Humans sacrificed by their "leaders"

Any undesirable IS-BEs who are sentenced to Earth were classified as “untouchable” by the “Old Empire”.  This included anyone that the “Old Empire” judged to be criminals who are too vicious to be reformed or subdued…” (Quoted from Alien Interview transcripts)

One of the smallest number of the population of the Earth prison planet inmates includes psychopathic murderers that are “too vicious to be reformed…” even for the “Old Empire.  Although the total number of these beings are relatively few, compared to the entire population of Earth, they play a vital role in keeping Earth in a continuous state of turmoil, and self-destruction.  To the degree that the other members of Earth population, who are, for the most part, decent, peace loving beings, allow the monstrous criminals too operate, keeps the entire planet in a perpetual state of misery.  Factually, the only power these maniacs have to control the Earth is the power given to them by the rest of us.

To the degree that people continue to be lemmings, following the criminally insane into self-destructive war, they will endure.  The most murderous criminals in history make “Jack The Ripper” look like a truly small timers.  Consider that billions of people who have been murdered by bankers who supply the money to weapons manufacturers, who buy psychotic politicians, who recruit soldiers to murder each other for the sake of power and financial profit of a few truly murderous lunatics.  These lunatics, just like Ceasar, Ghengis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler and Kissinger always lead everyone, including themselves, into total destruction.

Why do we allow ourselves to be murdered by these madmen? According to information contained in the “Alien Interview” transcripts, this is part of the plan for the inmates of prison planet Earth.  If you haven’t read the transcripts, read them now and find out for yourself.

For a detailed list of modern-day mass murderers, visit the following website:  http://www.ruckus.org/warprofiteers/

Originally posted 2009-04-02 22:46:56. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


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