Category Archives: space travel


ARCADIA REGENERATION COMPANY(Image created with Pulp-O-Mizer)

“As an officer, pilot and engineer of The Domain, I must always assume a very pragmatic point of view.  I could not be effective or accomplish my missions if I were to use philosophical dogma or rhetoric as my operations manual.  Therefore, our discussion of history is based on actual events that occurred long before any IS-BEs arrived on Earth, and long before the “Old Empire” came into power.  I can relate part of this history from personal experience:

Many billions of years ago I was a member of a very large biological laboratory in a galaxy far from this one.  It was called the “Arcadia Regeneration Company”.  [i] (FootnoteI was a biological engineer working with a large staff of technicians.  It was our business to manufacture and supply new life forms to uninhabited planets.  There were millions of star systems with millions of inhabitable planets in the region at that time. 

There were many other biological laboratory companies at that time also.  Each of them specialized in producing different kinds of life forms, depending on the “class” of the planet being populated.  Over a long span of time these laboratories developed a vast catalogue of species throughout the galaxies.  The majority of basic genetic material is common to all species of life.  [ii] (Footnote)  Therefore, most of their work was concerned with manipulating alterations of the basic genetic pattern to produce variations of life forms that would be  suitable inhabitants for various planetary classes.  

The “Arcadia Regeneration Company” specialized in mammals for forested areas and birds for tropical regions.  Our marketing staff negotiated contracts with various planetary governments and independent buyers from all over the universe.  The technicians created animals that were compatible with the variations in climate, atmospheric and terrestrial density and chemical content.  In addition we were paid to integrate our specimens with biological organisms engineered by other companies already living on a planet.

In order to do this our staff was in communication with other companies who created life forms.  There were industry trade shows, publications and a variety of other information supplied through an association that coordinated related projects. 

As you can imagine, our research required a great deal of interstellar travel to conduct planetary surveys.  This is when I learned my skills as a pilot.”

Airl – Officer, Pilot and Engineer with The Domain Expeditionary Force. from the Top Secret military transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

[i] “… Arcadia Regeneration Company”.

One of the birthplaces reported for Zeus is Mount Lycaeum in Arcadia. Lycaon, a cannibalistic Pelasgian king, was transformed into a werewolf by Zeus. Lycaon’s daughter was Callisto. It was also said to have been the birthplace of Zeus’ son, Hermes.

Arcadia remained a rustic, secluded area, and its inhabitants became proverbial as primitive herdsmen leading simple pastoral unsophisticated yet happy lives, to the point that Arcadia may refer to some imaginary idyllic paradise.

The Latin phrase Et in Arcadia ego which is usually interpreted to mean “I am also in Arcadia” or “I am even in Arcadia” is an example of memento mori, a cautionary reminder of the transitory nature of life and the inevitability of death. The phrase is most often associated with a 1647 painting by Nicolas Poussin, also known as “The Arcadian Shepherds”. In the painting the phrase appears as an inscription on a tomb discovered by youthful figures in classical garb. It has been suggested that the phrase is an anagram for the Latin phrase “I! Tego arcana Dei”, which translates to “Begone! I keep God’s secrets.”

—  Reference:

[ii]  “… the majority of basic genetic material is common to all species…”

The Genetic Core of the Universal Ancestor

J. Kirk Harris, Scott T. Kelley,1 George B. Spiegelman,3 and Norman R. Pace1

1 Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0347, USA; 2 Graduate Group in Microbiology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720, USA; 3 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z3

Molecular analysis of conserved sequences in the ribosomal RNAs of modern organisms reveals a three-domain phylogeny thatconverges in a universal ancestor for all life. We used the Clustersof Orthologous Groups database and information from publishedgenomes to search for other universally conserved genes that havethe same phylogenetic pattern as ribosomal RNA, and thereforeconstitute the ancestral genetic core of cells. Our analyses identifieda small set of genes that can be traced back to the universalancestor and have coevolved since that time.

As indicated by earlierstudies, almost all of these genes are involved with the transferof genetic information, and most of them directly interact withthe ribosome. Other universal genes have either undergone lateraltransfer in the past, or have diverged so much in sequence thattheir distant past could not be resolved. The nature of the conservedgenes suggests innovations that may have been essential to thedivergence of the three domains of life. The analysis also identifiedseveral genes of unknown function with phylogenies that trackwith the ribosomal RNA genes. The products of these genes arelikely to play fundamental roles in cellularprocesses.”

— Reference:

Originally posted 2013-02-19 01:34:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



On October 23, 2011, a helicopter of the Netherlands VPRO program filmed an unknown object over the Wadden Sea.

(This is a enlarged rendering of the UFO seen in the video above, created by the architect, Ernesto Lacalle, who was also kind enough to provide us with the Spanish language translation of the ALIEN INTERVIEW book.)

“8,050 BCE — Destruction of the “Old Empire” home planet government in this galaxy.  This was the end of the “Old Empire” as a political entity in the galaxy.  However, the vast size of the “Old Empire” will take many thousands of years for The Domain to conquer completely.  The inertia of the political, economic and cultural systems of the “Old Empire” will remain in place for some time to come.

However, remnants of the “Old Empire” space fleet in the solar system of Earth were finally destroyed in 1,230 AD. In addition to operatives of the “Old Empire” who run the Earth prison operation, there were other beings from the “Old Empire” who came to Earth.  

Since Earth was no longer under the control of the “Old Empire” after their defeat by The Domain Forces, there was no police force to control military renegades, space pirates, miners, merchants and entrepreneurs who came to Earth to exploit the resources of the planet for personal gain, and many other nefarious reasons.”


“At this time we (The Domain) do not prevent transports from other planetary systems or galaxies from continuing to drop IS-BEs into the amnesia force screen area. Eventually, this will change.”

— Excerpt from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

Originally posted 2012-04-09 12:37:54. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
