“Since Airl could read English very fluently, the Secretary asked if they could be allowed to observe for themselves while Airl read the transcripts, and verify that they were correct in writing. They wanted her to write on a copy of the transcript whether the “translations” were correct, or not, and make a note of anything that was not accurate on the transcripts. Of course, I had no choice but to obey orders and I did exactly what the Secretary requested
I was given a copy of the transcripts, with a signature page, which I was to show to Airl. After Airl completed her review, I was also directed to request that Airl sign the cover-page, attesting that all of the translations in the transcripts were correct, as amended by her.
About an hour later I entered the interview room, as instructed, with copies of the transcripts and signature page to deliver to Airl as the members of the gallery, including the Generals, (and Mr. Lindberg also, I presume) and others watched through the glass of the gallery room.
I went to my usual seat, sitting 4 or 5 feet across from Airl. I presented the envelope of transcripts to Airl, and passed on the instructions I had received from the Secretary, telepathically. Airl looked at me, and looked at the envelope, without accepting it.
Airl said: “If you have read them and they are accurate in your own estimation, there is no need for me to review them also. The translations are correct. You can tell your commander that you have faithfully conveyed a record of our communication.”
I assured Airl that I had read them, and they were exact recordings of everything I told the transcription typist.
“Will you sign the cover page then?”, I asked.
“No, I will not.”, said Airl.
“May I ask why not?”, I said. I was a little confused as to why she wasn’t willing to do such a simple thing.
“If your commander does not trust his own staff to make an honest and accurate report to him, what confidence will my signature on the page give him? Why will he trust an ink mark on a page made by an officer of The Domain, if he does not trust his own, loyal staff?”
I didn’t quite know what to say to that. I couldn’t argue with Airl’s logic, and I couldn’t force her to sign the document either. I sat in my chair for a minute wondering what to do next. I thanked Airl and told her I needed to go ask my superiors for further instructions. I placed the envelope of the transcripts in the inside breast pocket of my uniform jacket and began to rise from my chair.
At that moment the door from the gallery room slammed open! Five heavily armed military police rushed into the room! A man in a white laboratory coat followed closely behind them. He pushed a small cart that carried a box-shaped machine with a lot of dials on the face of it.
Before I could react, two of the MPs grabbed Airl and held her firmly down in the overstuffed chair she had been sitting on since the first day of our interviews together. The two other MPs grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back down on my chair and held me there. The other MP stood directly in front of Airl, pointing a rifle directly at her, not more than six inches from her head.
The man in the lab coat quickly wheeled the cart behind Airl’s chair. He deftly placed a circular head band over Airl’s head and turned back to the machine on the cart. Suddenly, he shouted the word “clear!”
The soldiers who were holding Airl released her. At that instant I saw Airl’s body stiffen and shudder. This lasted for about 15 or 20 seconds. The machine operator turned a knob on the machine and Airl’s body slumped back into the chair. After a few seconds he turned the knob again and Airl’s body stiffened as before. He repeated the same process several more times.
I sat in my chair, being held down all the while by the MPs. And I didn’t understand what was going on. I was terrified and transfixed by what was happening! I couldn’t believe it!
After a few minutes several other men wearing white lab coats entered the room. They briefly examined Airl who was now slumped listlessly in the chair. They mumbled a few words to each other. One of the men waved to the gallery window. A gurney was immediately rolled into the room by two attendants. These men lifted Airl’s limp body onto the gurney, strapped her down across her chest and arms, and rolled it out of the room.
I was immediately escorted out of the interview room by the MPs and taken directly to my quarters, where I was locked in my room with the MPs remaining at guard outside the door.
After about half an hour there was a knock at the door to my quarters. When I opened it General Twining (EDITOR NOTE: SEE SPECIAL FOOTNOTE BELOW) entered, together with the machine operator in the white lab coat. The General introduced the man to me as Dr. Wilcox. [i] (Footnote). He asked me to accompany him and the doctor. We left the room, followed by the MPs. After several twists and turns through the complex we entered a small room where Airl had been wheeled on the gurney.
The General told me that Airl and The Domain were considered to be a very great military threat to the United States. Airl had been “immobilized” so that she could not depart and return to her base, as she said she would do in the interview. It would be a very grave risk to national security to allow Airl to report what she observed during her time at the base. So, it had been determined that decisive action was needed to prevent this.
The General asked me if I understood why this was necessary. I said that I did, although I most certainly did not agree that it was the least bit necessary and I certainly did not agree with the “surprise attack” on Airl and me in the interview room! However, I said nothing about this to the General because I was very afraid of what might happen to me and Airl if I protested.
Dr. Wilcox asked me to approach the gurney and stand next to Airl. Airl lay perfectly still and unmoving on the bed. I could not tell whether she was alive or dead. Several other men in white lab coats, who I assumed were also doctors, stood on the opposite side of the bed. They had connected two pieces of monitoring equipment to Airl’s head, arms and chest. One of these devices I recognized from my training as a surgical nurse as an EEG machine [ii] (Footnote) which is used to detect electrical activity in the brain. The other device was a normal hospital room vital signs monitor, which I knew would be useless since Airl did not have a biological body.
Dr. Wilcox explained to me that he had administered a series of “mild” electroshocks to Airl in an attempt to subdue her long enough to allow the military authorities time to evaluate the situation and determine what to do with Airl.
He asked me to attempt to communicate with Airl, telepathically.
I tried for several minutes but couldn’t sense any communication from Airl. I couldn’t even sense whether Airl was present in the body any longer!
“I think you must have killed her”, I said to the doctor.”
EDITOR’S SPECIAL FOOTNOTE REGARDING GENERAL TWINNING, COURTESY OF WWW.AFTERDISCLOSURE.COM: “September 23, 1947 is the day a top U.S. General said, in writing, that UFOs were real.
Right at the beginning of the “modern” UFO era — three months after Kenneth Arnold and two months after Roswell — General Nathan Twining, Head of the U.S. Air Materiel Command (AMC), wrote a classified letter to Air Force General George Schulgen regarding the “flying discs.” He said the objects were “real and not visionary or fictitious.”
[i] “…Dr. Wilcox…”
Paul h. Wilcox, M. D. The Traverse City State Hospital, Traverse City, Michigan.
Is the author of the following article, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in August of 1947:
“A Review of Over 23,000 Treatments Using Unidirectional Currents
1. Forty percent of the most chronic patients showed significant improvement in ward behavior if adequately and repeatedly treated with suitable type of electroshock therapy. Relapses must be treated whenever they occur over months and years.
2. At least 60% of early cases, aged 60 or under, were rehabilitated within 1 year when adequately treated and 65% by the end of the second year after the start of treatment.
3. Adequate treatment means intensive treatment until the expected improvement has occurred and intensive treatment of relapses when they occur. No patient, otherwise suitable who still is not rehabilitated after 1 year, has had an adequate trial of treatment with less than 20 treatments.
4. An ideal therapy is one which achieves beneficial results without causing accumulating brain damage, thus permitting its use repeatedly for years if necessary.
5. This ideal is approached by the relatively low intensity 60-cycle pulsating direct current used in the treatment of the patients reviewed in this paper. This technique also has been accompanied by an exceptionally low percentage of skeletal complications.”
— Reference: American Journal of Psychiatry 104:100-112, August 1947, doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.104.2.100 © 1947 American Psychiatric Association
[ii] “…Electroencephalograph…”
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain as recorded from electrodes placed on the scalp. (EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain as recorded from electrodes placed on the scalp.
— Reference: Wikipedia.org
Originally posted 2011-04-17 23:12:26. Republished by Blog Post Promoter