This a link the an interview I did today with Aaron Moriarty on Blogtalk Radio.
( The interview begins at 02:45 )
Originally posted 2012-11-03 00:09:12. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Hi Alex!
Have you transcription of this radio interview? :)
No, there is no transcription.
When the date popped up BCE as coming from the alien I realized it was just another fictional writing . If this was taken from a diary from someone at the Roswell crash the Gregorian Calendar was still intact . BC is for “Before Christ” and AD for Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of the Lord”, The Gregorian Calendar was hijacked by Atheist in the late 1980s to early 1990s and Before Christ became BCE “Before Common Era and AD became CE “Common Era” to remove Christ from the Gregorian Calendar that was created as the time of our Lord . The fact that the alien and any date that’s in this writing has CE or BCE in the date reference proves it wasn’t from a diary but from the mind of the writer . I almost believed it was real . I have to admit that he is a talented writer . Too bad he didn’t have an actual diary .
When the date popped up BCE as coming from the alien I realized it was just another fictional writing . If this was taken from a diary from someone at the Roswell crash the Gregorian Calendar was still intact . BC is for “Before Christ” and AD for Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of the Lord”, The Gregorian Calendar was hijacked by Atheist in the late 1980s to early 1990s and Before Christ became BCE “Before Common Era” and AD became CE “Common Era” to remove Christ from the Gregorian Calendar that was created as the time of our Lord . The fact that the alien and any date that’s in this writing has CE or BCE in the date reference proves it wasn’t from a diary but from the mind of the writer . I almost believed it was real . I have to admit that he is a talented writer . Too bad he didn’t have an actual diary .
Darryl to
If the content of this book is not actually happening in our objectivity, that is, if the content of this book is just a fantasy conceived in the author’s head, why did you launch such a site? Is it?
Also, if you have so concluded the content of this book from mere fantasy and those knowledge that may be false knowledge in you, why are you here proving that the content of this book is a fantasy? Was it necessary? why did you come here
BCE/CE was first used in the 17th century.