“Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.  In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

1) the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.”


“…the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself, which is an  electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.”


“The Domain conquest of the central “Old Empire” planets was fought with electronic cannon.”


Excerpts from the Top Secret military transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


EDITORS’ NOTE: How is it possible, based on our knowledge of the effects of “lighting”, and our knowledge of the cloudless atmosphere of Mars, for “lighting” to create rock formations as seen below?

There exists a theory of lightning strikes as the means by which stone eggs form. “Based on research into the shape and size of so-called, “blueberries” on Mars, Dr. C. J. Ransom exposed samples of rock dust and soils to high voltage electric discharges. His results are remarkably similar to the Martian blueberries, and to other such accumulations of stone balls on Earth.”

“Marian Blueberries” exist in Argentina also (left image). They vary in sizes and often classified as “cannonball concretions”. The stones in Costa Rica, however, are thought to have been “carved by the Olmec civilization, because they’re often resting among huge stone heads, artifacts attributed to the Olmecs.” (info)

These mysterious sphere formations even crop out on Mars – scientists call them “Martian blueberries”! –

There exists a theory of lightning strikes as the means by which stone eggs form. “Based on research into the shape and size of so-called, “blueberries” on Mars, Dr. C. J. Ransom exposed samples of rock dust and soils to high voltage electric discharges. His results are remarkably similar to the Martian blueberries, and to other such accumulations of stone balls on Earth.”

Here is the evidence of the hollow interior of these spheres (some tourists seem to get carried away with this feature):

Originally posted 2011-09-08 16:18:19. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



  1. Hi Lawrence,
    Talk about synchronicity! I watch a video with Peggy Kane who was talking about the electronic net around the earth. I sent you the link to that video. Then I had a dream about flying…. then I say I really gotta contact you, and there on your fb profile is another reminder.

    So here goes, since I was very young I dreamed that I was flying. When I got older I would dream that I was flying high in the air, but at a certain point would reach a ceiling, or I would have to fly through the wires, or figure out someway to get through the obstacles that were over head. Over time, with determination, I developed a way to “pierce” through whatever was stopping me, it seemed to change from dream to dream, but it was always something. In some instances, I would go so high, like in the mountains or something, other times I would get caught up in the trees. Once I mastered getting through I would find myself seated among elders.. Strange indeed, they seem to have been waiting for me or something. In other dreams I would teach women how to fly. I would use flying as a means to get away from danger, or to go faster if I was running. Sometimes, if I was chased by a man, I would jump up, as fast as I could and take flight. Once I got intot he air, the men would have a hard time catching me, although there were some men who could fly that high (I always saw that as a sexual thing, but anyways).
    So back to the electronic canon thingamabob…. I recently dreamed that I was riding on my bike along a terrain that was very bumpy and insecure, I decided to take my bike and fly over to an area that was smoother. I can hear the folks who saw me do it now, they said” Wow, how did you do that??” When I got into the air, I am flying and riding my bike (okay, no wicked witch music here sir!!) I see a man from Africa, judging from his accent he was from Ghana. He complimented me on my ability to fly, then he said, “You know that first flight was a catastrophe, right?” So I am thinking he is talking about the Wright Brothers. “Why did you say that?” I asked. “Because it ended up in a fiery explosion! Of course after a while it got better but that first flight ended with a lot of wreckage all over the place.” I remember thinking that it is about trial and error and how many times I have tried to fly in my dreams and the obstacles that I encountered. But the words wreckage, fiery explosion put another spin on it, and brought me back to that after life journey we have been sentenced to on this earth plane by the Old Empire. My dreams over the years were talking about that, and I just realized it!!! No wonder you have to live for thousands of years to really get it!!

    That fiery explosion, and wreckage from that cycle of entry into or attempt to get out of the electronic net around this planet is a defining description. I do believe we can over come it, we have the power to remember, but look at all the work we have to do to do so. It could take thousands of incarnational cycles to penetrate the veil!!!

    Peace & Blessings

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