Tag Archives: Chinese


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Alien Interview is now available as a printed book in Mandarin Chinese! China has the largest population of any nation.  (1,367,620,000).  Mandarin Chinese is spoken by 995 million Is-Bes in China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.  Chinese is the most common language spoken on planet Earth.  The first recorded dynasty in Chinese history existed more than 3500 years ago.

In the Alien Interview transcripts, Airl says:

“IS-BEs have been dumped on Earth from all over the galaxy, adjoining galaxies, and from planetary systems all over the “Old Empire”, like Sirius, Aldebaron, the Pleiades, Orion, Draconis, and countless others. There are IS-BEs on Earth from unnamed races, civilizations, cultural backgrounds, and planetary environments. Each of the various IS-BE populations have their own languages, belief systems, moral values, religious beliefs, training and unknown and untold histories.

These IS-BEs are mixed together with earlier inhabitants of Earth who came from another star system more than 400,000 years ago to establish the civilizations of Atlanta and Lemuria. Those civilizations vanished beneath the tidal waves caused by a planetary “polar shift”, many thousands of years before the current “prison” population started to arrive. Apparently, the IS-BEs from those star systems were the source of the original, oriental races of Earth, beginning in Australia.”

(The Chinese translation was created by our dear friend and Is-Be Alliance volunteer, Selena Tung.)

Originally posted 2014-10-31 19:24:06. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



Krakatoa island“…a massive submarine volcanic eruption in the region of Lake Toba, in Sumatra and Mt. Krakatoa in Java caused the destruction of Lemur.  The flood waters caused by the eruption overwhelmed all the land masses, including the highest mountains.  Survivors of the destruction of the civilization, the Lemurians, are the earliest ancestors of the Chinese.

Australia and the ocean areas to the north were the center of the Lemurian civilization and are the source of Oriental races.  Both civilizations possessed electronics, flight and similar technologies of space opera cultures.

Apparently, the volcanic eruption expelled such a significant mass of molten rock that the resulting vacuum beneath the crust of Earth caused great areas of the land masses to sink below the oceans.  The continental areas occupied by both civilizations were covered with volcanic matter, and then submerged, leaving very little evidence that they ever existed except for legends of a global flood which prevail in every culture of the Earth, and for survivors who are the genus of oriental races and cultures.”

— Excerpted from the transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview”

Originally posted 2010-01-12 16:39:20. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
