“Every trap in the universe, including those used to capture IS-BEs who remain free, is “baited” with an aesthetic electronic wave.  The sensations caused by the aesthetic wavelength are more attractive to an IS-BE than any other sensation.  When the electronic waves of pain and beauty are combined together, this causes the IS-BE to get “stuck” in the body.

The “reproductive trigger” used for lesser life forms, such as cattle and other mammals, is triggered by chemicals emitted from the scent glands, combined with reproductive chemical-electrical impulses stimulated by testosterone, or estrogen.

These are also interactive with nutrition levels which cause the life form to reproduce more when deprived of food sources.  Starvation promotes reproductive activity as a means of perpetuating survival through future regenerations, when the current organism fails to survive.  These fundamental principles have been applied throughout all species of life.

The debilitating impact and addiction to the “sexual aesthetic-pain” electronic wave is the reason that the ruling class of The Domain do not inhabit flesh bodies.   This is also why officers of The Domain Forces only use doll bodies.  This wave has proven to be the most effective trapping device ever created in the history of the universe, as far as I know.”

— Excerpted from the top secret transcripts published in the book, Alien Interview

Originally posted 2010-06-07 09:03:17. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


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