Tag Archives: stepped of Mongolia


Khan Tengri_625“Before 30,000 BCE —

 Earth started being used as a dumping ground and prison for IS-BEs who were judged “untouchable”, meaning criminal or non-conformists.  IS-BEs were captured, encapsulated in electronic traps and transported to Earth from various parts of the “Old Empire”.  Underground “amnesia stations” were set up on Mars and on Earth in the Rwenzori Mountains  [i] (Footnote) in Africa, in the Pyrenees Mountains [ii] (Footnote) of Portugal, and in steppes of Mongolia.  [iii] (Footnote)

These electronic monitoring points create force screens designed to detect and capture IS-BEs, when the IS-BE departs the body at death.  IS-BEs are brainwashed using extreme electronic force in order to maintain Earth’s population in state of perpetual amnesia.  Further population controls are installed through the use of long range electronic thought control mechanisms.”

— Excerpt from the transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW

Rwenzori National Park_625[i] “… Rwenzori Mountains…”“The highest Rwenzoris are permanently snow-capped, and they, along with Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya are the only such in Africa. The Ruwenzoris are often identified with the “Mountains of the Moon” mentioned by Ptolemy.  The Ruwenzori are known for their vegetation, ranging from tropical rainforest through alpine meadows to snow; and for their animal population, including forest elephants, several primate species and many endemic birds.”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

Mount Perdido in Pyranese_625[ii] …” Pyrenees Mountains”…

 “The Pyrenees are named after Pyrene (fire in Greek) who was the daughter of Bebryx and was raped by Herakles. Terrified at giving birth to a serpent, she fled to the mountains and was either buried or eaten by wild animals. Herodotus located this legend in his map of the Oikumene as early as 450 BC.”

 — Reference:  Wikipedia.org

[iii] “… steppes of Mongolia…”

 “In the chaos of the late twelfth century, a chieftain named Temüjin finally succeeded in uniting the Mongol tribes between Manchuria and the Altai Mountains. In 1206, he took the title Genghis Khan, and he and his successors began expanding the Mongol Empire into the largest contiguous land empire in world history, going as far northwest as the Kievan Rus, and as far south as northern Vietnam, Tibet, Iran.”

— Reference:  Wikipedia.org

Originally posted 2013-12-09 01:53:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
