Category Archives: volcanoes


( See Part II of the video at this link: )

“Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.  In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

1) the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.”


“…the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself, which is an  electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.”


“The Domain conquest of the central “Old Empire” planets was fought with electronic cannon.”


“5,965 BCE — Investigations into the disappearance of Domain forces in this solar system led to the discovery of “Old Empire” bases on Mars and elsewhere.”


“Underground “amnesia stations” were set up on Mars…”


“Unbeknownst to The Domain, a hidden, underground base on Mars, operated by the “Old Empire”, had existed for a very long time.  The Domain base was wiped out by a military attack from the Mars base and the IS-BEs of The Domain Expeditionary Force were captured.”


“…this Domain officer was able to escape from the underground base after 27 years in captivity.  When he escaped from the “Old Empire” base, he returned immediately to his own base in the asteroid belt.  His commanding officer ordered that a battle cruiser be dispatched to the coordinates of the base  provided by this officer and to destroy that base completely. This “Old Empire” base was located a few hundred miles north of the equator on Mars in the Cydonia region.”


— Excerpted from Top Secret transcripts published in the book, ALIEN INTERVIEW, edited by Lawrence R. Spencer


EDITOR’S COMMENT: It is interesting to note that the “anomalies” observed in the features of the Martian landscape (WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE) could be explained by the use of “electronic cannon”, by The Domain to destroy the Old Empire underground bases on Mars, as mentioned in the excerpts from the Alien Interview transcripts above.

You can read about it in “TMA-1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars” on UFO Digest.  Editor Robert Morningstar informs me that he “reported this at an AIAA peer Review Tech Conference at Johns Hopkins University on October 30th, 2004 and NASA took 2 years to confirm it, but they did. I dubbed it a Martian “Aurora Australo-Borialis.” ”  See the article at the following link:

Originally posted 2011-06-20 13:48:19. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



“Earth, inherently, is a highly unstable planet. It is not suitable for settlement or permanent habitation for any sustainable civilization.  This is part of the reason why it is being used as a prison planet.  No one else would seriously consider living here for a variety of simple and compelling reasons:  

1) The continental land masses of Earth are floating on a sea of molten lava beneath the surface which causes the land masses to crack, crumble and drift continually. [i] (Footnote) 

2) Because of the liquid nature of the core, the planet is largely volcanic and subject to earthquakes and volcanic explosions.  

3) The magnetic poles of the planet shift radically about once every 20,000 years. [ii] (Footnote)  This causes a greater or lesser degree of devastation as a result of tidal waves, and climatic changes.

— Excerpt from the TOP SECRET transcript of interview published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW


[i]  “The land masses continually crack, crumble and drift.”

Plate tectonics (from Greek τέκτων, tektōn “builder” or “mason”) is a theory of geology that has been developed to explain the observed evidence for large scale motions of the Earth’s lithosphere. The theory encompassed and superseded the older theory of continental drift from the first half of the 20th century and the concept of seafloor spreading developed during the 1960s.

The outermost part of the Earth’s interior is made up of two layers: above is the lithosphere, comprising the crust and the rigid uppermost part of the mantle. Below the lithosphere lies the asthenosphere. Although solid, the asthenosphere has relatively low viscosity and shear strength and can flow like a liquid on geological time scales. The deeper mantle below the asthenosphere is more rigid again. This is, however, not because of cooler temperatures but due to high pressure.

The lithosphere is broken up into what are called tectonic plates — in the case of Earth, there are seven major and many minor plates. The lithospheric plates ride on the asthenosphere. These plates move in relation to one another at one of three types of plate boundaries: convergent or collision boundaries, divergent or spreading boundaries, and transform boundaries. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along plate boundaries. The lateral movement of the plates is typically at speeds of 5 – 10 centimeters / yr.”

— Reference:

[ii] The magnetic poles of the planet shift radically about once every 20,000 years”.

“The pole shift theory is a hypothesis that the axis of rotation of a planet has not always been at its present-day locations or that the axis will not persist there; in other words, that its physical poles had been or will be shifted. Pole shift theory is almost always discussed in the context of Earth, but other solar system bodies may have experienced axial reorientation during their existences.

Pole shift theories are not to be confused with plate tectonics, the well-accepted geological theory that the Earth’s surface consists of solid plates which shift over a fluid asthenosphere; nor with continental drift, the corollary to plate tectonics which maintains that locations of the continents have moved slowly over the face of the earth, resulting in the gradual emerging and breakup of continents and oceans over hundreds of millions of years.

Pole shift theories are also not to be confused with Geomagnetic reversal, the periodic reversal of the earth’s magnetic field (effectively switching the north and south magnetic poles). Geomagnetic reversal has more acceptance in the scientific community than pole shift theories.”

— Reference:

Originally posted 2013-12-11 21:14:33. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



Originally posted 2015-02-21 00:04:16. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
