Editors Note: The concept that “The trap is activated and energized by the IS-BE’s own thought energy” is demonstrated in this Star Trek: Voyager episode in which Captain Janeway realizes that she must AGREE to enter into an aesthetic force field that promises beauty and reunion with loved ones.  Agreement is a manifestation of thought energy created by the Is-Be themselves.

“Since an IS-BE cannot be “killed”, the objective has been to capture and immobilize IS-BEs. This has been done in an nearly unlimited variety of ways. The most basic method to capture and immobilize an IS-BE is through the use of various kinds of “traps”.

IS-BE traps have been made and put in place by many invading societies, such as the one that established the “Old Empire”, beginning about sixty-four trillion years ago. Traps are often set up in the “territory” of the IS-BEs being attacked. Usually a trap is set with the electronic wave of “beauty” to attract the interest and attention of the IS-BE. When the IS-BE moves toward the source of the aesthetic wave, such as a beautiful building or beautiful music, the trap is activated by the energy put out by the IS-BE.

One of the most common trap mechanism uses the IS-BE’s own thought energy output when the IS-BE tries to attack or fight back against the trap. The trap is activated and energized by the IS-BE’s own thought energy. The harder the IS-BE fights against the trap, the more it pulls the IBS toward it and keeps them “stuck” in the trap.”

— excerpted from the book Alien Interview

Originally posted 2014-10-13 10:46:43. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
