Category Archives: “The Domain”


Maya Conversation( Maya vase photograph ©Justin Kerr )

“3,200 BCE —  As I mentioned earlier, Earth was under attack between The Domain and the “Old Empire” forces during this period. Of course this does not make any sense to archaeologists or historians on Earth, because the Egyptian period is a space opera era period. Since Earth historians have amnesia, they assume that this was only a religious period.

 Further, because the technology and civilizations installed on Earth during this period were “pre-packaged”, they did not “evolve” on Earth. Of course, there is no evidence anywhere on Earth of an evolutionary transition which resulted in sophisticated mathematics, language, writing, religion, architecture, cultural traditions in Egypt or any of the pyramid civilizations. These cultures, complete with all of the details of racial body types, hair-styles, facial make-up, rituals, moral codes and so forth, just “appeared” as complete integrated packages.

 The physical evidence suggests that all evidence of the intervention of The Domain or “Old Empire” Forces, or any other extraterrestrial activity, has been carefully “cleaned up”, so as not to create suspicion. The “Old Empire” force does not want the IS-BEs of Earth to suspect that they have been captured, transplanted to Earth and brainwashed.”

~ Excerpt from the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

Editor’s Note:  All except 4 of many thousands of books of written language of the Maya civilization were burned by Catholic priests (Old Empire “prison guards”), and the educated scribes who could read and write the highly technical and extraordinarily artistic hieroglyphic language of the Maya were murdered. However, thousands of images of Maya writing have been salvaged from photographs of pottery, engravings and stone monuments.  Fortunately, there is a marvelous database of Maya vase photos by Justin Kerr and PDFs of writings, artworks, vases and other extremely rare artifacts of the Maya civilization on the following website: 

Originally posted 2015-06-25 23:45:29. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



Excerpt from a letter from Matilda MacElroy published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer:

“It has been almost exactly 40 years since the crash at Roswell.  Since then it has become obvious to me that I have been able to communicate telepathically with Airl for one reason: I am one of the 3,000 members of the Lost Battalion.  At this time, all of the members of the Lost Battalion have been located on Earth as a result of The Domain Annunaki Mission and their use of the “Tree of Life” detection device.

Through my communication with Airl, I have recovered some of my memory of lives I’ve spent on Earth over the past 8,000 years. Most of these memories are not especially important compared to the long backtrack of events, but it has been a necessary stepping stone to regaining my awareness and ability as an IS-BE.

I can also remember some dim patches of my life in The Domain Expeditionary Force.  I was a nurse there too.  For the most part I’ve been a nurse over and over and over again down through the ages. I stick with being a nurse because it is familiar to me. And,  I enjoy the work of helping people, as well as members of the race of biological beings in The Domain whose bodies look more like insects than mammals, especially their hands. Even doll bodies need some repair once in awhile, too.

As I remember more about my past, I realize that the rest of my life is in the future.  Eternity is not just in the past.  Eternity is in the future.  At this point I am still not able to fully return to The Domain.  I am sentenced to eternal imprisonment, like all other IS-BEs in the living Hell called Earth, until we can disable the “Old Empire” force screens.

Because I won’t keep my biological body much longer now, I am intensely aware that very soon I will be recycled through the amnesia process of the “Old Empire”, and stuck back into another baby body to start all over again — without any memory of what went before.

As you know, members of The Domain Expeditionary Force have been working to solve this problem for thousands of years. Airl says that even though The Domain has located all of the Lost Battalion officers and crew, the success of freeing them depends on the IS-BEs who are already on Earth. The Domain Central Command cannot authorize any personnel or resources, at this time, to conduct a “rescue mission” as this in not the primary mission of The Domain  Expeditionary Force in this galaxy.

So, if IS-BEs on Earth are going to escape from this prison, it will have to be an “inside job”, so to speak.  The inmates will have to figure out how to get themselves out.  Various methods of recovering the memory and ability of IS-BEs have been developed over the past 10,000 years on Earth, but none have proven to be consistently effective so far.

Airl mentioned that the most significant breakthrough was made by Gautama Siddhartha about 2,500 years ago. However, the original teachings and techniques taught by The Buddha have been altered or lost over the millennia since then.  The practical techniques of his philosophy were perverted into robotic religious rituals by priests as a self-serving instrument of control or slavery.”


Originally posted 2011-02-10 22:40:29. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“Members of the aerial unit of The Domain Search Party, led by Ahura Mazda, were often called “winged gods” in human interpretations. Throughout the Persian civilization there are a great many stone relief carvings that depict winged space craft, that they called a “faravahar”.

The Domain Search Party who located him traveled around the Earth searching for the lost Battalion for several thousand years. The party consisted of 900 officers of The Domain, divided into teams of 300 each. One team searched the land, another team search the oceans and the third team searched the space surrounding Earth. There are many reports made in various human civilizations concerning their activities, which humans did not understand, of course.

The Domain Search Party devised a wide variety of electronic detection devices needed to track the electronic signature or wavelength of each of the missing members of the Battalion. Some were used in space, others on land, and special devices were invented to detect IS-BEs under water.

Ahura MazdaOne of these electronic detection devices is referred to as a “tree of life”. The device is literally a tool designed to detect the presence of life, which is an IS-BE. This was a large electronic screen generator designed to permeate wide areas. To the ancient humans on Earth it resembled a sort of tree, since is consists of an interwoven lattice of electronic field generators and receivers. The electronic field detects the presence of IS-BEs, whether the IS-BE is occupying a body, or if they are outside a body.

A portable version of this detection device was carried by each of the members of The Domain Search Party. Stone carvings in Sumeria show winged beings using pinecone-shaped instruments to scan the bodies of human beings. They are also shown carrying the power unit for the scanner which are depicted as stylized baskets or water buckets, being carried by eagle-headed, winged beings.

“630 BCE — Zoroaster created religious practices in Persia around an IS-BE called Ahura Mazda. This was yet another of the growing number of “monotheistic” gods put in place by operatives of The Domain to displace a panoply of “Old Empire” gods.

— Excerpt from the book Alien Interview

Originally posted 2015-08-25 15:55:05. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
