Tag Archives: Pearl Harbor attack


Pearl Harbor investigation

“Although there are no active battles or war being waged between The Domain and the “Old Empire”,  there still exists the covert actions of the “Old Empire” taken against Earth through their thought control operation.

When one knows that these activities exist, the effects can be observed clearly.  The most obvious examples of these actions against the human race can be seen as incidents of sudden, inexplicable behavior.  A very recent instance of this occurred in the United States military just before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Just three days before the attack, someone in authority ordered all the ships in Pearl Harbor to go into port and secure for inspection.  The ships were ordered to take all the ammunition out of their magazines, and store it below.  On the afternoon before attack all of the admirals and generals were attending parties, even though two Japanese aircraft carriers were discovered standing right off Pearl Harbor.

The obvious action to take would have been to contact Pearl Harbor by telephone to warn them of the danger of a fight starting and to put the ammunition back and order the ships to get out of port into open sea.

About six hours before the Japanese attack began, a U.S. navy ship sank a small Japanese submarine right outside the harbor.  Instead of contacting Pearl Harbor by telephone to report the incident,  a warning message was put into top secret code, which took about two hours to encode, and then it took another two hours to decode.  The word of warning to Pearl Harbor did not arrive until 10:00 AM Pearl Harbor time, Sunday — two hours after the Japanese attack destroyed the U.S. fleet.

How do things like this happen?

If the men who were responsible for these obviously disastrous errors were stood up and asked bluntly to justify their actions and intentions you would find out that they were quite sincere in their jobs.  Ordinarily, they do the very best they can do for people and nations.  However, all of a sudden,  from some completely unknown and undetectable source enters these wild, unexplainable situations that just ‘can’t exist’.

The “Old Empire” thought control operation is run by a small group of old “baboons” with very small minds.  They are playing insidious games with no purpose and no goal other than to control and destroy IS-BEs who could otherwise manage themselves perfectly well, if left alone.

These types of artificially created incidents are being forced upon the human race by the operators of the mind-control prison system. The prison guards will always promote and support oppressive or totalitarian activities of IS-BEs on Earth.  Why not keep the inmates fighting between themselves?  Why not empower madmen to run the governments of Earth?  The men who run the criminal governments of Earth mirror the commands given them by covert thought-controllers of the “Old Empire”.”

— Excerpted from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book Alien Interview, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer

Originally posted 2010-10-15 13:38:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
