  Ultimately the dwindling ability of IS-BEs to maintain a personal state of operational freedom and ability to create energy resulted in the vast and carefully guarded hierarchy or class system.  Using bodies as a symbol of each class is used throughout the “Old Empire”, as well as The Domain.”

The vast majority of IS-BEs throughout the galaxies of this universe inhabit some form of flesh body.  The structure, appearance, operation and habitat of these bodies vary according to the gravity, atmosphere, and climatic conditions of the planet they inhabit.  Body types are predetermined largely by the type and size of the star around which the planet revolves, the distance from the star, the geological, as well as the atmospheric components of the planet.

On the average, these stars and planets fall into gradients of classification which are fairly standard throughout the universe.  For example, Earth is identified, roughly, as a “Sun Type 12, Class 7 planet”.  That is a heavy gravity, nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere planet, [i] (Footnote) with biological life-forms, in proximity to a single, yellow, medium-size, low-radiation sun or “Type 12 star”.  The proper designations are difficult to translate accurately due to the extreme limitations of astronomical nomenclature in the English language.

There are as many varieties of life forms as there are grains of sands on the beach.”

– The words of “Airl”, Officer, Pilot and Engineer of The Domain Expeditionary Force as recorded in the Official Transcript of the U.S. Army Air Force Roswell Army Air Field, 509th Bomb Group, SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 28. 7. 1947, 1st Session


[i] “… a heavy gravity, nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere planet…”

The Earth’s atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth and retained by the Earth’s gravity. It contains roughly (by molar content/volume) 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide, trace amounts of other gases, and a variable amount (average around 1%) of water vapor. This mixture of gases is commonly known as air. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation and reducing temperature extremes between day and night.

There is no definite boundary between the atmosphere and outer space. It slowly becomes thinner and fades into space. Three quarters of the atmosphere’s mass is within 11 km of the planetary surface. In the United States, people who travel above an altitude of 80.5 km (50 statute miles) are designated astronauts. An altitude of 120 km (~75 miles or 400,000 ft) marks the boundary where atmospheric effects become noticeable during re-entry. The Kármán line, at 100 km (62 miles or 328,000 ft), is also frequently regarded as the boundary between atmosphere and outer space.

The atmosphere of Mars is relatively thin, and the atmospheric pressure on the surface varies from around 30 Pa (0.03 kPa) on Olympus Mons’s peak to over 1155 Pa (1.155 kPa) in the depths of Hellas Planitia, with a mean surface level pressure of 600 Pa (0.6 kPa), compared to Earth’s 101.3 kPa. However, the scale height of the atmosphere is about 11 km, somewhat higher than Earth’s 6 km. The atmosphere on Mars consists of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and contains traces of oxygen, water, and methane. The atmosphere is quite dusty, giving the Martian sky a tawny color when seen from the surface; data from the Mars Exploration Rovers indicates the suspended dust particles are roughly 1.5 micrometres across.

The atmosphere of Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is much denser and hotter than that of Earth. The surface temperature and pressure on Venus are 740 K (467°C) and 93 bar, respectively. The Venusian atmosphere supports thick persistent clouds made of sulfuric acid, which make optical observations of the surface impossible. The information about surface features on Venus has been obtained exclusively by radar imaging conducted from the ground and Venera 15-16 and by Magellan space probes. The main atmosphereric gases on Venus are carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which make up 96.5% and 3.5% of all molecules. Other chemical compounds are present only in trace amounts.

The atmosphere of Venus is in state of a vigorous circulation and super-rotation. The whole atmosphere circles the planet in just four days (super-rotation), which is a short time compared with the sideral rotational period of 243 days. The winds supporting super-rotation blow as fast as 100 m/s. Near the poles of Venus anticyclonic structures called polar vortexes are located. In them the air moves downward. Each vortex is double eyed and shows a characteristic S-shaped pattern of clouds.

Only the ionosphere and thin induced magnetosphere separate venusian atmosphere from the space. They shield the atmosphere from the solar wind, which usually does not penetrate deep into it. However they are incapable of preventing the loss of water, which is continuously blown away by the solar wind through the induced magnetotail.

Despite the harsh conditions on the surface, at about a 50 km to 65 km level above the surface of the planet the atmospheric pressure and temperature is nearly the same as that of the Earth, making its upper atmosphere the most Earth-like area in the Solar System, even more so than the surface of Mars. Due to the similarity in pressure, temperature and the fact that breathable air (21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen) is a lifting gas on Venus in the same way that helium is a lifting gas on Earth.”

– Reference:

Originally posted 2013-08-07 23:40:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“Due to the myriad types of naturally occurring global cataclysmic events which are indigenous to Earth, it is not a suitable planet for habitation by IS-BEs.  In addition there have been occasional global cataclysms caused by IS-BEs such as the one that destroyed the dinosaurs more than 70 million years ago.  That destruction was caused by intergalactic warfare during which time Earth, and many other  neighbouring moons and planets, were bombarded by atomic weapons.  Atomic explosions cause atmospheric fallout much like that of volcanic eruptions. Most of the planets in this sector of the galaxy have been uninhabitable deserts since then.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book, “Alien Interview”, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2011-01-07 12:35:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



atomic_dinasaur_extinction“Due to the myriad types of naturally occurring global cataclysmic events which are indigenous to Earth, it is not a suitable planet for habitation by IS-BEs. In addition there have been occasional global cataclysms caused by IS-BEs such as the one that destroyed the dinosaurs more than 70 million years ago. That destruction was caused by intergalactic warfare during which time Earth, and many other neighboring moons and planets, were bombarded by atomic weapons. Atomic explosions cause atmospheric fallout much like that of volcanic eruptions. Most of the planets in this sector of the galaxy have been uninhabitable deserts since then.

Earth is undesirable for many other reasons: heavy gravity and dense atmosphere, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, polar shifts, continental drift, meteor impacts, atmospheric and climatic changes, to name a few. What kind of lasting civilization could any sophisticated culture propose to develop in such an environment?

In addition, Earth is a small planet of a “rim star” of a galaxy. This makes Earth very isolated geographically from the more concentrated planetary civilizations which exist toward the center of the galaxy. These obvious facts have made Earth suitable for use only as a zoological or botanical garden, or for its current use as a prison — but not much else.” — excerpt from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW


EDITOR’S NOTE: An Earth scientist (John E. Brandenburg PhD) has theorized that an ancient Mars civilization in the Cydonia region existed, but was destroyed by atomic fission (bombs).  This information is already know from the ALIEN INTERVIEW transcripts which were recorded during the interviews with the crashed pilot of the Roswell UFO, in 1947.  His recent book, Death on Mars, details the basis for this theory:

“New proof of a nuclear catastrophe on Mars! In an epic story of discovery, strong evidence is presented for a dead civilization on Mars and the shocking reason for its demise: an ancient planetary-scale nuclear massacre leaving isotopic traces of vast explosions that endure to our present age. The story told by a wide range of Mars data is now clear. Mars was once Earth-like in climate, with an ocean and rivers, and for a long period became home to both plant and animal life, including a humanoid civilization. Then, for unfathomable reasons, a massive thermo-nuclear explosion ravaged the centers of the Martian civilization and destroyed the biosphere of the planet. But the story does not end there. This tragedy may explain Fermi’s Paradox, the fact that the cosmos, seemingly so fertile and with so many planets suitable for life, is as silent as a graveyard.”

— from the promotional description on of the book “Death on Mars” by John E. Brandenburg PhD

Originally posted 2014-12-02 16:21:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
