PART 3 in a series of discussions between Lawrence R. Spencer, editor of the book, Alien Interview, and Exopolitics Radio show host Mark Snider. The show aired on September 18th, 2010. This is a follow-up on two earlier discussions about the content and implications of the Top Secret transcripts published in the book ALIEN INTERVIEW. If you missed the earlier discussions, you can also listen to PART 1 and PART 2 here.
Originally posted 2010-09-18 12:45:44. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Thank you for the 3 interviews. They are truly captivating. I’ve been magnetically attracted to this story for over a year now. I drew a large, crisp and clear high-resolution version of the Domain’s logo and keep it on my desktop … along with the AI pdf. How does one discover if they are part of the Domain’s population? As I said … I do feel a certain, compelling magnetism to the Domain … that I’ve not felt with any other group or family. Thanks again!
Hi Highwhistler,
As far as I can determine, the entire experience of the Domain, according to the letters and transcripts, is quite personal and subjective. Therefore, it seems to me that whether or not you are part of, or in communication with, The Domain is up to you. If you have any insight into their thoughts and activities, please feel free to share them with the rest of us!
Thank you Lawrence! I’ve not found words at this time to describe the inner, expansive magnetic attraction to The Domain. But when I do … I certainly will express them here.
In the mean time, I will share with you and all others, 3 things that I’ve worked on regarding Alien Interview and The Domain.
First, here is a link to The Domain symbol that I mentioned in my first post, above. I re-drew the small symbol that you have in the book, from scratch, in a larger size and in high resolution. This jpg graphic is 10″ x 10″, 300 dpi, and 1.4mb:
How does an artist living on this prison planet, who has just started to emerge from amnesia … how does he visualize his true nature as an IS-BE? Well … I gave it a shot. He-he-he … Of course, no image can accurately describe an IS-BE, and so just consider this to be a symbolic representation. This art may help some of us expand our imagination about who we really are. This is a poster-sized piece of visionary art, 26″ x 36″, 200 dpi, 11 mb, saved as a pdf … that everyone is welcome to have, share and print. It is titled “You are an Immortal Spiritual Being”:
And finally, here a link to the 3 interviews that Lawrence gave recently on Ohio Exopolitics — all put together into a single 3-hour mp3, with clicks, pops and hiss removed, and I took a liberty to fade the music in and out. I created this for my own listening pleasure so that I can play it while working … but here it is for anyone who wishes to download this large 40 mb file:
Dear Highwhistler,
Thank you very much for your creative contributions!