Tag Archives: “Graham Hancock”


the-god-enlil-seatedThe letters and transcripts published in the book “Alien Interview” make it very clear why we do not and will not discover any “proof” of extraterrestrial activities on Earth.  Yes, circumstantial evidence abounds. The ruins of ancient buildings all over the world point directly to their orientation in the star groups: Orion, The Big Dipper, The Hyades, Sirius and many more.  The very best efforts of brilliant, honest investigators like Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, Erich von Däniken, Michael Cremo, Robert Temple and many, many others have revealed obvious clues scattered all over the world.  The mythology of every continent throughout history tell stories of “the gods” visiting Earth: many forms, many times, many places.  All essentially the same.  Videos, photographs, credible eye witness testimonies by the thousands flood our book stores and the internet.   Secret government vaults are stuffed with evidence of cover-ups.

An acquaintance from the British Exopolitics organization said to me, facetiously, “you could show people the kitchen sink from a UFO and they wouldn’t believe it”.   Sadly, it’s true.  Even the most ardent and earnest investigators don’t really understand what they are seeing.  We can’t, really.  We are all prisoners here.  We have all been brainwashed by our captors to forget everything about who we are, our past, where we came from, as well as our true identities and abilities. anunaki

We can dig up and expose every ancient archeological site on the whole planet over the next ten thousand years, yet we won’t know any more about what’s really happening to us than we know now.  We are  NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW!  It’s a secret.  If we find out, there may be a chance that we could escape!  The number one rule of any prison is to prevent the inmates from escaping, right?  Do not assume for a second that we have any extraterrestrial friends out there who are going to swoop down and give us a helping hand.  The opposite appears to be the case.

How might we escape, if we could?  In space ships?  What a joke!  Even if we were allowed to develop space travel technology for flesh bodies, (a virtually impossible feat, in spite of Hollywood movie mythology) where would we go?  We’d be captured, brainwashed and put right back on Earth again.  How do you supposed we got here?  The real question is this:  who is being held a prisoner?  Is it your body?  Get serious.  Bodies die about every 65 years.  We get a new one and start over again as a baby.  Does this fact seem too incredible?  Can you see it happening?  Can you remember anything about any of your lives in the past?  Or, is it all unreal to you?   Does that fact that our barbarian “doctors of the mind” don’t have a clue that we are each an immortal spiritual being make all this seem hard to believe?  You bet it does.  Western civilization is still deep, deep in the dark ages regarding the study of the human spirit or the universes of the spirit.  This is intentional.  It’s part of the mechanism that keeps us here!

This IS the reason we’re still here, in prison, on planet Earth.  Until we face up to the fact that we are IS-BEs, and that we have amnesia, we won’t have any chance of escaping our fate.   However, once we face the spiritual and mental realities of our plight, we could  have a chance to do something about it.

— Lawrence R. Spencer, Editor

Originally posted 2009-03-16 16:25:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
