Tag Archives: lifetimes


“You, and every IS-BE on Earth, have participated in the creation of this universe.  Even though you are now confined to a fragile body made of flesh; you live for only 65 short rotations of your planet around a star; you have been given overwhelming electric shock treatments to wipe out your memory; you must learn everything all over again each lifetime; in spite of all these circumstances, you are who you are and will always be.  And, deep down, you still know that your are and what you know.  You are still the essence of you.

How else can one understand the child prodigy?  An IS-BE who plays concertos on a piano at three years of age, without formal training?  Impossible, if they did not simply remember what they have already learned from thousands of lives spent in front of a keyboard in times untold, or on planets far away.  They may not know how they know.  They just know.

Humankind has developed more technology in the past 100 years than in the previous 2,000 years.  Why?”

— Except from the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW


Originally posted 2011-10-31 14:24:44. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
